Maria Peters

Maria Peters

Nascimento : 1958-03-30, Willemstad, Curaçao, Netherlands Antilles


Maria Peters is a Dutch film director and screenwriter and one of the founders of Shooting Star Filmcompany, along with her husband Dave Schram.


Maria Peters


Juf Braaksel en De Magische Ring
Antonia: Uma Sinfonia
Baseado na história real de Antonia Brico que, na Nova Iorque de 1930, tornou-se a primeira mulher a conduzir, com sucesso, uma orquestra. Ela ousou seguir o sonho de se tornar uma maestrina, embora ninguém acreditasse ser possível.
Antonia: Uma Sinfonia
Baseado na história real de Antonia Brico que, na Nova Iorque de 1930, tornou-se a primeira mulher a conduzir, com sucesso, uma orquestra. Ela ousou seguir o sonho de se tornar uma maestrina, embora ninguém acreditasse ser possível.
Scenario Writer
When a boy is framed after an act of senseless violence by his friends, they turn against him for trying to tell the truth.
When a boy is framed after an act of senseless violence by his friends, they turn against him for trying to tell the truth.
A zoo veterinarian gets caught up in a grisly adventure as she finds herself leading the city-wide hunt for a monstrous lion terrorizing the Dutch capital of Amsterdam.
Casper has never met his father and lives alone with his mother Marit. He likes to spend his free time playing the piano, so he is thrilled when he is chosen to become a pianist in a youth orchestra – and especially when he makes friends with Anouk. She knows what Casper is going through when he learns that his mother is seriously ill: Marit has cancer. Scared of what might happen to her, Casper and his best friend Pim decide to find his father.
Um Grito de Socorro
Jochem é um adolescente gordinho que sofre bullying nas mãos de um grupo de colegas da escola. Alguns até tentam ajudar, mas a situação sai do controle quando o garoto é forçado a ficar bêbado numa festa. Sentindo-se culpado por não ter apoiado o colega, David resolve procurá-lo, sem imaginar que talvez seja tarde demais para ajudar Jochem. Vencedor do prêmio de melhor filme nos festivais infanto-juvenis Carrousel, no Canadá, e Cinekid, em Amsterdã.
Um Grito de Socorro
Jochem é um adolescente gordinho que sofre bullying nas mãos de um grupo de colegas da escola. Alguns até tentam ajudar, mas a situação sai do controle quando o garoto é forçado a ficar bêbado numa festa. Sentindo-se culpado por não ter apoiado o colega, David resolve procurá-lo, sem imaginar que talvez seja tarde demais para ajudar Jochem. Vencedor do prêmio de melhor filme nos festivais infanto-juvenis Carrousel, no Canadá, e Cinekid, em Amsterdã.
Mike Says Goodbye!
After bouncing back from leukemia, 10-year-old Mike is ready to leave the hospital, but his mother never arrives to take him home.
Cop vs. Killer
Enigmatic Dutch crime lord Mirko is always a step ahead of the national police team. When Mirko's gang are forced to kill Russian mob baron Jegor's cousin Oleg, the cops hope their time has come. Both sides resort to dirty tricks, testing loyalties and using the antagonists' daughters and independent pimp Aziz for blackmail, which makes several bloody victims.
Sven (15) will be director and has been busy filming. He films his friends, especially those to do free running and put the videos on YouTube. He asks Roosmarijn to work on his first feature film. They may not know that he gets a thrashing at home regularly. He manages his bruises for anyone to hide until he one day so badly that he absconds with his grandmother. Thus he misses his birthday. Roosmarijn thinks he likes her anymore and his friends are angry with him. He decides to once and for all to deal with his father until he discovered why his father beats him.
Sonny Boy
O filme conta a história real de Rika van der Lans, mãe de quatro crianças que se separou do marido após tê-lo flagrado com a empregada da casa. Conhece e se apaixona por Waldemar Nods, jovem sarinamês 17 anos mais jovem e que se hospeda em sua pousada. Eles enfrentam o preconceito racial e a chegada da SS nazista. Filme escolhido pela Holanda para representar o país no Oscar 2012.
Sonny Boy
O filme conta a história real de Rika van der Lans, mãe de quatro crianças que se separou do marido após tê-lo flagrado com a empregada da casa. Conhece e se apaixona por Waldemar Nods, jovem sarinamês 17 anos mais jovem e que se hospeda em sua pousada. Eles enfrentam o preconceito racial e a chegada da SS nazista. Filme escolhido pela Holanda para representar o país no Oscar 2012.
Sonny Boy
O filme conta a história real de Rika van der Lans, mãe de quatro crianças que se separou do marido após tê-lo flagrado com a empregada da casa. Conhece e se apaixona por Waldemar Nods, jovem sarinamês 17 anos mais jovem e que se hospeda em sua pousada. Eles enfrentam o preconceito racial e a chegada da SS nazista. Filme escolhido pela Holanda para representar o país no Oscar 2012.
Lover of Loser
When teen Eva falls for a stranger who then helps abduct her, it's up to her mild-mannered sweetheart, Mees, to find and rescue her.
Lover of Loser
When teen Eva falls for a stranger who then helps abduct her, it's up to her mild-mannered sweetheart, Mees, to find and rescue her.
In Radeloos heeft Yara al een poosje een oogje op Paco, die bij haar op school zit en als DJ plaatjes draait op feesten. Maar Paco heeft wat met Floor en ziet haar niet staan. Komt het misschien omdat ze te dik is? Yara's moeder wil dat haar dochter fotomodel wordt maar eigenlijk wil Yara naar de kunstacademie. Ze besluit af te vallen door minder te gaan eten. Zo slaat ze twee vliegen in één klap:
De ouders van Isa en haar oudere broer Kars gooien het roer om en beginnen een camping in Frankrijk. Isa en Kars hebben het gevoel naar Timboektoe te verhuizen en alles te verliezen. Lang klagen ze gelukkig niet, want al snel maken ze nieuwe vrienden. Maar terwijl nieuwe vriendschappen opbloeien, komt camping Timboektoe in de problemen. Niet ver bij hen vandaan is een andere camping geopend en de onsympathieke eigenaar probeert camping Timboektoe aan alle kanten te beschadigen. Het ziet er zelfs naar uit dat de camping moet sluiten…. Zal het Isa en Kars lukken om Timboektoe open te houden?
