Durante o isolamento social da Covid-19, Crista, Carloto e João vivem um longo verão no interior de Portugal e preenchem a incerteza dos dias construindo um borboletário.
Durante o isolamento social da Covid-19, Crista, Carloto e João vivem um longo verão no interior de Portugal e preenchem a incerteza dos dias construindo um borboletário.
Para Onde Voam as Feiticeiras acompanha um grupo de performers LGBTQIA+ em intervenções artísticas no centro de São Paulo. Suas ações são disparadoras de debates sobre desigualdades sociais, preconceitos e vidas marginalizadas, permeados pelas lutas dos movimentos negro, indígena, de ocupações urbanas. Com uma forma híbrida em contínua construção, o filme aposta menos na busca por respostas e mais no diálogo coletivo enquanto método e finalidade. Ele extravasa a circunscrição de bandeiras identitárias, permitindo-se contaminar pela centelha incontrolável de vida que vem do gesto de lançar-se às ruas.
Mix Technician
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Sound Editor
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Boom Operator
No Rio de Janeiro, moradores do bairro da Mangueira acompanham a transmissão de televisão em uma tela enquanto os jurados votam em cada escola de samba. Em 2019, a Mangueira levou para o Sambódromo um forte e ousado samba de resistência a respeito do que está acontecendo no Brasil neste momento. O filme testemunha a tensão na espera pelo placar final e a grande alegria de pessoas de todas as gerações quando a Mangueira vence e se torna campeã do Carnaval 2019.
Several images follow one another to the work of António Pinho Vargas, Six Portraits of Pain, played in full.
Sound Director
Diante do resultado da última eleição no Brasil, a atriz Georgette Fadel decide se candidatar à presidência em 2022. E, para se reencontrar com anseios políticos que no momento pareciam impossíveis, ela embarca em uma viagem de ônibus ao Uruguai, na utópica tentativa de passar a virada do ano com o ex-presidente uruguaio Pepe Mujica. Mas ela não parte sozinha. Ainda nos primeiros minutos, esbarra em Léo, um empresário rico, com posições políticas polêmicas, mas que se tornará, quem diria, o maior parceiro de jornada de Georgette.
Sound Recordist
A chronology of the Avenue Almirante Reis in Lisbon. Its past and present. A portrait of those that inhabit it.
Cinema and affections from life in images and what goes on outside the frame. 'Snapshots' of shootings and the present-day memory of directors, actors and technicians.
Sound Designer
Na época do Impeachment de Fernando Collor de Mello, um grupo de intelectuais se encontra em um jantar: uma grande atriz, um jornalista famoso, um advogado e sua esposa, uma crítica de teatro, um colunista e uma jovem atriz e modelo. O jornalista Mauro escreveu um artigo contra Collor e corre o risco de ser preso naquela noite. No jantar regado a muito vinho, conforme a tensão aumenta com a iminência da prisão, vários segredos públicos e privados vêm a tona.
Sound Editor
Sinopse ainda não disponivel.
Sound Designer
O filme é uma reflexão muito atual e quase serena sobre o caminho comum das sociedades europeias de hoje, sobre o isolamento, a perplexidade diante das dificuldades que surgem, sobre a vida nas cidades e dentro das famílias. É uma tensão crescente que nunca explode.
Sound Editor
Manuel Teixeira Gomes. Um escritor de óptima literatura erótica é eleito Presidente da República –caso único no mundo.
Promove políticas reformistas, apoia os operários, combate a banca. Mas, ao fim de 26 meses diz: Basta! Estou farto.
Qual é o primeiro barco a sair de Lisboa? Não é daqui a um mês, é já. Zeus? É um cargueiro? Não me importa, hão-de levar-me. Não me interessa para onde vão. Parto sem um papel, nada que me lembre a minha vida de escritor ou de Presidente.
E assim, aos 65 anos, muda de vida. Vai para o Norte de África, convive com os nómadas do deserto, instala-se na Argélia, e aí morre 15 anos depois.
