Cho Sang-yun


A Fúria Divina
Director of Photography
Um lutador do MMA ajuda um exorcista a combater o mal.
Ficar com Você
Director of Photography
Junto com seu filho, Ji-ho, Woo-jin sente falta de sua esposa so-a, que morreu depois de prometer voltar um ano depois com a estação das chuvas. Milagrosamente, eles se reúnem com fuli de idade quando a estação das chuvas chega, mas ela não se lembra de seu marido e filho que ela amava muito.
Midnight Runners
Director of Photography
Dois recrutas da academia de polícia, que se tornaram melhores amigos durante o duro treinamento juntos, testemunham uma mulher sendo sequestrada bem diante de seus olhos. Como aprenderam na academia, eles rapidamente denunciam o incidente à polícia, mas a polícia não tem pressa em entrar no caso. Então a dupla decide resolver o problema com as próprias mãos e resgatar a mulher.
The Magician
Director of Photography
Quis o destino em plena Disnatia Joseon que um mágico popular (Hwan-Hee), porém fugitivo e decadente encontrasse a princesa prometida (Cheong-Myung), desesperada pelo futuro que lhe aguarda. Ambos enfretando seus próprios dramas e infelizes com suas vidas ao ponto de querer desistir, encontram um no outro o motivo para buscar a felicidade e o amor, mas a tragédia e a vingança circulam suas vidas. Numa trama bem construída, ótimo elenco e com bela fotografia, poderá o amor construído nos alicerces de uma mentira suportar os obstáculos que aparecem a sua frente?
Shoot Me in the Heart
Camera Operator
A young man develops schizophrenia after his mother's suicide. After he meets a kindred spirit at the psychiatric hospital, he forges a plan with the man to escape.
Top Star
Director of Photography
Actor Park Joong-hoon makes his directorial debut with this tale of a talent manager, Taeshik, who is discovered as an actor himself and sees his success quickly surpass that of his prior client. But Taeshik is compelled to hold on to his stardom through any vile means necessary. He recalls Alain Delon’s Tom Ripley in Purple Noon. As Tom Ripley had wanted everything the millionaire and his girlfriend had, Taeshik also wants everything that his former employer Wonjoon had. Having taken.
Running Man
Director of Photography
Jong-Woo (played by Sin Ha-gyoon) is a poor, beleagured taxi driver with a bad attitude, understandable given the kind of clients he has to deal with. So when one night, a polite, well-dressed man offers an outrageous sum of money to rent the taxi for an extended period, Jong Woo doesn't ask any questions, though he does make rather cheerful and inappropriate conversation with his uninterested charge. It's difficult to blame Jong-Woo for this, given that it takes him some time to realize that he is not the protagonist of a low-brow comedy, but of an action-packed thriller.
O Livro do Apocalipse
Director of Photography
Filme em três episódios que tematizam possíveis fins da humanidade. Pesquisador é deixado em casa fazendo faxina enquanto a família sai de viagem. No meio do lixo encontra uma maçã podre. Logo depois forma seu "casal original", com um Adão e uma Eva em estado de decomposição. No futuro uma única megacorporação fornece robôs para as atividades mais rotineiras da sociedade. Em um templo budista, porém, o robô RU-4 não só adquire consciência da sua condição (o velho dilema asimoviano) como alcança o nirvana, a iluminação. Para seus companheiros monges, RU-4 torna-se Buda. Uma bola gigante de sinuca preta está em rota de colisão com a Terra. Descobrimos que a bola de sinuca espacial, na verdade, é uma entrega de uma compra feita pela Internet.
A Brave New World
A geek is left home alone and his negligence causes the spread of a deadly contamination that infects the entire local population and turns them into flesh-eating zombies.
Over My Dead Body
Director of Photography
The perpetually rational and precise researcher Hyeon-cheol and the rash and reckless Dong-hwa have nothing in common with the exception of a goal to steal a corpse to serve their own twisted agendas. They set off on their bizarre mission and the plan goes smoothly until they’re faced with the unexpected appearance of Jin-oh and a mysterious group of men also on the hunt.
Architecture 101
Director of Photography
Um estudante de arquitetura de 20 anos se apaixona por uma estudante de música. No entanto, ele não consegue confessar seus sentimentos para ela, e eles se separam. 15 anos depois, ela reaparece diante dele e pede que ele projete sua casa.
Penny Pinchers
Camera Operator
Ji-woong is a loser who can't find a job so he lies to his mother for money, but one day she abruptly cuts him off and he becomes homeless. That same day, salvation arrives in the form of Hong-sil who's extremely stingy. Her hobby is visiting the bank to make savings deposits, and her specialty is selling empty glass bottles and old newspapers for cash.
Officer of the Year
Director of Photography
Two police stations from neighboring precincts are in constant fierce competition with each other, including for the Officer of the Year award. But then a high-profile case forces them to work together.
Foxy Festival
Director of Photography
A bright sexy comedy about a wholesome town and four mysterious couples and their sneaky lives. It is the new work of director Lee Hae-yeong, who secured a spot as a new director with the work "Like a Virgin".
Director of Photography
Depois de a irmã caçula de Hee-jin ter sido possuída por um espírito, ela desaparece e os vizinhos começam a morrer um após o outro e um segredo por trás das mortes é revelado.
Hello, Schoolgirl
Director of Photography
Kwon Yeon-woo is a thirty year old low-level civil servant who works in a district office; quite innocent for his age, he has been on numerous blind dates in an unsuccessful bid to find a wife. After moving into a new place, he begins to encounter a high school girl, Soo-yeong, on his way to work every morning, and she begins to develop feelings for him. Meanwhile, Kang Sook has just started working at the district office straight out of high school, and falls head over heels for older woman Kwon Ha-kyeong.
Girl Scout
Camera Operator
When the head of a credit union disappears with the credit union's money, four women create a team called Bong Chon Girl Scouts Troop #3 to recover the stolen money, and chaos ensues.
Boys of Tomorrow
Director of Photography
Earning a living as a driver for rent, Kisu lives in a studio flat in the basement floor. When he feels choked up, he tries not to let go of hope by playing on the drums. Out of guilt that he might have made Jongdae sexually handicapped during their younger days, Kisu took on a role as Jongdae's guardian on top of being his friend. Jongdae's dream is to keep a revolver that can make him stronger than the small-time gangsters around town. One day Kisu's older brother shows up and leave behind his son Yohan to Kisu's care.