Nicola Nocella

Nicola Nocella

Nascimento : 1981-06-14, Terlizzi, Bari, Italy


Nicola Nocella
Nicola Nocella
Nicola Nocella


Rido perché ti amo
Rido perché ti amo
Il maledetto
Michele Anacondia
A piano player has to face her Master in order to find her voice.
Black Parthenope
Pupi Avati, la tavola racconta
We Still Talk
Nino and Caterina have been married for sixty-five years. On the death of Caterina , his daughter Elisabetta, trying to help her father to overcome the loss, hires an editor to write a book on their love story.
Everything’s Gonna Be Alright
Bruno Salvati is a director of little success, fresh from the separation from his wife Anna with whom he had two children, the twenty-year-old Adele and the seventeen-year-old Tito. Following a sudden illness, Bruno is diagnosed with a disease that requires the intervention of a donor. All his family relationships are called into question, including that with his father Umberto, the custodian of a secret that will force Bruno to embark on a journey in search of someone who can help him.
Say It Loud
A woman seeking treatment for her stress, suddenly finds herself unable to filter herself when she speaks.
Cobra non è
A crime comedy about the crazy night of a rapper and his manager
Tolo Tolo
Avvocato Russo
Pierfrancesco "Checco" Zalone, um empresário fracassado, procura uma nova vida como garçom em uma vila de férias na África, mas o aparecimento do ISIS o obriga a viajar novamente
Bar Giuseppe
Fulci for Fake
Preparando-se para interpretar Lucio Fulci numa biografia, Nicola investiga a vida do cultuado diretor italiano, entrevistando sua família, colaboradores e pesquisadores de sua obra - tendo acesso a relatos e materiais inéditos. Dessa forma, torna-se capaz de trazer ainda mais camadas de complexidade a um personagem já fascinante.
Let Me Introduce You To Sofia
Gabriele is a divorced dad who owns a music store and is completely focused on taking care of his 10-year-old daughter Sofia who spends time with both parents. One day he bumps into his old friend Mara who - for the first time since his separation - reignites his desire to be in a relationship. There is only one problem, Mara hates children!
Aspettando la Bardot
State of Intoxication
With irony and without rhetoric, Stato Di Ebbrezza deals with the issue of alcoholism through a real story, that of renowned cabaret artist Maria Rossi. Previous football player, homosexual, her subtle and brilliant talent in discovering the positive and funny side in people's behaviors and life's situations, will allow her to survive and successfully overcome her addiction, spreading her hunger for joy. The dark path of rehabilitation she has to face during her coercive hospitalization, will let her meet with Beatrice who will share her inner universe to get the force to react.
Rudy Valentino
"Easy" Isidoro
A 40-year-old loser named Isidoro at the request of his brother drives from Italy to mountainous Carpathian village in Ukraine with a coffin of a diseased Ukrainian worker, who died at a construction site in Italy.
Classe Z
Professor Ercolini
First day of last year for the students of a high school science, but at school there is something new: some guys have been moved from their respective classes in a section created especially for them, the section H. Students of the H section are not were chosen at random, are in fact notoriously problematic elements, too exuberant and listless. Among them is Ricky who is awake and never misses a chance to make jokes irritating that it shares on its Youtube channel, Star whose only interest is its look and Viola intelligent but always at war with the world.
After an irreverent TV show makes people less afraid of the Camorra, the actors begin receiving threats from the criminal organization.
Il camionista
Il professor Cenerentolo
Agente Nocella
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Belli di papà
O que um pai pode fazer se seus filhos são mimados e não prestam para nada? Apenas mentir! Um empresário finge a falência fraudulenta da própria empresa para ensinar a seus filhos o valor do trabalho e do dinheiro. Será que vai funcionar? Refilmagem da comédia mexicana Nosotros los nobles sobre os relacionamentos de família, com Diego Abatantuono. Destaque para a linda paisagem de Apulia.
Le frise ignoranti
Caserta Palace Dream
The Mathematician
The greatest dream of a unique woman, Maria, future Queen of Spain and wife of Charles King of Naples and Sicily and of a special man, the greatest architect of his time, Luigi Vanvitelli. Their Love goes beyond their own human existence and becomes real in the immeasurable beauty of the Royal Caserta Palace.
Bella di papà
It is the day of Enrica and Filippo's wedding. All their relatives are waiting in the church for the arrival of the bride. It is a stifling hot day.
Bella di papà
It is the day of Enrica and Filippo's wedding. All their relatives are waiting in the church for the arrival of the bride. It is a stifling hot day.
Studio illegale
Tiziano Tiraboschi
20 Cigarros
Based on director Aureliano Amadei's 2003 experiences in Iraq, 20 Cigarettes is the gripping story of a twenty-eight year old anarchist and anti-war activist who receives an offer to fly to Iraq as assistant director on a film about the Italian military peace mission.
La città invisibile
Un cane per due
Il figlio più piccolo
Baldo Baietti
Unscrupulous businessman Luciano reconnects with his estranged family from a previous marriage, only to use their youngest son, awkward and starry-eyed Baldo, as the fall guy for his failing holding company.
Wedding Fever In Campobello
Enzo Carducci
O alemão Jan e a italiana Sara resolveram se casar, mas essa decisão pode significar o fim da relação. Isso porque a felicidade dos dois depende da aprovação do pai de Sara, que parece não estar disposto a ajudar, assim como toda a família, por causa das diferenças culturais entre o casal.
Fisico da Spiaggia
How can you lose weight in a flash? Holding your breath may do magic…
A summer at the sea
Set against the sun-soaked shores of Italy in the summertime, seven different tales unfold about life, love, loss, family, and friendship.