Tomasz Gassowski


Lowa is motorcycle racing champion: the object of women's desires and the envy of rivals on the track. Cheerful, kind to people, "ordinary", he has fun in life and what he does. But his sly smile conceals daily struggles with fear and the specter of injuries and accidents. It all becomes even more complicated when the beautiful Roma (Jagoda Porębska) stands on his way. Will she compete with his love of speed and of motorcycles? When the sport is not only a crazy, youthful passion, but also an escape from the gray reality, can he find a place for true love in his heart?
Once Upon a Time in November
Mareczek takes Mamusia from a little allotment house in the outskirts where she has been spending the nights recently. It’s too cold for her to stay there. They set out to the city together with Koleś, a stray dog. They had both lost their flat due to the brutal policy of the city authorities and now they keep going from one shelter to the next. Although the dog is a burden in these circumstances, Mamusia doesn’t want to part with it. The woman makes herself comfortable in a squat where she and Mareczek witness the brutal attempt at burning down the building together with its inhabitants made by fascist militia who had left the Independence March on 11th November a moment earlier. The filmmakers used documentary material of true street incidents.
The Play-Off
A play-off. A comedy-drama. Zyga, who is thirty-eight and lives not far from Warsaw, attempts to explain the rules governing the world to his son, Witek. Not that he himself always sticks to them, a fact that hasn't escaped his quick-witted offspring's notice.
The Play-Off
A play-off. A comedy-drama. Zyga, who is thirty-eight and lives not far from Warsaw, attempts to explain the rules governing the world to his son, Witek. Not that he himself always sticks to them, a fact that hasn't escaped his quick-witted offspring's notice.
Original Music Composer
Ian é um professor de orientação especial que chega a uma prestigiada clínica oftalmológica em Lisboa para conduzir uma terapia. Uma de suas pacientes afetadas pela cegueira é Eva, uma jovem que tenta esconder sua deficiência. Ian coloca em prática métodos que causam polêmica na equipe clínica, mas consegue conquistar a confiança dos pacientes.
Original Music Composer
O menino Stefek desafia o destino aos seis anos de idade. Ele acredita que a cadeia de eventos que ele põe em marcha irá ajudá-lo a se aproximar do pai, que abandonou sua mãe. Sua irmã Elka, de 17 anos, ajuda-o a aprender como “subornar” o destino com pequenos sacrifícios. Trapaças e coincidências até conseguem trazer o pai para perto da mãe, mas as coisas não saem como o planejado. Desesperado, Stefek põe à prova sua boa sorte com o mais arriscado de seus truques.