Song Jae-wan


The Night of the Undead
Lighting Director
So-hee enjoys her seemingly perfect life as a newlywed with her seemingly perfect husband. For being so perfect, she begins to suspect that her husband isn’t as he seems. Wanting some answers, she hires a private detective agency to trail him around.
Sem Misericórdia
Lighting Director
Uma garota sul-coreana descobre que sua irmã mais nova foi atacada e abusada por uma gangue. A revelação detona uma furiosa caçada cheia de ação: agora é a hora da vingança.
Pure Love
Lighting Director
Em 2014, um DJ de rádio recebe uma carta de seu primeiro amor que traz lembranças quase esquecidas do passado. Vinte e três anos antes, em 1991, cinco amigos passaram o verão juntos. Um deles, o tímido e inocente Beom-sil se apaixona por Soo-ok, que sofre de uma lesão na perna que a impede de andar corretamente, então ela sempre é carregada por Boem-sil.
The Hero
Lighting Director
Killer Toon
Lighting Director
A popular artista de webcomic de terror Ji-yoon encontra a vida imitando seu próprio trabalho quando sua editora aparece morta de certa forma, espelhando precisamente as imagens em sua última história em quadrinhos. Ji-yoon tem um álibi hermético, e quase todo mundo suspeita que a morte foi um suicídio ou um assassino imitador. Todos, exceto os curiosos…
In Between
Lighting Manager
When you think you are stuck in a dead-end loop, hope comes knocking at your door. A man sentenced to prison for killing his father and a woman whose days are numbered according to her doctors. They come across another desperate pair ? a man an inch away from death and a teashop girl who has nothing but her debts to depend upon. Their paths cross in the most devastating moments of their lives.
Ghost Sweepers
Lighting Director
Chan-young, a young journalist, is sent to investigate a village which has supposedly been possessed by demons. The incidents taking place have been so strange and terrifying that local shamans and other religious leaders have simply given up, abandoning the town. But upon her arrival, Chan-young discovers that an all-star team of supernaturally-inclined heroes has assembled to rid the village of evil. This team includes Mr. PARK the exorcist, Shi-min the monk, Wol-gwang the clairvoyant, Seung-hee the tarot master, and Seok-hyeon, an engineer. Chan-young follows the heroes as they prepare for an epic battle against the village’s evil forces.