Sr. Pimentel
Rita tem tudo: 15 anos e um verão inteiro pela frente; um futuro ex-namorado e uma melhor amiga. Até que ela visita a exposição de um vizinho conhecido, e seu mundo perfeito se desmorona à sua volta.
An adaptation of the 1907 political novel of the same title by Joseph Conrad set in Portugal during the so-called "Hot Summer" of 1975, re-contextualizing the anarchist prose within the Carnation Revolution.
Sound Designer
Xerazade duvida que ainda consiga contar histórias que agradem ao Rei, dado que o que tem para contar pesa três mil toneladas. Por isso foge do palácio e percorre o Reino em busca de prazer e encantamento. O seu pai, o Grão-Vizir marca encontro com ela na roda gigante, e Xerazade retoma a narração: “Oh venturoso Rei, fui sabedora que em antigos bairros de lata de Lisboa, existia uma comunidade de homens enfeitiçados que, com rigor e paixão, se dedicava a ensinar pássaros a cantar…”.
E vendo despontar a manhã, Xerazade calou-se.
Sound Designer
No qual Xerazade narra como a desolação invadiu os homens: “Oh venturoso Rei, fui sabedora de que uma juíza aflita chorará em lugar de ditar a sua sentença, na noite de três luares. Um assassino em fuga vagueará pelas terras interiores durante mais de quarenta dias e teletransportar-se-à para fugir à Guarda, sonhando com putas e perdizes. Lembrando-se de uma oliveira milenar, uma vaca ferida dirá o que tiver a dizer e que é bem triste! Moradores de um prédio dos subúrbio salvarão papagaios e mijarão em elevadores, rodeados por mortos e fantasmas; mas também por um cão que…”. E vendo despontar a manhã, Xerazade calou-se.
Sound Designer
Num País Europeu em crise, Portugal, um realizador propõe-se a construir ficções a partir da miserável realidade onde esta inserido. Mas incapaz de descobrir um sentido para o seu trabalho, foge cobardemente, dando o seu lugar à bela Xerazade. Ela precisará de ânimo e coragem para não aborrecer o Rei com as tristes histórias desse país! Com o passar das noites, a inquietude dá lugar à desolação e a desolação ao encantamento. Por isso Xerazade organiza as histórias que conta ao Rei em três volumes. Começa assim: “Oh venturoso Rei, fui sabedora de que num triste país entre os países…”
No Porto, Manoel de Oliveira está prestes a deixar a casa que ocupou durante décadas por causa de suas dívidas. Ao espectador, ele fala sobre sua história familiar, cinema e arquitetura, compartilha vídeos caseiros e reencena seu desentendimento com a ditadura militar.
Sound Mixer
How to reinvent democracy by the eyes of two Portuguese activists.
Sound Director
Chorus is film about death, absence and how close they are to us. Based on a theater play by Tiago Rodrigues.
Um rapaz de dez anos debate-se com as agruras da vida numa colónia de férias. Não é fácil ser ignorado pela menina dos seus olhos e ver a camarata vandalizada por rufias quase adolescentes. Felizmente, na floresta, os gambozinos teimam em não aparecer.
Sofia vive isolada num velho apartamento de família onde até o pó parece ser preservado. A pedido da sua mãe chega Mariama, uma jovem guineense, para ajudar a cuidar da casa e do seu filho. Mas onde está este filho que nunca vemos? Bobô, irmã mais nova de Mariama, vai despertar em Sofia uma vontade de sair do casulo. Atrás do seu sorriso confiante, Mariama atormenta-se com a ameaça da mutilação genital feminina a que Bobô está prestes a ser submetida… O encontro entre Sofia e Mariama fá-las confrontarem-se com os seus fantasmas.
Sound Designer
A princess and a hunter. An iconographic journey immersed in Lusitanian fantasy.
Demonstration Spokesman / Pool House Owner
Aurora, uma idosa de opiniões contraditórias, convive com uma empregada cabo-verdiana e uma amiga engajada em causas sociais. Após sua morte, fatos obscuros de seu passado surgem, e as companheiras de Aurora conhecem sua trágica aventura na África.
