Lukáš Kantor


The Man Who Stood In the Way
Josef Špaček
A drama that tells the story of the physician and politician MUDr. František Kriegel, the hero of the Prague Spring of 1968, who was arrested and kidnapped to Moscow on the night of August 21st together with five leaders of the party and the state (Dubček, Černík, Smrkovský, Špaček and Šimon). He was the only Czechoslovak politician who managed to stand up to Brezhnev in Moscow captivity, even under the threat of liquidation, and not to sign the Moscow Protovol which meant agreeing to the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
Num Céu Azul Escuro
Após a Tchecoslováquia ser invadida pelo exército nazista em plena 2ª Guerra Mundial, diversos pilotos tchecos decidem voar até a Inglaterra. Lá eles tomam parte da Real Força Aérea Britânica, a RAF, e passam a combater o próprio exército nazista. Entretanto, ao retornar ao seu país-natal após o término da guerra, dois amigos são presos em um campo de concentração ao serem considerados anti-comunistas.
Sedmero krkavců
bratr Jaroslav
The story of the film is based on the classical tale about seven naughty sons, whom their mother cursed in anger and thus turned into ravens. When their youngest sister grew up, she decides to find her brothers and to free them. However, she falls in love with a young Prince.