In this supernatural horror film, Carrie Baldwin is freed from prison under the conditions of a work-release program in Reaptown, Nevada. As she struggles to find her missing sister while working the night shift as a security guard for the Reaptown Railway Museum, Carrie soon finds herself in the presence of evil. Could the Railway hold the clues to her sister's mysterious disappearance?
A group of campers set forth on dangerous grounds with several agendas on their minds. Some are going to find romance while others are in search of a lost Indian treasure. However murder, deception, and revenge are the primary motives for one.
Five recent college grads go for one last vacation in the woods during the summer of 1984 and one of them is infected with a mad scientist's synthetic rabies virus.
Chev Chelios (Jason Statham) teve seu coração roubado, sendo substituído por uma bateria. Agora ele precisa carregá-la de tempos em tempos, com altas doses de eletricidade, caso contrário morre. Para sobreviver ele precisa encontrar o mafioso chinês responsável por sua atual situação.