Aurora, uma idosa de opiniões contraditórias, convive com uma empregada cabo-verdiana e uma amiga engajada em causas sociais. Após sua morte, fatos obscuros de seu passado surgem, e as companheiras de Aurora conhecem sua trágica aventura na África.
Sound Director
Vera is a singer in her thirties; she is back in Lisbon for the final performance of her concert tour. The heat and beauty of Lisbon makes one want to be happy. Pablo, the companion she selected from among the many who answered her questionnaire, helps her through the sleepless nights. He has no family, but wishes he had. Vera concerns herself with the mysteries surrounding Pablo's life. Vera is not afraid of the night; she is not afraid of anything.
Humberto hanged himself. Catarina, Paulo and Victor want the company where Humberto used to work for to take responsibility in his death, leading them to kidnappe the company’s director in an act of despair. Who is Humberto? What company is that? In which paths will he take us, after his death? Cinerama is an edgy, enigmatic, but not distant film that brings up genres of cinema as well as other forms of art like dance, theatre and poetry. The film reflects ways of being in life.
Sound Designer
Julie de Hauranne, uma jovem actriz francesa que fala a língua da sua mãe, o português, mas que nunca esteve em Lisboa, chega pela primeira vez a esta cidade, onde vai rodar um filme baseado nas Lettres portugaises de Guilleragues. Rapidamente, deixa-se fascinar por uma freira que vai rezar, todas as noites, para a capela da Nossa Senhora do Monte, na colina da Graça. No decurso da sua estadia, a jovem trava uma série de conhecimentos, que, à imagem da sua existência anterior, parecem efémeros e inconsequentes. Mas, após uma noite em que, finalmente, fala com a freira, ela consegue entrever o sentido da vida e do seu destino.
Sound Mixer
April 1974 saw the fall of a long lasting dictatorship. The young democracy developed in the midst of much social and political turmoil. The armed wing of a leftist group changed the future of one family - the father disappears without trace, the mother denies their past, and the son grows up with unanswered questions. As a young man, Pedro is determined to reach for answers, aided by his apparently batty grandmother. Collecting clues and meeting people who would rather prefer to remain forgotten. His inner journey leads him Portugal to Spanish through the deserted roads of Alentejo. Pedro will find himself, but there is a price to pay.
Sound Designer
Em pleno coração do Portugal serrano, o mês de Agosto é repleto de pessoas e atividades: emigrantes voltam para casa, soltam fogos de artifício, combatem os fogos, cantam no karaokê, atiram-se das pontes, caçam javalis, bebem cerveja, fazem filhos. A história que acompanha as relações afetivas entre pai, filha e o primo desta, todos músicos numa banda de bailes.
Dora divides her time between her work as a beautician, her policeman husband António, and her involvement in left-wing politics. A tale of love and how we must learn to cherish it against all odds in the pursuit of happiness.
Sound Recordist
A 2008 short made in accompaniment with Our Beloved Month of August, documenting Gomes's and his crew's hapless search, during 2007's carnival, for one of Arganil's most storied and elusive characters (who does, in fact, ultimately appear as an interviewee/player in the finished film). Paulo "Miller" is known for taking a dangerous jump into the Alva from a bridge each year during carnival, but what this film is about is, in keeping with the free-roving feature, much less the subject himself than Gomes and co.'s inability to pin him down; not only does he not do his famous jump during this year's carnival, but an ostensible technical/audio failure (as with the feature, it's very difficult to say how much of this film is "fact," how much invented) during Gomes's initial on-camera meeting with Paulo "Miller" leads to five minutes of lip-readers attempting to decipher their conversation.
