Rick Vargas


Sicário: Dia do Soldado
49ers Man
O oficial da CIA Matt Graver (Josh Brolin) volta a contactar seu sicário de confiança, Alejandro Gillick (Benicio Del Toro), desta vez para sequestrar a filha caçula (Isabella Moner) de um barão das drogas mexicano. Os famosos cartéis agora são considerados células terroristas e o objetivo da missão, orientada secretamente pelo alto escalão do governo, é fazer eclodir uma guerra entre os grupos rivais.
The Demonic Dead
Maria Cruz, a demonically possessed serial killer, is on a rampage with an army of the living dead at her disposal.
The Demonic Dead
Maria Cruz, a demonically possessed serial killer, is on a rampage with an army of the living dead at her disposal.
Vigilantes da Guerra
Unruly Detainee
Jack é um soldado americano que é colocado para trabalhar na prisão iraquiana de Abu Grhaib. No local, ele começa a se incomodar com o modo como os detentos são tratados e as torturas praticadas. Em meio a tudo isso, ele começa uma secreta amizade com um dos prisioneiros que pretende ajudar a fugir. Quando o iraquiano é levado para ser interrogado, Jack deve escolher entre a lealdade a seu amigo ou a seu país.
O Sobrevivente
Crew Chief
Baseado numa história verídica de heroísmo, coragem e sobrevivência, "O Sobrevivente" conta-nos a incrível história de quatro SEALs da Marinha que, numa missão infiltrada para neutralizar um operacional de topo da Al-Qaeda, que são apanhados numa emboscada pelo inimigo nas montanhas do Afeganistão. Confrontados com uma decisão moral impossível de tomar, o pequeno grupo vê-se isolado e rodeado por uma força talibã em número muito superior e pronta para a guerra. À medida que se confrontam com probabilidades impensáveis, os quatro homens descobrem em si reservas de força e resiliência que os levarão até ao fim.
The First Breath of Tengan Rei
Henry Carter
An Okinawan woman kidnaps the teenage son of a U.S. Marine convicted of raping her when she was a girl.
A Chance Before Hell
Line Producer
Nick Lassera and Darcy Warner had a love that was lost. They meet again but this time at the right place but the wrong time. After a terrible shootout inside a mini mart, Nick saves Darcy's life but falls into her arms fatally wounded. When he is able to open his eyes again he finds himself in a dark place with no memory of Darcy or how he got there. They meet again for the third time. Although Nick is drawn to her he has no recollection of her. Pursued by soulless black eyed ghouls, they fight to survive in a strange and dangerous world. As his memory slowly begins to come back the danger intensifies into a violent conflict. Nick and Darcy make a final stand in a chance before hell.
A Chance Before Hell
Nick Lassera and Darcy Warner had a love that was lost. They meet again but this time at the right place but the wrong time. After a terrible shootout inside a mini mart, Nick saves Darcy's life but falls into her arms fatally wounded. When he is able to open his eyes again he finds himself in a dark place with no memory of Darcy or how he got there. They meet again for the third time. Although Nick is drawn to her he has no recollection of her. Pursued by soulless black eyed ghouls, they fight to survive in a strange and dangerous world. As his memory slowly begins to come back the danger intensifies into a violent conflict. Nick and Darcy make a final stand in a chance before hell.
A Chance Before Hell
Nick Lassera and Darcy Warner had a love that was lost. They meet again but this time at the right place but the wrong time. After a terrible shootout inside a mini mart, Nick saves Darcy's life but falls into her arms fatally wounded. When he is able to open his eyes again he finds himself in a dark place with no memory of Darcy or how he got there. They meet again for the third time. Although Nick is drawn to her he has no recollection of her. Pursued by soulless black eyed ghouls, they fight to survive in a strange and dangerous world. As his memory slowly begins to come back the danger intensifies into a violent conflict. Nick and Darcy make a final stand in a chance before hell.
A Chance Before Hell
Nick Lassera and Darcy Warner had a love that was lost. They meet again but this time at the right place but the wrong time. After a terrible shootout inside a mini mart, Nick saves Darcy's life but falls into her arms fatally wounded. When he is able to open his eyes again he finds himself in a dark place with no memory of Darcy or how he got there. They meet again for the third time. Although Nick is drawn to her he has no recollection of her. Pursued by soulless black eyed ghouls, they fight to survive in a strange and dangerous world. As his memory slowly begins to come back the danger intensifies into a violent conflict. Nick and Darcy make a final stand in a chance before hell.