Jade Fusco


Wonder Valley
Karlan Edwards
Four young women watch their dreams become nightmares as a weekend getaway in the desert turns deadly.
Spiral Farm
When two outsiders arrive on an isolated intentional community, seventeen-year old Anahita begins to question her role at home, and what a future out in the world-at-large could be.
Rover (or Beyond Human: The Venusian Future and the Return of the Next Level)
In their dilapidated church headquarters, a dispirited cult awaits the sign to off themselves. Their hapless leader, Dave, concocts a plan: to quell infighting and give them purpose in life, he fakes a prophecy instructing them to make a movie and share their story with the world. They don't know the first thing about film production, but in making the movie the cult members find a uniting purpose. Then, just as they hit their stride, Dave receives a true prophecy. It's time for them to "exit."
Rebelde com Causa
Bernice Lynch
Nick Twisp (Michael Cera), é um adolescente de 16 anos obcecado com sexo que, durante as férias em um parque de trailers, conhece Sheeni Saunders (Portia Doubleday), uma garota bonita e inteligente. A única coisa no caminho entre os dois é o ex-namorado de Saunders que escreve poemas, Trent (Jonathan B. Wright), os pais divorciados e temperamentais de Nick (Steve Buscemi e Jean Smart) e o namorado da mãe de Nick (Zach Galifianakis e Ray Liotta). Quando Nick nota que Sheeni não está interessada nele, ele cria um alter-ego, chamado François, que lembra Nick, mas tem olhos azuis, um bigode, uma voz mais profunda e atitude de bad boy, para ajudar a conquistar Sheeni. Mas quando François faz de Nick um procurado pela justiça, tudo começa a sair de controle