Gino Landi


Gepeto (Carlo Giuffrè), um solitário carpinteiro, decide fazer um boneco de madeira para lhe fazer companhia. Com pena da solidão de Gepeto, a Fada Azul (Nicoletta Braschi) decide satisfazer seu desejo e dá vida a Pinóquio (Roberto Benigni), o boneco de madeira. Porém logo Pinóquio busca se tornar um garoto de verdade, o que faz com que ele se envolva em diversas confusões.
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Barbara is an Italian actress, superstar, who comes to Argentina to star in her own musical. She meets a photographer named Mauro and falls in love with him; but Mauro keeps a secret that she will soon discover.
Anche i bancari hanno un'anima
Stage Director
Anche i bancari hanno un'anima
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Father Silvestro receives a phone call from God telling him He intends to send the second flood to earth. The priest then decides to seek help from his compatriots to build a new Noah’s Ark. But to achieve their objectives they must overcome the obstacles that mayor Crispino puts in their way.
Waterloo - A Batalha de Napoleão
Épico histórico que conta a saga de Napoleão, na batalha de Waterloo. Em 1815, após escapar da Ilha de Elba, Napoleão organiza seu exército para participar da luta decisiva na Bélgica contra os exércitos da Inglaterra e da Prússia.
Trinity Vai a Guerra
Aventureiros desastrados transformam a Segunda Grande Guerra na maior bagunça.
Crazy Westerners
Little Rita has a dream: she dreams of a better world and she believes that all the evil in the world originates from gold. So she has decided to blow up all the gold she can put her hands on. In her mission she is assisted by the Indian Chief Bisonte Seduto and by her friend Francis. Little Rita kills Ringo and Django, but she is taken prisoner by the Mexican bandit Sancho who wants to steal her gold. Black Star rescues her and seems determined to help her, but does he?
Hercules Against the Sons of the Sun
Hercules, after sailing global waters is eventually shipwrecked in South America. After losing his Greek shipmates, Hercules is enlisted to overthrow a tyrannical king int he land of the Incas. Featuring scenic views of the mountains of the Andes.
La bellezza d'Ippolita
Luca, a petrol dealer, marries a magazine dancer, Ippolita, a girl who likes to be courted by the many passing motorists. One day, the woman discovers that her husband has betrayed her with Adriana. Ippolita decides her revenge: she assures Luke that she will keep her duties as a wife only when she too has allowed herself similar distractions. Through a series of animated events, the two resume married life: but Luca will not be able to know if Ippolita was really unfaithful to him.