Three thugs commandeer a couple of cars on a moving train and spread terror among the passengers.
Inspector Nardelli
A low-rent private investigator and former cop is sent to Austria on a job, and while there sees a number of seemingly unrelated coincidences that lead him into a strange web of corruption and decadence.
Girotti della buoncostume
The film focuses on Murri; the token maverick cop. He is called in after a bunch of criminals pull off a successful prison break and spend the night picking off various informers and people they don't like. Murri investigates; hooking up with one of the criminal's nieces along the way. He uses his own methods; which mostly involve breaking all the rules, and thus comes under a lot of scrutiny from his superiors who don't take too kindly to the cop's way of working.
A woman has dreams that she is a werewolf so she goes out and finds men. She proceeds to have sex with them and then rip their throats out with her teeth. She eventually falls in love but then she is raped and her lover is murdered so she goes out for revenge.
After a couple of 'special squad' cops are gunned down while chasing some kidnappers, the head of the squad takes it really personally! His violent path to find the kidnappers leads him to the upper echelons of the government. Now, the powers-that-be don't want to be found out and decide it's time to kill one more cop...
Head of Scientific Team
Story about a young girl, the daughter a prominent doctor. When the girl goes missing her father gets the police to jump into action because of his class status and wealth.
Mendacious mute
After attending esoterical studies with a wise man, Cagliostro, a mysterious Italian count, received the gift of supernatural powers. He started to travel all over Europe to heal the poor. But he is also a member of a pre-revolutionary lodge the aim of which is to give freedom to the populations of Europe. This cannot be tolerated by the 18th century's establishment and bought the Pope and the regal house of France try to eliminate him. So Cagliostro is locked up in a castle, while his wife is killed. But when in 1795 the door of his cell is opened there is nothing inside but a sword...
Lt. Variale
They're Italy's notorious "Ladies of the evening" catering to the strange cravings of their kinky, high-paying clients. But suddenly, the girls of the street find themselves being stalked by someone with desires even they can't satisfy. After a series of shocking crimes, the clues lead police to a pornographic film maker and his stable of lovely models and starlets. But can the authorities track down the "Hooker Maniac" before he strikes again?
A rich man gathers together friends and relatives at the abandoned theatre he owns, but the party isn't fun for long since apparently one of them is a murderer.
Il sergente Cannavale
De Luca is killed by Marchetti's chauffeur. Marchetti ordered the murder because he was to be accused by De Luca. The two have a car accident while going home to get an alibi. There is a witness, Sironi, who calls the police. But when the police arrive the car has gone and so have the two men. Inspector Santi and young judge Novelli look into the strange case. Marchetti, however, is a powerful man and Sironi and his family begin to be obsessed first by threats then by assaults.
Ottone and Savio, wanderers from Etruria, find themselves on the shores of Ancient Greece in search of bread and adventures. Pretending to be exhausted, they are rescued by Paris and Helen and taken to the palace of Menelaus. The welcome is propitious to take advantage of the lavish lunches and beautiful women, not even excluded Elena, wife of the sovereign who will be kidnapped by Paris and taken to Troy. When he reaches the palace of Ulysses, which recognizes the two vagabonds, they are driven out and, after other adventures, they reach the palace of Priam
Second Bartender
A jealous husband uses a college reunion to gauge whether or not his wife is still in love with her old flame.
Mexican Peon
Com seu inseparável guarda-chuvas e seu aspecto rude, Corán (John Garko) é um caça-recompensas rápido no gatilho, durão e impiedoso que viaja pelo deserto e gosta de recitar versos para as vítimas que persegue. Em seu perambular pelo deserto acaba chegando ao Forte Apache, um posto militar perto da fronteira com o Novo México. Ali, ele fica sabendo sobre uma quadrilha de perigosos bandidos mexicanos que estão foragidos. Sanguinários e inescrupulosos são liderados pelo terrível Sanchéz – El Supremo (Simón Andreu) que está aterrorizando os habitantes da região. Um grupo de militares recém chegados de Washington se preparara para perseguir os bandidos e Corán é convidado a servir de guia nessa missão. Muita ação, tiroteios, explosões e sangue num verdadeiro clássico do faroeste.
Rina's Kidnapper
A bomb attack in a cinema in Palermo kills all the fellows of Attardi's clan a part from Cocchi. He immediately understands that the author of the bomb attack is Daniello from Don Corrasco's clan. Cocchi is determined to revenge. His actions, including the Corrasco's daughter kidnap, in a Palermo in which also the police is corrupted, will soon destroy the old equilibrium giving the way to an escalation of violence that won't save anyone. If Cocchi will survive to the mafia war he will be the new boss for sure.
