A terrifying psychological thriller set near the beautiful landscape of Glacier National Park, Montana. Two high school friends, Travis and Nate, are on a road trip to Canada when they're attacked by mysterious and vicious creatures. Nate is stolen into the woods and Travis will stop at nothing to get him back. Travis recruits Nate's older brother Chris to bring an arsenal and wage war against these monsters in an effort to retrieve Nate.
Hirokin é um samurai que vive em um planeta devastado dominado pelo ditador Griffin. Após ter sua mulher e filho mortos pelo exército de Griffin, Hirokin deve escolher entre vingar sua família e libertar seu povo.
Cachorros também se apaixonam a primeira vista! E foi assim com o Labrador Rusty e a Poodle Cheri, que se conheceram um dia enquanto seus donos estavam passeando no parque. E olha que sorte: eles também se apaixonaram! Susan e Jake se casaram e agora Rusty e Cheri passam o dia inteiro junto. Mas o amor humano é complicado demais e, com 5 filhos na mesma casa e caos completo, cabe a Rusty e Cheri darem uma força para esta família permanecer unida! Muitas risadas no filme perfeito para toda a família curtir.
Ally está procurando emprego como publicitária para poder pagar as contas em casa. Até que ela consegue uma entrevista com uma executiva de uma grande empresa do ramo, mas a vaga oferecida é para o trabalho como babá. Sem imaginar as consequências, a jovem aceita o desafio, que vai mudar sua vida.
Two lawyers dueling over a proposal to turn a quaint mountain town into a ski resort discover they are former childhood sweethearts. Lisa is fighting to protect the hamlet, big city attorney Rick represents the developer who wants to plow it under. But when a car accident forces Rick to stick around, the small town, and his former beloved, begin to work their magic on him.
A story based on real-life serial killer Dennis L. Rader, who systematically tortured and killed his victims for over two decades and evaded the police for over 30 years, all while leading a seemingly normal life as a husband, father, security officer and church president.
A história real da vida do assassino em série Ed Gein. Apelidado de "The Butcher Of Plainfield," Gein foi responsável por uma onda de assassinatos brutais e necrofilia que chocaram a população da cidade rural de Wisconsin, e todo os Estados Unidos, no final de 1950. Prepare-se para entrar na mente má e no mundo estranho do açougueiro de Plainfield.
A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?
The events and images that happen during college go by in the blink of an eye. For Jimmy Bravo, those images are about love, sacrifice, and ultimately murder, on many different levels. As college freshmen, Jimmy and his friends get caught up in the rush of fraternities, sex, and drugs, quickly making loads of money as dealers. But soon, Jimmy must make sacrifices for his newfound love, and then eventually betray her trust and his own integrity to make another sacrifice for his friends. This college experience turns out to truly be the experience of life and death.
When a group of friends explore a supposedly haunted high school in New Jersey, their lives are changed forever when two of them are killed. While the police are looking for a killer it becomes apparent that the killer might not be living.