José Sarney

José Sarney

Nascimento : 1930-04-24, Pinheiro, Maranhão, Brazil


José Sarney de Araújo Costa (born José Ribamar Ferreira de Araújo Costa; 24 April 1930) is a Brazilian politician, lawyer, and writer who served as 31st president of Brazil from 1985 to 1990. He briefly served as the 20th vice president of Brazil for a month between April and May 1985. Sarney was a member of the Chamber of Deputies from 1955 until 1966 and of the Senate from 1971 until 1985. He was also the Governor of Maranhão from 1966 until 1970. During the Brazilian military dictatorship, Sarney affiliated himself with the government party, ARENA, becoming the president of the party in 1979. Sarney joined the dissenters, and was instrumental in the creation of the Liberal Front Party. Sarney ran for Vice-President on the ticket of Tancredo Neves of PMDB, formerly the opposition party to the military government. Neves won the presidential election, but fell ill and died before taking office, and Sarney became President. He started out his term with great popularity, but public opinion shifted with the Brazilian debt crisis and the failure of Plano Cruzado to abate chronic inflation. His government is seen today as disastrous and clientelism was widespread having longlasting consequences for the Brazilian Republic post military dictatorship. Following his presidency, Sarney resumed his senate career elected again in 1991 and serving until 2015. He also held the position of President of the Federal Senate three times following his presidency. At age 92, he is the oldest living former Brazilian president, and at the time of his retirement in 2015, had one of the longest congressional careers in Brazilian history. Born in Pinheiro, Maranhão, as José Ribamar Ferreira de Araújo Costa, he was the son of Sarney de Araújo Costa, a wealthy land-owner and sugarcane producer, and Kiola Ferreira. His family has origins in Viseu in Portugal. He attended Colégio Marista and the Licéu Maranhense before attending the Federal University of Maranhão. In 1953, he graduated from the federal university receiving his bachelor's degree in law. After his graduation, he launched a postmodernist literary journal titled A Ilha. In 1965 he legally adopted the name José Sarney de Araújo Costa, usually shortened to José Sarney, for electoral purposes. He was known as "Zé do Sarney", as in "José, son of Sarney". Sarney's father acquired the name after being born on a land owned by an Englishman named "Sir Ney". Sarney started his political career in the 1950s after becoming a replacement deputy and later as a federal deputy in 1955. He was a member of the centre-right National Democratic Union (União Democrática Nacional—UDN), aligned with the progressive wing of the party. He strongly supported so-called "Revolution of 1964", a military coup that overthrew leftist President João Goulart in 1964. After the military coup, Sarney followed most of the UDN into the National Renewal Alliance (ARENA), the political party of the military government. He was elected governor of the state of Maranhão in 1966, serving until 1971. He was then elected to the Brazilian Senate and became ARENA's president. ... Source: Article "José Sarney" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


José Sarney


8 Presidentes 1 Juramento: A História de um Tempo Presente
Através de materiais de arquivo de diferentes mídias, nacionais e internacionais, o filme reconta a história do processo da redemocratização brasileira, do movimento das Diretas Já à posse de Jair Bolsonaro.
José Aparecido de Oliveira – O Maior Mineiro do Mundo
Documentário que narra a trajetória do jornalista, deputado federal, secretário de Estado, ministro de Estado, governador e embaixador José Aparecido de Oliveira, que conviveu com as maiores autoridades e personalidades do meio político, empresarial e cultural do Brasil e do mundo.
O Brasil Deu Certo. E Agora?
3 ex-presidents of Brazil, 12 ex-ministers of State, 7 ex-governors of the Central Bank, bank owners and finance specialists tell the Brazilian economic history and speculate about the present and the future of the country. 125 years ago Brazil was a poor country with slavery. 60 years ago 50% of Brazilians were illiterate. 25 years ago inflation rate reached 84% a month and 35% of the population was extremely poor. In 2013, Brazil ranks the seventh world's largest economy, inflation reached 5,4% a year, poverty was reduced to 12% and the country is looking forward to be wealthy. Will it happen? Agile cutting, simple language and smart graphic arts allow the answer to this and other questions to be interesting and available to all audiences.
Português - A Língua do Brasil
16 members from the Brazilian Academy of Letters share their views on the current situation of the portuguese language.
João do Vale, Muita Gente Desconhece
Com roteiro de Miriam Cris Carlos, "João do Vale, Muita Gente Desconhece" faz um resgate da história da música popular brasileira e do universo sertanejo através da vida e da obra do compositor João do Vale, reconhecido como um dos artistas mais produtivos do Brasil. Autor de mais de 600 músicas, entre elas os clássicos da MPB "Carcará", "Pisa na Fulô", "Coroné Antônio Bento", "Canto da Ema", entre outras, João do Vale, morto em 1996, aos 62 anos, foi objeto de mais de 10 anos de pesquisa feita pelo diretor Werinton Kermes. Se Luiz Gonzaga é o rei do baião, João do Vale é o príncipe. O filme procura resgatar a história de um dos mais geniais compositores brasileiros, o maranhense João do Vale, a partir de depoimentos de contemporâneos (Luiz Vieira, Miucha, Ferreira Gullar e outros) e mostra imagens raras do cantador nordestino no palco juntamente com Nara Leão, Chico Buarque, Gonzaguinha.
O Dono do Mar
The film tells the story of Cristório, a fisherman from Northeastern Brazilian state of Maranhão, who lost his young son when he was killed by jealous husband, during a folklore festival that celebrates the return of a ressurected bull, called Bumba-meu-boi. It is a journey to the heart of deepest Brazil, where it finds the dramatic soul of the Brazilian people.
Glauber em Tempo - Redescobrindo o Brasil
Programa especial produzido pela TV Senado que traça um panorama da obra de Glauber Rocha. Conta com depoimentos de Lúcia Rocha, Ferreira Gullar, José Sarney, Luis Carlos Barreto, Vladimir Carvalho, Severino Francisco, Ivana Bentes e Berê Bahia.
Terra Para Rose
O filme registra a ocupação de uma fazenda no Rio Grande do Sul e investiga as políticas de reforma agrária no Brasil da Nova República e a atuação do MST. Para isso, aborda a história de Rose, uma das líderes cujo sonho é ter um pedaço de terra.
Self (archive footage)
Documentário que procura traçar um paralelo sociológico entre cubanos e brasileiros, através de diversas similaridades culturais que são apresentadas entre os dois povos.
Maranhão 66
Posse de José Sarney, governador do Estado do Maranhão. Ao discurso do político eleito, opõem-se as imagens das mazelas sociais e demais problemas crônicos do Estado nordestino: famintos desassistidos, casas miseráveis e doentes desamparados. (Cinemateca Brasileira)