Richard D. Kent


Conta Comigo
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Em uma pequena cidade do Oregon, quatro amigos - o sensível Gordie, o durão Chris, o destemido Teddy e o acovardado Vern - resolvem sair à procura do cadáver de um adolescente desaparecido, que foi atropelado por um trem. O objetivo dos garotos é o de ser vistos como heróis diante dos amigos e dos moradores da cidade. Assim, eles partem numa inesquecível viagem de dois dias que se transforma em uma odisseia de autodescoberta e que evolui para um evento marcante em suas vidas.
Crianças Adotadas
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A young mother hands her children into what she thinks is a childcare center while she finds a new home, but returns to find that they have been adopted out without her knowledge.
Isabel's Choice
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When the boss she helped climb the corporate ladder is forced into early retirement, a widowed executive secretary must choose between his surprise marriage proposal or new challenges and continuing her career by helping his successor adjust to his company duties.
The Girl, the Gold Watch & Dynamite
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In this sequel to "The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything," down-on-his-luck Kirby Winter inherits a floundering business, and the magical gold watch which can stop time. But his wedding plans with Bonnie Lee Beaumont are interrupted when her mother phones them to help her save her family farm from a nasty land developer - using the gold watch's powers.
She's in the Army Now
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Akin to Private Benjamin, this comedy deals with the tough life of female army recruits going through basic training. Through their training they come to realize that there is more to being tough than having muscles.
A Time for Miracles
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Elizabeth Bayley Seton, America's first native-born saint and founder of the Sisters of Charity, is the subject of this inspiring biopic. After the tragic death of her husband, Seton converts to Catholicism. Once again, she suffers terrible loss when two of her children die, but goes on to found the American Sisters of Charity and the first American Catholic schools. Seton died in 1826 and was canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1975.
The Solitary Man
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A family man must make an adjustment after his wife of fifteen years one day blurts out that she wants a divorce and leaves him to construct a new life.
Terrores da Noite
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Morcegos assassinos atormentam uma reserva indígena no Novo México.
Like Normal People
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An intellectually-challenged man and woman meet, fall in love, and are determined to get married, despite the initial objections of their families and friends. Based on a true story.
A Family Upside Down
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An elderly married couple find that as their physical and mental health deteriorates, they find themselves dependent more and more upon their grown children.
Alta Ansiedade
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Richard Thorndyke chega ao Instituto Neuro-Psiquiátrico Para os Muito, Muito Nervosos para tornar-se seu diretor. Mas suas novas funções vão muito além de garantir que tudo funcione da forma correta: ele foi chamado principalmente para descobrir a origem de falcatruas que andam acontecendo lá dentro. Tudo complica ainda mais quando ele próprio é ameaçado de morte, por saber demais, o que traz a tona seu próprio problema psicológico: ele sofre de alta ansiedade! O filme faz homenagem explícita as obras de Alfred Hitchcock. Algumas sequências trazem paródias de cenas famosas de filmes como Os Pássaros, Psicose e Um Corpo que Cai.
Set Decoration
The behind-the-scenes intrigues — including, possibly, a murder — of an all-star fundraising telethon set in Las Vegas.