A 2008 short made in accompaniment with Our Beloved Month of August, documenting Gomes's and his crew's hapless search, during 2007's carnival, for one of Arganil's most storied and elusive characters (who does, in fact, ultimately appear as an interviewee/player in the finished film). Paulo "Miller" is known for taking a dangerous jump into the Alva from a bridge each year during carnival, but what this film is about is, in keeping with the free-roving feature, much less the subject himself than Gomes and co.'s inability to pin him down; not only does he not do his famous jump during this year's carnival, but an ostensible technical/audio failure (as with the feature, it's very difficult to say how much of this film is "fact," how much invented) during Gomes's initial on-camera meeting with Paulo "Miller" leads to five minutes of lip-readers attempting to decipher their conversation.
Sonia, a girl from St Petersburg, decides to seek a better life in western Europe. She first gets a job at a car dealer in Germany. But she is suddenly kidnapped and sold into sexual slavery. She will be dragged from country to country and resistance will only bring her misery and humiliation.
Sound Designer
Francisco, comporta-te! Bem sei que hoje fazes 30 anos, que é Carnaval e que vestes de cowboy na festa do colégio, cercado por miúdos que detestas.
Portrait of Pedro Cabrita Reis, one of the most important artists of the young generation in Portugal as seen by one of the most famous woman director of her generation! Pedro Cabrita Reis has an important body that fills the screen with power. He creates spaces of huge dimensions where poetry rises. The documentary culminates with his participation in the last Venice Bienal with two gigantic light structures.
Foley Artist
In mid-September 1992, journalist Guida Fontes have to go to Luanda to cover the elections in Angola. In the meantime, she had committed herself to discovering and interviewing the poet Júlio Vera. In 1988, he wrote a series of poems in which he mysteriously anticipated the fall of the USSR. Guida has only 12 days to complete the mission.
Nourished by pain, it corrupts the intimacy of a couple that has lost their child. The mother, Gracinda Nave, refuses to speak, transforming their home in a place of mourning where memories shatter lovers, ruining the relation with her husband, José Airosa. The original soundtrack is, in itself, a metaphor of how one can escape from grief, in a way the final duet symbolizes everything unsaid between them, through out the film. The director, Margarida Leitão, employs the symbology of a balloon, a puzzle and some drawings to create little flashes of a past filled with colour. A chromatic journey across the instants of another life when we could hear a child's laughter and the house was filled with joy. But now, the house is an empty space where the two lovers drift apart.
A 14-year-old kid, addicted to videogames, goes with his parents to a shopping mall and separates from them to go to a game store called UTOPYA. He doesn't come back. His parents get in despair, and his father tries everything he can to bring him back.
Sound Designer
Vicente goes to Egypt to cover some news for his newspaper, but then he decides to take the investigation further, along the Tropic of Cancer, further and further away (in time and space) from home, and his difficult love life. Therefore he revisits the lands explored 500 years before by the seafarers from his own people: Egypt, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Nepal, Laos, China... Eventually he must come back.
Sound Designer
Based on a the short story "Low Flying Aircraft" by J.G. Ballard and set in a near future where humans are dying breed. Judite and André flee to a semi-abandoned apartment complex to protect their mutant child from certain death.
Secretary Chief
A cidade de Coimbra, a mais complexa das personagens, conta a história. Eu não sou só uma cidade. Eu sou uma estufa, uma reserva natural para estudantes onde eles vivem em plena liberdade. Uma certa manhã de Janeiro chegou um homem. Apaixonou-se por mim e pelas minhas mulheres. Tolo, não percebeu que EU não sou para quem quer, mas para quem pode. E que o amor não abre as minhas velhas portas.
Ana lives in a little village by the sea, with her husband and daughter. He decides to leave for a few days. That seems to be the ideal solution, because Ana needs to finish a work she has been doing for a long time. But her concentration seems threatened when she starts doing her daily walks by the village and the beach: she saves a stranger from death in the sea, meets young Alexandre and Emilia, and her friend Vera turns up in her house. And then, everything changes…
Crowd Journalist
Um retrato da Revolução dos Cravos, que mudou a história portuguesa na década de 70. A realizadora e actriz Maria de Medeiros faz um retrato pessoal e nostálgico dos episódios mais marcantes do 25 de abril.
