Helena Isabel

Helena Isabel

Nascimento : 1952-02-06, Lisbon, Portugal


Helena Isabel
Helena Isabel


Quero-te Tanto!
Directora TV
No Rio de Janeiro da década de 1990, uma onda de sequestros assola a cidade maravilhosa. Quando o secretário de segurança e o chefe da polícia encarregam três policiais corruptos de tirar a cidade dessa situação, a Delegacia Anti-sequestro precisa entrar em ação para enfrentar o repetitivo número de casos envolvendo sequestros e mudar o cenário carioca.
O Segredo das Pedras Vivas
In an isolated village of the Alentejo region, a conflict arises. José Vitorino, one of the landowners of the region, rich in prehistoric monuments, wants to build a luxurious solarium in lands filled with ancient rocks, places of devotion and sacred rituals. Indifferent to the people’s protest, who believe in the magical powers of the stones and that the region’s drought is due to the rocks’ destruction, José Vitorino hires an architect to plan his new house. On christmas eve, in the middle of the winter solstice, a strange ceremony around a dolmen, once an altar for bloody sacrifices in more remote times, releases a harmful spell. A race against time to reverse the faulty charm begins.
Contrainte par corps
A young Frenchwoman Claire, resting with her friend on an island in the Mediterranean Sea, becoms the victim of harassment by the local police commissioner Castes. Accused for disturbing public order, and then in the drug trade, she gets to the women's prison. Vacation turns into a nightmare ...
A Borboleta na Gaiola
"The Butterfly in the Cage" is a novel by Luís Filipe Costa adapted to film by the author, it follows the daily lives of several people connected to newspapers, television, film and theater in Lisbon, in the days leading up to the revolution of 25 April 1974.
Director Leon de Winter has taken a thriller with political and psychological overtones, and scrambled it into a series of vignettes that are mixed-up in time and in location, thereby dashing any hope of following the story. A journalist goes to a southern European country to interview a well-known terrorist who has refused to stop his activities even though the revolution he fought for ended successfully five years earlier. Questions are raised about adopting violence as a way of life without at first realizing it and about the seeming impossibility of raising the consciousness of backwater cultures. Perhaps because of the way the story has been filleted into fragments, characters like the journalist and terrorist do not have enough continuous screen time to build up their individuality, a second factor that makes it difficult to become involved in the drama.
Os Abismos da Meia-Noite
Irene, agente de uma companhia de seguros, é encarregada de investigar o desaparecimento de um velho bibliotecário, numa cidade de província. No decurso das suas averiguações, trava conhecimento com Ricardo, professor de história, que conhecia a vítima e se interessa pelas tradições lendárias da região. Assim, Irene tem conhecimento do antiquíssimo castelo medieval - cuja entrada secreta se abre, misteriosamente, na noite de Natal, durante as 12 badaladas da meia-noite.
A Vida É Bela?!
Hipólito is a self-made man, who went up in life in devious ways, and used for profit the social turmoil when Portugal changed from a monarchy into a republic, and then to a military regime. Finally, he is forced into exile. Back in 1935 to family, friends, and lovers, he is in a mix-mesh of lies, and scheming, again.
Verde por Fora, Vermelho por Dentro
A middle-aged businessman, a neo-liberal, returns to Portugal to realize the ambitious dream of a banana plantation and help reconstruct the national economy, weakened by the "communist" revolutionaries. He fails. He even fails to meet his death, from which he mysteriously "escapes". To be continued?
A Santa Aliança
Sandra's model
In 1974, not long after the death of Portuguese dictator Salazar, who had ruled Portugal from the early '30s to the late '60s, a group of disgruntled Army officers held a coup. They were even more disgruntled when they realized how the coup was being manipulated by leftist officers to instigate genuine elections and establish a constitution for the first time in Portuguese history. Though their intent was to form a radical socialist state, circumstances prevented this, and a genuine parliamentary democracy emerged. This film explores the circumstances of a right-wing businessman during those times. The man is an old-fashioned authoritarian, whose attentiveness to the needs of his mistress, wife and son is crude where it exists at all.
Os Filhos da Noite
A man living a regular and not-so-spectacular life, only feels alive at night.
O Princípio da Sabedoria
In the gardens of a large village house belonging to a reclusive architect, a hand is found. In a sign placed at the gates of the property, the architect annouces he will return it to whoever proves to be the owner.
A Maluquinha de Arroios
Adaptação actual. Farsa sobre as atribulações de duas famílias, das respectivas criadas e, ainda, de uma manicura, um procurador e um polícia, em torno da busca desenfreada de aventuras galantes. Em causa, os escândalos de uma maluquinha, que levam os vizinhos a queixarem-se à polícia, e impõem ao representante do senhorio mover-lhe uma acção de despejo, por ela ter um papagaio que grita "Ó da guarda!", e um macaco (Geribau) que a todos atormenta, com as suas traquinices...
O Destino Marca a Hora
A famous singer conducts two relationships at once, with a businesswoman and her secretary. He marries the woman, has children from both, and all goes well for him until one fateful day, when his two sons come to know that he is parent of both, at school.