Tengku Iesta Tengku Alaudin


Executive Producer
Set in the 70s, 7ujuh tells a tragic story of a group of seven friends who are on their semester break when they decide to take a road trip to a remote bungalow tended by the village head and his daughter, Suri. With a rollicking “frat party” in mind, they request Suri to stay on to help them with serving and cleaning. However, the wild party goes out of hand.
Um Mar de Esperança
Executive Producer
Thom pede a seu neto que descubra o que aconteceu com o avô, um marinheiro que partiu há 61 anos em busca de fortuna.
Adapted loosely from Romeo and Juliet, Pekak is a story about a deaf drug pusher Uda whose dream is to get a cochlear implant so that he can finally hear again. When Uda meets and falls in love with Dara, an innocent school girl, he is even more determined to leave the life he's always known for a future with Dara. But will he be able to break free from the vicious ties that bind him or will he be stuck forever in the same bleak existence?
The Cage
Executive Producer
Six actors are about to present their one of its kind thriller theater, where they will perform in a gigantic locked cage on stage. On its premiere, the first character to be killed in the story unexpectedly died for real on stage. Desperate to escape from the cage, the remaining actors cried for help from the crew and audience, only to be responded by a thunderous applause. They now realize that they have fallen into a secretly well planned trap by organizational psychopath murderers. In order to survive, they must continue to perform according to the plot until they find the murderer hidden among them.
Ah Boys To Men
A privileged and impulsive young man attempts to escape mandatory service in his nation's army so he could study abroad with his girlfriend.
Sesuatu Yang Tertinggal
he movie revolves around Arshad, Mona, Zakiah, Ashraf, Daud and Murni who are orphans in an orphanage undergoing an experience that has haunted them since they moved in to a new house. As the orphans were cleaning the house, they come across an antique cupboard and decide to move it to another room. Arshad found a mysterious mirror and gives it to Mona but doesn't know that there is something special the mirror. People in the school begin to suspect that Mona is possessed. The orphans must now plan something to capture the force that is dwelling in Mona - but they must first find out what is the significance of the mirror and the cupboard.
Executive Producer
23:59 é um filme de terror malaio-cingapuriano de 2011 , dirigido por Gilbert Chan, e que basicamente relata a história de um recruta do exército que foi encontrado morto durante uma marcha de 24 km. Após a morte do recruta, coisas estranhas começaram a acontecer, assombrando todos os soldados no quartel.
Nur Kasih The Movie
Nur Kasih The Movie is a story of how a family faces every test from God. Death of Aidil's wife had a profound impact, especially on Aidil own. He was accompanied by his two children, namely Illyas and Mariam. Aidil's brother named Adam and his wife Nur Amina also helped to inspire Aidil. After Aidil recovered, Adam and Nur Amina returned to the city to live normal lives. After many attempts, finally Nur Amina was pregnant. This good news has make everyone happy, especially Adam himself. But that happiness is not long lasting because it was a miscarriage.