Tressoldi's Henchman
When a shipment of heroin disappears between Italy and New York, a small-time pimp in Milan is framed for the theft. Two professional hitmen are dispatched from New York to find him, but the real thieves want to get rid of him before the New York killers get to him to eliminate any chance of them finding out he's the wrong man.
A serial killer is on the loose. His victims are unfaithful wives and he always leaves compromising photographs at the crime scene.
Conductor (uncredited)
Um misterioso assassino está matando jovens mulheres com brutalidade, e sempre deixa um adorno em formato de meia-lua junto aos cadáveres. Quando Giulia, que seria a terceira vítima do criminosos, sobrevive ao ataque, seu namorado Mario e o investigador do caso resolvem simular sua morte para que ela ajude a investigar as motivações por trás dos assassinatos - que podem estar ligados ao passado das vítimas e a um verão que passaram no mesmo hotel.
Witness in post office
Following the mysterious decapitation of an insurance investigator, Police Inspector Peretti is put onto the case, but all the clues lead to an unsolved case of kidnapping and murder.
Young adventurer Gipo owns one fifth of a rock illustrating the location of a rich gold mine. Risking his life more than once and with the help of the beautiful hooker, Lulu Belle, our hero sets out to recover the missing pieces.
The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
Franco and Ciccio are forced to abandon their sausage factory to reach the godfather of Franco: Nico Cavallaro. The two do not know that this is a smuggler of drugs and that you want to serve them to transport the goods.
Four people are killed in a saloon hold-up. The townspeople pin the murders on local no-count black sheep Chester Conway. Lawyer Jeff Plummer and prostitute Polly Winters don't believe that Chester is guilty of these crimes, so they hire smooth and suave gunman Silver to prove Chester's innocence and find the real killers.
Four people are killed in a saloon hold-up. The townspeople pin the murders on local no-count black sheep Chester Conway. Lawyer Jeff Plummer and prostitute Polly Winters don't believe that Chester is guilty of these crimes, so they hire smooth and suave gunman Silver to prove Chester's innocence and find the real killers.
A journalist finds himself on the trail of a murderer who's been targeting people around him, while the police are considering him a suspect in their investigation.
Com o intuito de comprar armas dos Estados Unidos, revolucionários mexicanos roubam um grande carregamento de ouro do exército austríaco. Com isto os rebeldes despertam a fúria do comandante das tropas invasoras, que emprega de extrema violência para recuperar o ouro. Mas, ao lado dos mexicanos, está Sabata, um implacável pistoleiro mercenário, que tem muitos interesses nesse conflito! Segundo filme da trilogia “Sabata” e o único em que o personagem não foi interpretado por Lee Van Cleef. Continuação: “O Retorno de Sabata”.
Shango, um ex-soldado nortista, luta contra sanguinário major confederado que domina uma cidade.
An undercover Nazi in Libya aims to steal fuel and deliver it to a specific location in the desert where an Italian bomber would refuel on its way to Allied target.
Uomo di Barbanera
Franco and Ciccio embark on a journey to find Pirate Flint's lost treasure, hunted by the fearsome Pirate Blackbeard.
il maniscalco
Ao retornar da Guerra Civil, Jim Slade (Peter Lee) encontra seus pais mortos em sua fazenda. Jim jura vingar-se ao descobrir que os rensponsáveis foram a gangue comandada por Corbett (Pierro Lulli), mas seu caminho se revela mais complicado que o esperado. É então que, em busca de dinheiro, ele aceita se tornar o xerife da cidade.
Tudo começa com o violento roubo a uma diligência, quando um cofre repleto de ouro é roubado e os passageiros são massacrados pelos bandidos. Após uma série de traições e tiroteios, o fruto do roubo acaba nas mãos do assassino Lasky. Mas o anti-herói Sartana começa a investigar o crime e segue a pista dos seus autores. Primeiro filme da série "Sartana" oficial. Continuação: "Eu Sou Sartana" (1969)
Depois que sua irmã é sequestrada e assassinada, os planos de vingança de um pistoleiro envolvem o assassinato de dois generais para prolongar a Guerra Civil.
O misterioso pistoleiro Django consegue com um político corrupto o emprego ideal: carrasco de inocentes proprietários de terras, que se recusam a dançar conforme a musica. O que o chefão não imagina é que Django não está enforcando ninguém. Na realidade, ele está usando suas”vitimas” para treinar uma gang guiada apenas pela vingança. A maior vingança é a de Django, cuja a morte da esposa foi causada pelo atual contratador. E o dia de vingar a morte de sua amada se aproxima. O conflito final vai começar.