Sound Editor
Concerns an Irish woman, Cathy (Pauline Cadell), who dearly loves her Portuguese lawyer husband, Pedro (Rui Morisson); however, unbeknownst to her, he engages in one tryst after another. Cathy soon finds herself trying to help a young delinquent get off heroin, while the youth's desperate mother joins a weird religious cult. In other segments, an elderly man is nearly driven mad with grief at the loss of his granddaughter in a train station, while a down-and-out jeweler ushers the young girl to a hotel room.
Sound Designer
Rio Vermelho (Red River) is a short film about a pregnant woman which has a strong connection to the river. In spite of being pregnant she swims in the river as she always did, but suddenly her child wants to born, birth time has come and she feels helpless in the middle of the river…She asks for "Lady of Beyond" help…
Rio Vermelho (Red River) is a short film about a pregnant woman which has a strong connection to the river. In spite of being pregnant she swims in the river as she always did, but suddenly her child wants to born, birth time has come and she feels helpless in the middle of the river…She asks for "Lady of Beyond" help…
Sound Editor
Gloria is set against the backdrop of a rural landscape slowly disappearing in modern Portugal. The small border town of Vila de Santiago, once a booming trade center for illegal trafficking, is about to become a ghost town, as a new motorway is to bypass the city and the railway station is being closed. Its stationmaster, Vincente, is preparing to retire. Many young people have moved out, leaving the children to be brought up by the elderly, including thirteen-year-old Glória and her friend Ivan. Glória's life suddenly changes with the arrival of Vincente's younger brother, Mauro, who has just come out of prison and has some old issues to settle. Mauro begins to charge around the station on his motorbike, while Glória's friendship with Ivan is put to test on account of her attraction to older Mauro.
Sound Designer
Andreia, Pedro e Ricardo não aceitam as coisas como elas são, não se encaixam em lado nenhum. Têm dentro deles uma força invisível que se espalha por todo o lado. É como uma energia selvagem, um desejo de mudar as coisas, de viver de uma forma diferente. Não sabem muito bem o que querem, mas há sempre alguma coisa que os incomoda. São sobreviventes. São os mutantes portugueses, mas também existem mutantes em todos os lugares. Talvez o mundo preferisse que eles não existissem, mas eles existem. Ao longo de todo o filme, eles sonham, choram, riem, têm filhos, morrem, fogem.
Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.
Documentário português
Two sisters try to manage life alone after their mother's accident.
It's September in Lisbon… Elsa’s young daughter leaves with her father, and Teresa, a friend’s friend, comes to stay in her room. One night the two women go out and meet Raul, a vagrant lover of Elsa. A triangle takes form. They finish the night on a boat by the name of Pandora, but in the morning Raul sails away, alone. Elsa and Teresa will start a new life...
Sound Designer
A rock star falls in love with a common pickpocket without any personal history. But soon she finds herself in a contraband of drugs and both try to escape it.
Pierre, a middle-aged tourist guide, is the victim of a sudden failure : he does not recognize anything about him any longer. He goes back home and in his apartment he finds a mysterious young man who tells him he is here to avenge a young woman who has taken her own life. What share of responsibility does Pierre hold in this situation?
Sound Designer
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
This dark and intense drama follows the slow and painful destruction of a young, passive woman as she watches her family fall apart. Maria is the shy and dutiful daughter upon whose shoulders the family traumas have fallen. In addition to a regular job she cooks, cleans, and studies. Her parents offer no assistance as her father is blind, with a tendency towards violence when drinking. His wife, the focus of his violence is terribly unhappy. After a particularly brutal beating, Maria's brothers rise up against the father and end up leaving the home. It is up to Maria to try to bring the factions together. Maria's pressures increase after she calmly stabs her boss during an attempted rape, and then copes with her mother's suicide.
Sound Designer
This Portuguese movie directed by João Botelho, is part of The Four Elements series. This is the second episode, The Air.
Sound Mixer
Miguel is what is commonly known as a Don Juan. He seduces women and afterwards takes them to take a picture next to Torre de Belém. Or so it was until he met Bárbara.
