Yu Jae-gyu


The Target
Lighting Director
Yeo-hoon, um mercenário de elite retirado, tem uma vida completamente normal. Um dia, presencia um assassinato. Os criminosos o atacam, o deixam ferido e ele é levado ao hospital. Ele se torna então o principal suspeito. No hospital, durante o turno de noite, um médico o salva dos assassinos. No dia seguinte, o médico recebe um aviso: os criminosos sequestraram sua esposa grávida e só a liberarão se ele for com eles. O médico ajuda Yeo-hoon a escapar para poder resgatar sua esposa.
Genome Hazard
Lighting Director
Ishigami comes home from work and discovers his wife dead. Just then, he receives a phone call from his wife and falls in utter confusion. Unexplainable things keep happening as Ishigami struggles to find his wife. Gradually, Ishigami realizes all his memories are gone and finds himself acting like someone else. What is his true identity?
The Suicide Forecast
Lighting Director
An insurance agent helps a financially desperate client make his suicide look like an accident and becomes the target of a fraud investigation. To protect his career, he must visit all his remaining suicide-prone clients and talk them out of killing themselves.
음란한 사회
Lighting Director