Andrea, a young man from the provinces, leaves his home, his friends and his girlfriend to go to the city in search of new intellectual satisfactions that he believes he can no longer find in his small world. The young idealist meets Eleonora, a beautiful woman romantically linked to Luca, a rich and unscrupulous businessman, and becomes his lover. In order to live forever next to Andrea, Eleonora does not hesitate to abandon Luca and the luxurious life that he allowed her. The death of Eleonora in a car accident, however, abruptly cuts off Andrea's dreams of happiness, who returns to his provincial town, where he finds his fiancée waiting for him and comforting him.
Cunningham's Agent Disguised as a Nurse
A journalist and secretary get involved in espionage.
Coward sheriff
The son of Django searches for the murderer of his father and is thereby involved in a war between two factions headed by former acquaintances of his famous parent.
diplomatico spia Martinez
Two dim-witted servants to an elderly, wealthy woman learn that they are to inherent the late woman's money, on the condition that they have to care for her rambuncous pet cat, which is not an easy thing to do so.
Starblack is a hero who dresses in black and his face is covered by a black scarf and he carries in his shirt a black star, which he always leaves at the scene of his enterprises, as a symbol of justice. Soucre: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net
Steve (as Andrew Scott)
Rod Cooper, an American agent of the CIA, is sent to Paris to discover if colonel Segura, head of a clandestine organization which proclaims itself anti-Castroist, is playing a double game at the expense of the United States. He first tries to make contact with Ms Beckett, who should tell him. Segura's intentíons, but the woman is found killed. Subsequently, Rogerson, another American, presents Cooper to Segura himself and so Rod can enter his organization. Here he discovers that the colonel tries to attract a certain number of Americans to use them in an attack against the president of a state of southern America and thus promote communist expansion. Segura soon discovers Rod's real identity and tries to get rid of him; but the agent manages to reverse the situation and kills Segura in a shoot-out.
A tough CIA agent is called in to put a stop to a shipment of weapons to the Viet Cong from an arms smuggling ring in this intercontinental spy thriller.
The invention everyone is after is definitely of the science fiction type. It's a special tie-clip that when used with a pair of infra-red contact lenses enables the user to see through walls! The guy that stole them from the professor is putting it to good use by wearing it while playing poker and cleaning up! He should think bigger. The first thing Roger does when he discovers this little novelty is use it to spy on his girlfriend getting dressed! That's more like it. This film really gets around. We travel from the Riviera to Geneva to Paris to Casablanca (the Casbah no less), and to Copenhagen. We even get a tour of the Tuborg brewery. There's a prolonged gun battle amongst the giant beer tanks. Talk about product placement!
Dois atiradores são contratados para uma missão: proteger uma pequena e pobre vila mexicana de gangue de bandidos inescrupulosos. A parceria entre eles, entretanto, tem um fim quando um deles foge para viver uma vida hamoniosa com a filha do parceiro. O casal tenta levar uma vida serena, mas acabam criando sérios conflitos com um poderoso homem da cidade. Logo o antigo parceiro volta para buscar vingança, mas ele e seu velho amigo acabam tendo de juntar forças para acabar com a ameaça do poderoso homem da cidade e de seu sócio em uma emboscada no meio de uma cidade completamente lotada de atiradores. Música marcante de Nico Fidenco
A sergeant finds out that a GI hides a child in the military barracks. The boy is the son of another soldier who sings in a night club but due to series of misunderstandings the sergeant believes he is his own son, born from a former love story.
Taxi Driver
Agent 077 - Mission Bloody Mary or Agente 077 missione Bloody Mary is a 1965 Italian action spy adventure film. The first of the Secret Agent 077 film series directed by Sergio Grieco.
Giuliano Gemma é um soldado que retorna da guerra para lutar uma outra em casa... Sem ele saber, seu irmão se transformou num pistoleiro infame chamado "Black Jack" que derrota os pistoleiros locais. Giuliano Gemma concorda em fazer uma emboscada para matar "Black Jack". E somente aí, que descobre quem realmente é o fora-da-lei. Com vingança no coração, ele se volta contra seus empregadores...
