Two young siblings make an extraterrestrial new friend, just as their family-owned pawn shop is attacked by criminals.
John Candy isn't the typical leading man, but audiences fall in love with his onscreen wit and charm; as one of the most adored comedic actors of the 1980s, Candy's characters range from hilarious to touching and even dramatic.
Where We Begin is a story of Jimmy, a Korean American finding a sense of place through historic places. We explore Jimmy’s race, relationships, family and architecture as a not so “tiger mom” parenting style may have sculpted his sense of identity.
Mr. Trellis
A movie about a dysfunctional family of vampires and witches, it is mostly focused on the two children who are hybrids.
Set in the callous streets of L.A., a group of sleep deprived cab drivers are changed forever by the arrival of a mysterious new cabbie and the events of one incredible week.
Junior Bevil
Nas Olimpíadas Irwin Flitzer (John Candy) desgraçou a si mesmo quando colocou pesos extras no seu time de trenó, fazendo com que ele tivesse de devolver sua medalha de ouro. Alguns anos depois, Derice Bannock (Leon), um jamaicano filho de um antigo amigo de Irwin, fracassa para se classificar como velocista para a prova de 100 metros nas Olimpíadas, por causa de um estúpido acidente. Mas quando Derice descobre que Flitzer também vive na Jamaica, ele decide ir para as Olimpíadas de qualquer jeito, não como um corredor mas liderando uma equipe de trenó.