Fábula musical inspirada no Banquete de Platão. Num monólogo sem pudor, o jovem aristocrata Alcibíades confessa as suas estratégias para conquistar o filósofo Sócrates – certo de que o saber pode ser transmitido por contacto físico.
The story of a child who faces the emptiness that surrounds the figure of his parents, disappeared in Africa.
Xavier returns to Lisbon after a military stint, determined to lead a meaningful life, only to find his world closing in on him.
Sound Designer
Coming from Fundão to Lisboa where he did conscription service, Matias found that the reality of the big city is not exactly how he remembers
Sound Designer
Comédia sentimental, intriga policial e tragédia doméstica, este filme conta a história de Maria, uma "filha da mãe" cômica, agressiva, cínica e sentimental. Tem um namorado, Adriano, que se dedica a pequenos tráficos e roubos. A sua mãe é Júlia, atriz insegura e perversa que tem como amante ocasional Gigi, ator e drogado, sempre sem dinheiro e com o coração dividido entre Júlia e Dalila, sua colega de palco. O seu pai é Álvaro, um pintor que depois de ter ficado desaparecido durante vinte anos no Brasil, quer voltar para Júlia como se nada tivesse acontecido e dá de cara com uma filha que não sabe se é sua e que, quase sem se dar conta, lhe cai nos braços.
Lisbon, 1989. A middle-aged poor man, tormented by an illness, lives in a cheap room in a family boarding house, in the old section of the city's waterfront.
Some time ago Gerardo knew another man of the same age called Berardo. When he said the name, Berardo expressed his oppinion violently, saying that the «G» was owed him and that Gerardo, since he owned it had somehow stolen something from him. Berardo then tries to get something back which soon goes beyond a baptismal name. Gerardo whitnesses this strange spectacle of himself as a place where, after Berardo, other people try to get something back, something that escapes them about themselves. Three women - Adália, Miranda and Virgínia - are whitnesses to this game
Sound Director
The young girl, Antónia Margarida Castelo Branco, is handed over by her mother to Brás Telles de Meneses because of the obscure interests between rural aristocratic families in the North. Brás is a ruined man, a bohemian with a reputation for violence and erratic behaviour. Antonia’s fortune is the first sacrifice made by the young wife. Fascinated by the man who humiliates and ill-treats her, she follows him in a pilgrimage to increasingly barren lands, to increasingly less hospitable houses.
An angry young man goes to Europe to find his father, a '60s radical turned doctor in exile.
Sound Editor
A film adaptation of the Charles Dickens novel "Hard Times" set in a Portuguese industrial town of the 1980s.
Sound Designer
A world of strong colours between documentary and fiction, centered on the life and work of modernist painter Amadeo de Souza Cardoso.
Sound Designer
A young woman, working as sales-girl at a shopping center's music shop, wants someone with whom to share her secrets. A distant mother separating from her father, an aunt who emigrated to France, and her pre-adolescent sister, can't do - neither the boyfriend. Such a confident arrives unexpectedly - but then there are three of them, one too much. One leaves, but then another young man arrives, and there are three again. One must go. A sad young adult love story, told in the first person, singular - and ultimately alone, under the rain.
Sound Designer
Luís Medeiros, Azorean painter, meets two odd characters in an exhibit in Lisbon: Inês, a charming woman, and Ed, a sneaky man. The two reveal to have with them a precious document that might be threatening to Luís. He brings them back home but his serenity is over due to an unexpected chain of events.
Luís Medeiros, Azorean painter, meets two odd characters in an exhibit in Lisbon: Inês, a charming woman, and Ed, a sneaky man. The two reveal to have with them a precious document that might be threatening to Luís. He brings them back home but his serenity is over due to an unexpected chain of events.
Numa noite de insônia de 1978, Francisco e Rita se encontram para relembrar João, um amigo de infância assassinado recentemente. João pertencera a um grupo subversivo de esquerda durante a ditadura e era produtor de cinema, que estava filmando uma adaptação do drama de Alexandre Herculano, O Bobo.