Curious noises in the Arabian desert signal an attack by bizarre phantom-like raiders of gold who are in search of their Queen. A relocated Hercules (KIRK MORRIS of The Witch's Curse) arrives on the scene and sets off to find a kidnapped Nomad princess. He follows her abductors past the Mountain of the Dead, through the City of the Phantoms, to a mysterious castle which turn out to be Atlantis. As if all this wasn't strange enough, Hercules will encounter gold-painted, blue body stocking-wearing, reanimated dead guys; female guards (who are killed if they taste the love of a man); a dying evil queen and her Ming the Merciless wanna-be sorcerer-scientist; and a torturous climax.
il servitore del rajah
The Rajah of Punjab wants to come into possession of a famous gem known as "Mountain of Light". He asks adventurer Allan Foster to steal it for him, but Foster has other plans.
Young Shepherd
Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.
giocatore di poker
Índios renegados, liderados por Yellow Hand, estão a ser vendidos canhões por Donaldson. Buffalo Bill é enviado para parar o comércio de armas e evitar uma guerra dos índios.
Stagecoach Traveller
A cowboy goes to help out his friend, who has been falsely accused of murder. The two find themselves in the rugged and mysterious Pallidi Mountains, where they come up against an outlaw gang that is searching for a buried Inca treasure, which is guarded by a lot Inca tribe.
Hercules, after sailing global waters is eventually shipwrecked in South America. After losing his Greek shipmates, Hercules is enlisted to overthrow a tyrannical king int he land of the Incas. Featuring scenic views of the mountains of the Andes.
Sgt. Flanner (uncredited)
Renegades trying to get the army to abandon their fort get the Indians addicted to whiskey, then convince them to attack and drive out the soldiers.
Andrew Scott
Three unequal brothers seek revenge for the murder of their father. Each of them goes a different way.
Após a morte de Filipe II, Rei de Navarra, as princesas Malva e Isabella disputam quem irá suceder o monarca no trono. Malva, cruel e ambiciosa, sentindo que a escolhida será Isabel, decide desaparecer com o testamento do falecido rei antes que ele seja tornado público. Para isso, cria um plano mirabolante que acaba jogando dois heróis, Zorro e Maciste, um contra o outro.
The rightful heir to the throne of Babylon leads a slave revolt against an evil ruler.
Don Goyo's Son
California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny.
In WWII Greece, two enemy Colonels, one Italian and the other English, develop a grudging friendship which the war will test.
Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.
King Minos sacrifices the 'required' virgins to the Minotaur. As his wife lies dying, she confesses that her daughter has a twin she has secreted to avoid giving one of the girls to the Minotaur. The daughter raised by Minos tries to have her twin killed, but failing in her first attempt, continues to try to have her given to the Minotaur. Theseus, the Greek hero, tries to prevent it.
An orphan, raised by a foreign tribe, becomes a warrior queen and falls in love with the leader of her enemies.
Hercules decides to avenge the death of his wife, murdered at the hands of Éurito, king of Ecalia, but everything is a plot of an ambitious courtier. Hercules ends up falling in love with Deyanira, who is now a good queen.
Il giardiniere
When a singer (Susanne Loret) is horribly disfigured in a car accident, a scientist (Alberto Lupo) develops a treatment which can restore her beauty by injecting her with a special serum. While performing the procedure, however, he falls in love with her. As the treatment begins to fail, he determines to save her appearance, regardless of how many women he must kill for her sake.
Il Francese
Two young people trickle, steal and exploit prostitutes.
Luigi's Colleague with a Panettone
Emilia Bonelli is an overly ambitious and driven woman. This dominant personality trait has its effects on her henpecked husband Luigi, and her daughter Carla. Circumstances ultimately lead to the courtroom and an aloof judge in the persona of Andrea Morandi.
Dark-haired man in stripped T-shirt
When a promising record company president is arrested, his daughter takes over his company to promote her own rock and roll music by promoting various young singers.
Captain Richard and a small band of soldiers return home to France to discover the country ruled by horrible nobility.
Baron Oddo de Serra who is cruel to his subjects, is neighbor of the Count Gualtiero of Roccalta. The servants of the baron cross the lands of Count to escape his abuses. Baron hatches a plot to assassinate the earl.
invitato di Bertinori
Desiderio is a gentleman thief who steals jewelry. Without him knowing, he is hired as a manager in the jewelry store of Gabriele Bertinori, and with this position he plans to rob the place.
Paolo Anselmi is a happily single man. He lives in a flat with a friend but is forced to leave when the friend gets married. He then goes to a boarding house where he flirts with a girl but ditches her when she proposes marriage. When he goes and visits his mother he finds out that she is also trying to find the right girl for him. Is he going to surrender this time?