Set against the backdrop of 9/11, this documentary tells the story of how a new generation kickstarted a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world.
Set against the backdrop of 9/11, this documentary tells the story of how a new generation kickstarted a musical rebirth for New York City that reverberated around the world.
Standup comedian Aziz Ansari ("Parks and Recreation") headlines his third standup special, where he shares his uniquely hilarious perspective on fears of adulthood, babies, marriage, and more. Ansari's look at life on the cusp of 30 years old is smart, unfiltered, and hysterical.
New York dance-punk band LCD Soundsystem plays its final show at Madison Square Garden on April 2, 2011.
A 2 de Abril de 2011, os LCD Soundsystem deram o seu último concerto no Madison Square Garden. O filme é, simultaneamente, uma narrativa cinematográfica que documenta esta actuação única e um retrato íntimo de James Murphy, antes do concerto e no dia seguinte, bem como as ramificações pessoais e profissionais da sua decisão.
Documentário que registra a volta da banda de brit-pop Blur.