Peter Saracen


Much Ado
Hero and Beatrice, cousins and best friends, have very different approaches to love. Beatrice, burned once, is fiercely avoiding her arrogant ex-boyfriend Benedick and has sworn off men in general. Hero, a true romantic, is deeply in love with Benedick's friend Claudio, but too shy to say it. When they get trapped in a house with the entire boys rugby team, they'll be forced to face the questions they'd been avoiding.
Os Miseráveis
Ensemble 'At the End of the Day'
Na França do século 19, o ex-prisioneiro Jean Valjean, perseguido ao longo de décadas pelo impiedoso policial Javert por ter violado sua liberdade condicional, busca redenção pelo seu passado e decide acolher a filha da prostituta Fantine.