Zhi Yitong

Zhi Yitong

Nascimento : 1932-12-01, Beijing, China


Zhi Yitong


Einstein and Einstein
Li Wan's grandfather
A 13-year-old girl deals with the issues brought about by her family's high-priced son.
Adeus, Minha Concubina
Aoki Saburo
Na Pequim de 1925, a academia “Toda Sorte e Felicidade” ensina a arte da interpretação a meninos pobres e sem lar. Um deles, Douzi (Mingwey Ma), é filho de uma prostituta. O garoto Shitou (Yang Fei) o protege e se torna seu amigo. É um lugar com um sistema de aprendizado puxado, dirigido pelo mestre Guan Jinfa (Lu Qi). Por seus traços femininos, Douzi é treinado a fazer papéis de mulher, enquanto Shitou, um tipo mais rude, papéis masculinos. Os anos passam, Douzi e Shitou aprofundam seus estudos e se tornam atores famosos da Ópera de Pequim. Cheng Dieyi (Leslie Cheung) e Duan Xiaolou (Zhang Fengyi), nomes que adotam na vida artística, continuam amigos e interpretam a peça Adeus Minha Concubina. Quando Xiaolou se apaixona pela prostituta Juxiam (Gong Li), a amizade começa a se desfazer e eles param de trabalhar juntos. É o momento para decidir se prevalecerá a amizade de Dieyi e Xiaolou ou o amor de Juxian e Xiaolou.
After the Final Battle
Won Golden Rooster Award for Best Film in 1990
The Shining Arc
The Shining Arc is a 1989 Chinese drama film directed by Zhang Junzhao.
Lan sha xing
Da xue sheng yi shi
Dai li shi zhang
During the economic reforms, in the early 80s, oversea chinese Xiao Ziyun comes back to China.
Meeting of the Two Heroes, Part 1
The Xi'an Incident
Du Zhongyuan
Marshal Zhang Xueliang, Commander of the North Eastern Army, grows progressively disillusioned by Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek's policy to engage the Chinese Communist Party rather than fight the Japanese invaders which are occupying Manchuria. Despite numerous pleas, Chiang does not budge. After discussing with fellow general Yang Hucheng, the two take events into their own hands and place Chiang Kai-shek under arrest on December 12, 1936, forcing Chiang into a coalition with the CCP.
Song Qi
A disillusioned and lonely young man working for a foreign trade company finds his enthusiasm for life revived when he meets a young woman who seems to reflect the ideals and ambitions he once had.
The Secret Service in Action
Set in the days of Anti-Japanese War. Doctors of Humanity Hospital save a wounded patriot, but the event is informed to Japanese secret service. How can the wounded be rescued finally?
Qin yuan
Chen Yunxuan and his daughter Xiujuan escape from China to Taiwan in 1949 but leave Chen's pregnant wife behind. 30 years later Xiujuan meets her mother and a brother she never knew.
The Thrill of Life
Zhao Ban
Dinglong Town
A Nationalist spy is operating in Dinglong, China, a Communist-held area, after World War II.
Lan se de hai wan
The construction of Langwan port in 1974 is hampered by followers of the Gang of Four.
The Peach Blossom Fan
Chen Dingsheng
Based on the Qing dynasty musical play that recounts the death of the Ming dynasty through the love story of its two main characters, young scholar Hou Fangyu and a courtesan named Li Xiangjun.
Zihe Zhu