Piano Player
Numa noite de insônia de 1978, Francisco e Rita se encontram para relembrar João, um amigo de infância assassinado recentemente. João pertencera a um grupo subversivo de esquerda durante a ditadura e era produtor de cinema, que estava filmando uma adaptação do drama de Alexandre Herculano, O Bobo.
Sound Designer
This visually striking drama is taken from the classic Japanese novel Tales Of Genji by Marasaki Shikibu. Set in modern Portugal, Joao (Luis Miguel Cintra) is a left-wing political leader and ladies man with a bright future. His ex-wife Isabel (Manuela de Freitas) both loves and hates him as Joao plays on her wavering emotional state. He is sent to Italy to retrieve wayward family member Antonia (Caroline Chaniolleau), the beautiful young woman with a terrorist boyfriend. Joao is forced to recognize his feelings as the political and amorous climate changes around him.
Sound Designer
Laura Rossellini, a widow from Rome, vacations on the Algarve coast one hot summer. One day while sunbathing, she finds a wounded man named Robert drifting in the surf on a rubber raft. She takes him home, and, after he is revived, learns his story. As they talk, their mutual attraction grows, until a group of armed men suddenly arrive looking for Robert.
L'homme hold-up
With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
With an off-beat sense of humor to match its erratic central character, this original comedy-drama features Jean-Philippe Ecoffey as Yves, a young man who works as a cop at night. The catch is that Yves turns to petty crime during the day, partly to impress Aurore (Aurelle Doazan), a nurse he idolizes from afar. His criminal hobby seems hard to understand, since it's doubtful that they will really get him anywhere with Aurore; besides, she already has a boyfriend. Nevertheless, Yves starts out by robbing a post office and ends up trying to run over Aurore's boyfriend, an act which finally gets him into serious trouble.
Filme realizado por João Botelho em 1985, e que contou com a participação de Rui Furtado, Isabel de Castro e Maria Cabral, entre outros atores. A ação desta longa-metragem desenvolve-se em dois planos que se entrecruzam habilmente: no primeiro, acompanha-se o percurso trágico de um grupo de militares em território africano, em combate na Guerra Colonial; no outro, assiste-se à vivência perturbada de uma família, longe do teatro de operações. Um Adeus Português é, assim, uma reflexão, mais existencial do que política, sobre o sacrifício e o sofrimento. O seu interesse reside no facto de abordar o tema da Guerra Colonial portuguesa, acontecimento histórico recente que, por esta altura, começava a ser tratado na criação artística, nomeadamente na literatura.
Sound Editor
Filme realizado por João Botelho em 1985, e que contou com a participação de Rui Furtado, Isabel de Castro e Maria Cabral, entre outros atores. A ação desta longa-metragem desenvolve-se em dois planos que se entrecruzam habilmente: no primeiro, acompanha-se o percurso trágico de um grupo de militares em território africano, em combate na Guerra Colonial; no outro, assiste-se à vivência perturbada de uma família, longe do teatro de operações. Um Adeus Português é, assim, uma reflexão, mais existencial do que política, sobre o sacrifício e o sofrimento. O seu interesse reside no facto de abordar o tema da Guerra Colonial portuguesa, acontecimento histórico recente que, por esta altura, começava a ser tratado na criação artística, nomeadamente na literatura.
Sound Designer
Numa praia do Mediterrâneo vivem uma mulher e o seu filho adulto Albert. Albert, que deseja o jovem Fernando, rapta-o, aprisiona-o e começa a controlar-lhe a vida, dando-lhe banho e alimentando-o com as rosas perfeitas que ele cultivou...
Álvaro Serpa, jornalista, estaciona o carro junto ao mar. Assiste por acaso a uma discussão entre Álvaro Allen e Ana Mónica, que se refugia dentro do carro de Serpa. A pedido de Ana, Serpa leva-a dali, mas passados alguns quilómetros Ana quer regressar. Encontram Allen morto com um tiro na cabeça. Suicídio? Ana foge e desaparece. Fascinado pelo ar misterioso dessa mulher, o jornalista não a menciona nas declarações à Polícia, e tenta encontrá-la.
