Andrew M. Gray


Power Rangers Super Megaforce - A Batalha Lendária
Troy Burrows / Red Super Megaforce Ranger
Quando Orion sai para voltar ao seu planeta natal, Tensou descobre uma frequência de rádio do Imperador Mavro afirmando que ele usará toda a sua armada para invadir a Terra! Os Rangers revidam e não desistem. Mas quando O Imperador e seu exército destruirem todos os Super Mega Zords, os Super Mega Rangers devem se unir e lutar ao lado de todos os Legendary Rangers do passado para derrotar o exército de mais de mil X-Borgs. Na Edição Estendida, contendo 8 minutos de filmagem extra, os Rangers devem usar mais Modos Lendários e Battlizers para garantir que o Imperador Mavro e a Armada tenham ido embora definitivamente.
Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultra Defenders
Power Rangers battle mutants to stop a super-monster that was created from an Aurora box.
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: The Silver Warrior
As the fight against evil Prince Vekar's alien Armada gets tougher, the Power Rangers Super Megaforce (Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia and Jake) find themselves receiving help from the Legendary Samurai and Jungle Fury Red Ranger! The odds are further evened when the Rangers are joined by an unexpected new ally from another planet - Orion, the Silver Ranger! Witness more action, more teamwork, and more Legendary Rangers than ever before in these four epic episodes!
Power Rangers Megaforce: Ultimate Team Power
Gosei é um guardião sobrenatural que durante séculos foi encarregado por Zordon de proteger a Terra, junto de seu auxiliar robótico denominado Tensou. Mas quando os terríveis alienígenas do mal, denominados de Warstars começam a atacar a Terra, então ao despertar, Gosei recruta cinco adolescentes com garra para se tornarem os novos Power Rangers e assim mostrar aos Warstars que "Os Defensores da Terra nunca se rendem", ao longo do caminho o jogo começa a ficar mais difícil e eles precisam de nova ajuda, eles encontram o robô guerreiro e tem a missão de fazê-lo aprender, que trabalho em equipe é muito melhor que sozinho, e assim conseguem vencer os obstáculos pelo caminho, mas ao vencerem esses aliens, não sabem que o pior ainda está por vir.
A Green Story
Van Vlahakis left Greece five decades ago with 22 dollars in his pocket. He arrived in the US hoping for a better future for him and his family. Eftichios as is his Greek name not only managed to live the American dream for himself, but also created Earth Friendly Products, a US giant for environmentally friendly cleaning products. His story is not only about transforming his life but also the lives of the ones around him as the owner and CEO of Earth Friendly Products. The story centers on the modern day Vlahakis, who is diagnosed with cancer and given only few months to live. During this time, he reflects on his early life as an immigrant during the 1950's and ultimately decides to push himself to the limit by closing one final business deal that will concretize his company's success, even if it means taking on a large corporation that is trying to take over his company.
1313: Wicked Stepbrother
Jarrod is horrified to learn that a faceless killer is celebrating his birthday by filling his mansion with the corpses of his closest friends.