Feature film directed by Tang Huada and Yu Benzheng, starring Wu Haiyan and Ding Jiayuan. The film tells the story of actors from the film studio who went to live on the Yangtze River passenger ship, "Chaoyun," and hear a story about the joys and sorrows of brothers and sisters with different surnames that happened in the Three Gorges.
After graduating from a Shanghai nursing school, Jian Shuhua decides to work at a construction workers’ clinic in a remote area, despite the objections of her fiancé Shen Aoru. When she arrives at her new workstation, she finds that one of the clinic directors, Mo Jiabing, pays more attention to his love affair with nurse Gu Huiying than to his work. In addition, Gu’s jealousy is aroused by the arrival of the new nurse. Jian, then, the epitome of the selfless worker, has to deal with a faraway and egotistic fiancé, a selfish and lecherous boss, an unfriendly colleague, as well as the hardships of a remote and barren workstation. How can she succeed?
Shangrao Concentration Camp is set in the hellish confines of a Guomindang prison, where the brutal officials try to force two female Communist prisoners to reveal their leader's identity and location.