Álvaro Serpa, jornalista, estaciona o carro junto ao mar. Assiste por acaso a uma discussão entre Álvaro Allen e Ana Mónica, que se refugia dentro do carro de Serpa. A pedido de Ana, Serpa leva-a dali, mas passados alguns quilómetros Ana quer regressar. Encontram Allen morto com um tiro na cabeça. Suicídio? Ana foge e desaparece. Fascinado pelo ar misterioso dessa mulher, o jornalista não a menciona nas declarações à Polícia, e tenta encontrá-la.
Sound Designer
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
When the child Manuel wanders into a garden that is off-limits to him, he meets an unidentified fisherman, and another boy -- the boy is actually himself several years down the road. Manuel experiences three different versions of his encounters in the garden, revealing that fate can have several twists and turns in one's life, depending on decisions that are made early on.
Sound Designer
An island retreat. A man, his face bandaged, plays cards nonchalantly. His ex-wife arrives. Conversations happen. (Mubi)
A surreal odyssey in which a melancholic maidservant crosses paths with a homicidal little boy, travels to a tiny island of pirates and encounters a man with multiple personalities.
A publisher seeks information on a writer who died long ago.
No início do século XX a sociedade portuguesa está em profunda crise política e moral, uma República confusa e com restos de uma monarquia podre. Fernando Pessoa e Mário de Sá-Carneiro reinventam a língua, o modo de dizer, pagando os riscos da sua aventura. Um rebenta a solidão no fogo dos heterónimos que lhe permitem prolongar a existência; o outro despedaça o corpo e a própria vida na vertigem dispersa de poemas e novelas. A história desse encontro, os textos, a amizade e a morte.
A bewitching combinatory adaptation of the Bluebeard tale and a 15th century Portuguese fable of a damsel who disguises herself as a knight errant.
Sound Designer
The shady side of an Italian textile trade in northern Germany is the subject of this slow-paced but atmospheric drama featuring Alberto Sordi as Totonno, a low-level, petty criminal anxious to move up a somewhat crooked ladder. Rising to the rank of the "dons" -- Don Raffaele (Carmine Ippolito) or Don Gennaro (Pasquale Cenammo) -- is not an easy task, as Totonno is about to find out. In the meantime, Paula (Belinda Lee) provides a romantic distraction, and another would-be entrepreneur opts for the straight and narrow. This uneven feature offers some colorful performances but the sum is less convincing than its parts.
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.
Porque todos os filmes reflectem, de algum modo, quem os faz, Oxalá não foge à regra. Só que, aqui, o cinema assume esse facto, acentua uma certa confessionalidade mostra-se. O lado simpático de Oxalá é essa disponibilidade. É muito claro que este é um filme que se sente mal na sua pele portuguesa do final dos anos 70, que vive fixado, adolescentemenre, na França da Nouvelle Vague. O seu exilado que atravessa, entre o perto e a distância os anos de Abril é, por isso, mais um estrangeiro que um compatriota, alguém cujo descentramento, em relação à realidade portuguesa, é total. Daí que nenhum dos seus gestos tenha consequências, daí que, visivelmente, ele não esteja disposto a pagar nenhum preço pela vida, nem se quer o preço do amor. Dai a impotência. O equívoco.
Sound Mixer
Every year the Portuguese Army recruits thousands of Citizens to constitute the National Service.
At 10 pm ligths are killed in the quarters.
“Hey? Are you awake? Those guys are fucking you up, you hear me? I mean, I don’t know you man, but to me you’re like a brother.”
Sound Editor
Every year the Portuguese Army recruits thousands of Citizens to constitute the National Service.
At 10 pm ligths are killed in the quarters.
“Hey? Are you awake? Those guys are fucking you up, you hear me? I mean, I don’t know you man, but to me you’re like a brother.”