Hassidic Boy
The lives of a Hassidic young man (Yoyli) and a Polish young woman (Mariola) intersect when they find themselves secluded in a car after he offers her a ride home. This, after Yoyli and his mother picked her up from a street corner in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where Polish, immigrant women wait to be taken to Hassidic homes to help with the cleaning of their house. In the movie they negotiate the labor at $8 an hour. After scrubbing and scouring for a bit, and after observing a world that is completely foreign to her, Mariola succumbs to the toxic fumes of the cleaning agents and falls and faints. After regaining consciousness, she leaves the house in an angry huff. At the prodding of his sister and father, Yoyli goes out to find her and offer her a ride. She accepts not realizing the differences of their worlds that would place the two young people in a tense and heated situation that is never fully resolved.
Bernard, um esnobe intelectual que já foi um grande romancista, acabou se acomodando com uma carreira universitária. Mas quando sua esposa Joan descobre que tem talento para escrever, a inveja divide a família e os filhos Walt e Frank escolhem lados – Walt com seu pai e Frank com sua mãe. Então Joan começa a sair com o professor de tênis do seu filho mais novo e Bernard inicia um romance com Lili, uma estudante de quem Walt também gosta.