Maxim Stoyanov

Maxim Stoyanov


Maxim Stoyanov


Vanya is a salesperson in the Hunter and Fisher shop. Kristina is a ballerina at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. Kristina jokingly calls Vanya a "retro person" for her love of everything old. She herself is a modern person, nostalgia for the romantic past is not characteristic of her. And yet, these two dissimilar people have something in common - the fear of loneliness and the obsession with starting a family.
O Capitão Soviético
Working Man Lependin
O Capitão Fyodor Volkonogov, um respeitado agente da URSS, descobre que está sendo alvo de uma conspiração política e foge, sendo perseguido por seus ex-colegas. Vulnerável e sem esperança, Fyodor recebe uma mensagem do inferno: após a morte, ele será condenado a tormentos eternos. A única maneira de evitar isso é se arrepender e encontrar pelo menos uma pessoa que lhe conceda o perdão. Mas o tempo de Fyodor está se esgotando...
Stand by Me
Kira is a 30-year-old successful architect living in the illusion of absolute choices while being obsessed with constructing the ideal Moscow. She is used to living life according to her own rules, but she has to face her fear of the future and inability to love. An unexpected tragedy will lead Kira to face her past with her family, start life from the scratch, and become a mother.
Love Story
Taxi driver and unsuccessful actor Seva Gorelov accidentally meets his first love Masha Sokolova, once a young and carefree girl, and now a thirty-year-old spoiled kept woman. Seva works part-time in a taxi, and Masha accidentally becomes his client. To go far, to Sochi, to their homeland with Seva teenage love. Masha has a wedding there in a few days, but not with Seva, of course, but with a rich patron. From the very beginning it becomes clear that this journey will not end with anything good. 1600 kilometers of adventure, well flavored with humor, ambition, tears, resentment, flirting, passion and a great feeling, which again is out of place.
Soccer Fan
Minsk, August 2020. Pasha and Yulia, a young married couple, leave the house at night and find themselves in the midst of peaceful protests. Everyday walk turns into a real hell, in which innocent people are victims of police brutality.
Heads & Tails. The Movie
One of the most popular TV shows ""Heads and Tails"" is on the verge of closure. Many presenters, directors, cameramen have left the project, and those who remain are not in the best shape. The atmosphere in the team has long lost its creative fuse, everyone is dissatisfied with something, and even the family, once ideal, couple of presenters remaining on the project demonstrates a discord in the family. In order to avoid collapse, the producer of the program will have to take a desperate step: Arrange the filming of the program in one of the most closed countries in the world.
The Student
During the day, Lera studies humankind and its needs through opinion polls, which are an educational practice at the institute; at night, she dances under the pseudonym Gerda in a club to support herself and her mother. The people she meets are as unfortunate as her family. Her father has recently left for another woman, but he constantly returns home, unable to make his choice and thereby making the life of close people intolerable. The mother painfully endures the breakup and constantly sleeps, ignoring reality. Lera doesn’t know how to carry on, where to go and what to live for, and — most importantly — how to improve life. The adult world, invariable unfortunate, which Lera observes day and night, seems hopeless.
15 August 1990. Viktor Tsoi, the Soviet Union’s most famous rock star, leader of the band Kino, a symbol of freedom and change, dies in an accident on a Latvian highway. The bus driver who was involved in the tragic accident will bring his body back to Leningrad. A party of mourners – Tsoi’s wife and her new boyfriend, his mistress, his producer, his young son and an obsessed photographer – are part of the trip back. This is going to be a long trip, the perfect occasion for an agonizing unravelling of love, jealousy, ambition, and greed.
Masha is a young girl from the suburbs from an extremely poor family. She lives in her reality, where she cares for her grandmother and her younger brother, and dreams of her own family and a husband; she badly longs for warmth, love and care. She knows nothing about her serious illness. Her life abruptly changes after a meeting with Matvei Sergeevich, a cardiologist who saves her life.
Trassa Zero
From a casual conversation with a stranger, truck driver Nikolai learns about his wife's infidelity. On the way home, he picks up the beaten Ksenia, who cannot be left alone on the winter track. Nikolai and Ksyukha embark on a strange journey, and none of them suspects how it will end.
Give Me Liberty
Quando um motim irrompe em Milwaukee, a cidade mais segregada dos Estados Unidos, o motorista de transporte médico, Vic, fica dividido entre a promessa de levar um grupo de idosos russos a um funeral e seu desejo de ajudar Tracy, uma jovem negra.
Nearest and Dearest
A family living on the outskirts of Moscow are mired in quarrels, discomfort and mutual oppression. They spit negative emotions at each other, forgetting about love, compassion and God. A tragedy will take them through a belated catharsis.
Sem Amor
Boris e Zhenya estão se divorciando. Depois de anos juntos, os dois se preparam para suas novas vidas: ele com sua nova namorada, que está grávida, e ela com seu parceiro rico. Com tantas preocupações eles acabam não dando atenção ao filho Alyosha, que acaba desaparecendo misteriosamente.
In a Love Access Zone
A Dama do Espelho: O Ritual das Trevas
Uma lenda antiga diz que todo espelho pode ser um portal para o mundo dos mortos e ser usado para convocar a Rainha de Espadas. Quatro adolescentes brincam com um espelho sem saber do horror que os aguarda.
Breaking Loose
Four best friends. They've been to war, they've seen life, but they are still passionate, young and willing to serve their country. They found their place at OMON - Russian Special Police Squad. They can count only on each other, and their real family is themselves. After working hours they become simple guys with ordinary dreams like family and comfort. But life changes when once in a night club the friends incidentally get in a fight with the local mafia. It turns out that they have no fear and they are ready to stand for each other whatever happens.
The Hope Factory
Industrial city of Norilsk: factories, cold, chemical air. The only desire of young people living here is to leave, against all odds. A docu-style, emotionally-driven drama about a young girl desperately fighting for an escape which is so blurry, and for love which is so insecure.