Martin Persson


A Estrada Eterna
Ao retornar à Finlândia após de deixar os EUA durante a Grande Depressão, um homem enfrenta uma crescente inquietação política no país nórdico. Numa noite de verão de 1930, bandidos nacionalistas o raptam. Ele é espancado e forçado a andar até a União Soviética, onde a crueldade parece não ter fim. Seu único desejo é voltar a ver a família, mesmo que esse sonho seja quase impossível. Baseado em uma história real.
Afternoon Encounter
She wants a divorce, a cleaning prior to death - but he refuses. Here’s an old couple that can’t stand each other, other than as memories. The film is based on a radio play script.
A Jovem Rainha
Durante o século 17, a rainha Cristina está determinada a modernizar a Suécia. Criada como um príncipe sob rigorosa educação luterana, a rainha enfrenta grande resistência tanto em sua missão modernizadora como em acabar com a sangrenta Guerra dos Trinta Anos, entre protestantes e católicos. Em meio a isso, ela se esforça para entender o amor que sente por sua dama de companhia, a condessa Ebba Sparre. Dividida entre conflitos de aspirações políticas e pessoais, Cristina opta por tomar uma das decisões mais controversas da história.
Tillbaka till Bromma
Anders, Kenneth and Steven went to high school together. Today they are 38, still living in the Swedish suburb but now in completely different stages of life. This warm mockumentary covers the lives of these 3 men.
Tillbaka till Bromma
Anders, Kenneth and Steven went to high school together. Today they are 38, still living in the Swedish suburb but now in completely different stages of life. This warm mockumentary covers the lives of these 3 men.
Life's a Breeze
An unemployed slacker, his aged mother and his niece must overcome their many differences to find a lost fortune.
Peter Magnusson appeares as the three main characters of the TV4 miniseries Blomstertid. The mockumentary mini-series follows Kenneth, Steven and Anders during their school years in Bromma spring of 1994 and 14 years later. Three different life stories that are woven together and depicted with both seriousness and humor.
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.