During the covid 19 curfew, Bracha is wandering in the middle of the night, in the empty streets of Bat Yam. Her anxious mother, Nitzi, is surprised to find her at her doorstep, and has a hard time welcoming her into her home.
Dan Freilich (30), a handsome and dozy nerd, was sure that his life were all planned out for the next 50 years. pretty soon he was also supposed to get married, to his high school sweetheart. That's all you need, isn't it? Apparently not.
Durante um bar mitzvah em uma comunidade judaica de Jerusalém, a bancada onde as mulheres rezam quebra. Logo após, um novo rabino com pensamentos ultra-ortodoxos chega e prega que as mulheres não deveríam frequentar a sinagoga. Revoltadas, elas se unem para juntar dinheiro e reconstruir seus postos.