Claire Machin

Claire Machin


Claire Machin


Flowers For Mrs. Harris
Violet Butterfield / French Charlady / Dior Dressmaker
Ada Harris spends her days dusting, darning, polishing and scrubbing. But her first glimpse of a ravishing Christian Dior dress sets her off on a journey that will change her life forever. From the cobbled streets of post-war London to the shimmering avenues of Paris, Ada transforms the lives of everyone she meets along the way; but can she let go of the past and finally allow her own life to blossom?
Os Miseráveis
Ensemble Turning Women
Na França do século 19, o ex-prisioneiro Jean Valjean, perseguido ao longo de décadas pelo impiedoso policial Javert por ter violado sua liberdade condicional, busca redenção pelo seu passado e decide acolher a filha da prostituta Fantine.