After a lively high school reunion, Jessica and Cynthia reconnect with their childhood friend Karen and vow to stay in close communication online. After a year of cheerful daily status updates, Karen begins to post some strange updates to her life. When Jessica tries to call Karen to let her know that she and Cynthia will be in town for the week she is unable to reach her. Sensing something may be seriously wrong, Jessica tracks down Karen's husband Paul to find out where her friend is. Paul tells her that Karen ran off to Hawaii due to marriage issues but Jessica is convinced he is lying. But when random status posts begin showing up on Karen's page, Jessica suspects that someone else might be behind it...
Pony (uncredited)
Django é um escravo negro alforriado que, sob a tutela de um caçador de recompensas alemão, se torna num mercenário e parte para encontrar e libertar a sua esposa, ainda escrava, das garras de Calvin Candie, um inescrupuloso proprietário de uma plantação no Mississíppi onde escravas são negociadas como objetos sexuais e escravos são colocados para lutar até à morte.