Imogen Archer

Imogen Archer


Imogen Archer


Remy spent the pandemic isolating in their room; working as a freelance artist, falling down internet rabbit holes and hanging out online with their overseas best friend Bea. As lockdown restrictions ease up and Bea begins a new full-time job, the two are forced to readjust how they communicate and stay connected; working on conflicting schedules across different time-zones. Remy tries to fill the void Bea left while remaining within the confines of their bedroom, spawning anxieties about their identity, social life and feelings for their best friend that begin to overwhelm them.
A Kidnap
When an adopted brother and his younger sister are kidnapped, they must escape before the kidnappers and their twisted relationships implode.
Someone Else
Katie (Shamita Sivabalan) is a young, confidently queer woman. After finding herself attracted to a man for the first time in her life, she must decide whether the complicated nature of the relationship is worth pursuing.
Daydreams follows Elise, a 17 year old living in suburban Melbourne, Australia, as she finishes her final year of high school. When her partygoing older brother, Chris, returns from overseas, Elise begins to question who she is and how she wants to live her life. As adulthood fast approaches, she struggles to navigate her friendships, relationships and studies; watching on as her brother lives a seemingly carefree life that she wishes she could have.
Hanging in There
Dr. Ellis
Jack Jackson has a good life. Lovely wife, nice house, good job, great mates. All he wants on top of that is to be a Dad. But Life has a surprise for him.
O Sonho de Greta
À beira de fazer 15 anos de idade, Greta Driscoll (Bethany Whitmore) se sente enclausurada. Ela não consegue suportar a ideia de ter que deixar a infância e tudo aquilo que lhe oferece conforto para adentrar em um mundo novo que ela não compreende. Com Elliot, seu punico amigo, ela trilha esse caminho, até os pais prepararem uma festa surpresa à ela, onde ela mergulha em um mundo paralelo estranhamente erótico, um pouco violento e muito rídiculo. Um lugar onde ela precisa se encontrar.
Toda Terça-Feira
O caminho que Billie (Tilda Cobham-Hervey), uma garota de 16 anos, precisa trilhar para alcançar sua independência, já é complicado o suficiente. Mas seu crescimento será mais acelerado ainda quando sua mãe revela o plano de mudança de gênero, e o tempo que elas têm juntas fica limitado às tardes de terça-feira.
The story of Karen, a young, queer woman navigating the many complexities of identity and self when faced with new people and new situations. Different people show us different shades of who we are and can be; a smoker with one friend, a non-smoker with the other.