XTC Just Don't Do It
Melissa is a 15-year-old girl who loves to dance. Her parents think she is taking classes in classical ballet, but once at the dance school she devotes herself to the hip-hop dance classes. Melissa is good friends with Jordi and he is very happy for Melissa when she is asked to dance in the music video of the famous rapper Brainpower. But because of bad influences, her life becomes a nightmare. Until her real friends decide to get her out of there.
XTC Just Don't Do It
Melissa is a 15-year-old girl who loves to dance. Her parents think she is taking classes in classical ballet, but once at the dance school she devotes herself to the hip-hop dance classes. Melissa is good friends with Jordi and he is very happy for Melissa when she is asked to dance in the music video of the famous rapper Brainpower. But because of bad influences, her life becomes a nightmare. Until her real friends decide to get her out of there.
Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown
Peter Bell and his Black Hand gang tangle with evil newspaper tycoon Stark once again, as the latter schemes to steal a priceless royal crown with his two cronies.
Peter Bell II: The Hunt for the Czar Crown
Peter Bell and his Black Hand gang tangle with evil newspaper tycoon Stark once again, as the latter schemes to steal a priceless royal crown with his two cronies.
Peter Bell
Peter is a cheerful -- but not very obedient -- boy from a very ordinary family in pre-war Rotterdam. His many pranks amuse some and cause a lot of trouble to others, even making the front pages of the big city newspapers. His growing popularity brings him many new friends, but also some very powerful enemies.
Peter Bell
Peter is a cheerful -- but not very obedient -- boy from a very ordinary family in pre-war Rotterdam. His many pranks amuse some and cause a lot of trouble to others, even making the front pages of the big city newspapers. His growing popularity brings him many new friends, but also some very powerful enemies.
Little Crumb
Scenario Writer
The film is based on the popular Dutch childrens book by Chris van Abkoude. In a Dutch port in 1921 lives a 10-year-old orphan boy known to everyone simply as Little Crumb. His poverty-stricken mother Lize van Dien filled with shame was forced to turn him over to Mrs. Koster soon after he was born. Foster mother Mrs. Koster, who has cared for him since he was a baby, is very poor too, unable to support him by herself and proves to be a cruel taskmaster who insists Crumb bring her money before shell feed him. Somehow he must earn his keep out on the streets and can only go home after he has earned enough money. Crumb becomes an urchin stealing from the streets barrows and the shops to stay alive, sleeping in churches or huddled in doorways. Sometimes he has to run off from the police and he has earned the enmity of the most grownups around him.
Little Crumb
The film is based on the popular Dutch childrens book by Chris van Abkoude. In a Dutch port in 1921 lives a 10-year-old orphan boy known to everyone simply as Little Crumb. His poverty-stricken mother Lize van Dien filled with shame was forced to turn him over to Mrs. Koster soon after he was born. Foster mother Mrs. Koster, who has cared for him since he was a baby, is very poor too, unable to support him by herself and proves to be a cruel taskmaster who insists Crumb bring her money before shell feed him. Somehow he must earn his keep out on the streets and can only go home after he has earned enough money. Crumb becomes an urchin stealing from the streets barrows and the shops to stay alive, sleeping in churches or huddled in doorways. Sometimes he has to run off from the police and he has earned the enmity of the most grownups around him.
The Purse Snatcher
Alex is very close to his elderly grandmother partly because his busy parents seem to have little or no time for him. One day he surprises two boys from his school leaving her house and is shocked to find her tied up inside – they have robbed her! Alex is sworn to secrecy as his gran is worried that her daughter will think her incompetent. This secret leads Alex into trouble as the two boys accost him in the street and bully him into becoming a pickpocket ("tasjesdief") for them, mugging old ladies. Alex learns how to deal with this situation in the end.
The Purse Snatcher
Alex is very close to his elderly grandmother partly because his busy parents seem to have little or no time for him. One day he surprises two boys from his school leaving her house and is shocked to find her tied up inside – they have robbed her! Alex is sworn to secrecy as his gran is worried that her daughter will think her incompetent. This secret leads Alex into trouble as the two boys accost him in the street and bully him into becoming a pickpocket ("tasjesdief") for them, mugging old ladies. Alex learns how to deal with this situation in the end.
De nietsnut
For all his life Frank Goudvis has tried not to follow in the footsteps of his father. When his father is mysteriously murdered, Frank loses his alibi for his cherished passivity and decides to travel to the crime scene.
Daens - Um Grito de Justiça
In the 1890s, Father Adolf Daens goes to Aalst, a textile town where child labor is rife, pay and working conditions are horrible, the poor have no vote, and the Catholic church backs the petite bourgeoisie in oppressing workers. He writes a few columns for the Catholic paper, and soon workers are listening and the powerful are in an uproar. He's expelled from the Catholic party, so he starts the Christian Democrats and is elected to Parliament. After Rome disciplines him, he must choose between two callings, as priest and as champion of workers. In subplots, a courageous young woman falls in love with a socialist and survives a shop foreman's rape; children die; prelates play billiards.