Oleg Drach

Oleg Drach

Nascimento : 1959-10-01, Vodyane, Pustomyty. Lviv Oblast, Ukraine


Oleg Tarasovich Drach (born October 1, 1959, village Vodyane, Pustomyty district Lviv region) - Ukrainian actor, director, teacher. Honored Artist of Ukraine. In 1981 he graduated from the Kyiv State Theater Institute named after I.K.Karpenko-Karyi (course of N. A. USSR A. Y. Gashinsky). One of the founders of the Lviv Theater named after. Les Kurbas (1987). Works as the head of the Department of Cultural Studies at the NCSTM them. Les Kurbas. Head of Theater Laboratory "STUDIA A.K. T.". Investigates the nature of man's creative processes. Conducts psychophysical training aimed at awakening creative nature and personality development. From Wikipedia (uk), the free encyclopedia


Oleg Drach
Oleg Drach
Oleg Drach


A Sombra de Stalin
A extraordinária história não contada de Gareth Jones, um ambicioso e jovem jornalista galês que viajou para a União Soviética em 1933 e descobriu a chocante verdade por trás da “utopia” soviética e do regime de Josef Stalin.
Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory. Taras Kostanchuk who is playing himself as 'Beshoot' is that same Donbas commander who is the prototype of the story. Half of the actors and extras are real 'Donbas' volunteers who survived the battle.
Passenger from San Francisco
Our film portrays the precarious destiny of a former employee of the Soviet customs service. Sent into 'forced' immigration on an assignment in the 1980s, he is forgotten after the regime changes that take place in Russia in the early 1990s. Supported by neither Russian nor American governments, he is forced into a struggle against the international drug mafia. Alone, he will have to find a way out of a labyrinth of highly complex and unforeseen difficulties.
A Morte de Stalin
Red Army Colonel
União Soviética, 1953. Após a inesperada morte do ícone Josef Stalin, o alto escalão do comitê do Partido Comunista se vê em momentos caóticos para decidir quem será o sucessor do líder soviético e quais rumos a nação seguirá a partir de então, uma enorme disputa que envolve até os complexos herdeiros do político.
A Sniper Russa
A história de uma jovem estudante soviética que se juntou ao Exército Vermelho para defender a União Soviética contra a invasão nazista de 1941. Atiradora nata, sua habilidade era tanta que o alto comando do Exército Alemão deu ordens para eliminar a garota a qualquer custo. Ela acabou se tornando uma das peças mais mortíferas da Segunda Guerra Mundial e a atiradora de maior sucesso na história.
Жизнь на двоих
бывший депутат
В лесополосе найдено тело молодой женщины. Его невозможно опознать: лицо и одна рука были обезображены кислотой. Рядом лежат два паспорта, но это не проясняет ситуацию…
Metropolitan Andrey
Story about Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrey Sheptytsky who opposed repressive totalitarian regimes of Stalin and Hitler and chose the path of service to God and people.
O polonês Andrzej Wajda descreve o famoso e triste massacre de Katyn. Meses depois da invasão nazista na Polônia, em 1939, aproximadamente 22 mil prisioneiros de guerra poloneses são mortos pela polícia secreta soviética nas florestas da cidade de Katyn.
The Company of Heroes
One hundred soldiers of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, led by Michael Duda, fearlessly fighting against the Bolshevics and against the Nazis.
A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
Prince Vasili Golitsyn
'A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa' unfolds during an interesting era in the history of Eastern Europe when Russia, under Peter the Great, and Sweden, under King Charles XII, struggled for power; the Ukraine was the pawn in the middle. In 1709, Ivan Mazepa, Hetman of Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire, signed a pact with the Swedish king promising to support Sweden in its war against Russia provided that the Ukraine was given its independence.
The Secret of Genghis Khan
Chan Chu
1227, the last night of dying Genghis Khan. With promises and threats tyrant tries to persuade captive Otrar physician Akerke, the widow of the scientist, who was killed by Mongol soldiers, to save his life. But patriotic woman does not want to deliver the oppressor of his people and severely exposes his bloody tyranny of power.
Ave Maria
Once in the underpass at the Philharmonic, a singer Lyudmila hears a heavenly voice of a beggar-girl singing "Ave Maria" ...
Cupid and Demon
The story is based on the true story of a Lviv antique collector who collaborated with the KGB in the postwar years in Western Ukraine. The property seized from the masters was deposited in his collection and, at his will, after the owner's death, was transferred to the Hermitage.