Léo Grandperret


1h30 Max
Max's wife gives birth during his live TV special.
Nos Héros
Nos Héros
I’m So Far
Sometimes, things that seem simple… just aren't. The trials of a senior with limited mobility trying to leave his home with the help of some friends.
I’m So Far
Sometimes, things that seem simple… just aren't. The trials of a senior with limited mobility trying to leave his home with the help of some friends.
Clara's Summer
Clara goes to summer camp with her best friend Zoé. Far from their parents, they hope to make love to a boy for the first time. After Zoé rejects the advances by Sébastien, because she finds him too forward, she returns to Clara and declares her love. But Clara rejects the advances of Zoé - and meets the sulphurous Sonia.
Jean Moulin, une affaire française
Drama set in the Second World War, focused on Jean Moulin, hero, martyr and symbol of the French resistance and the patriotism during the dark years of Nazi occupation.
le fils d'Elle
O velho Mischka, o enfermeiro Gégène, a foragida Jane e Joli-coeur, a roqueira. Estes quatro personagens não têm nada a ver uns com os outros e é quase impossível encontrarem-se. Mas Mischka é deixado numa estação de serviço na auto-estrada, na loucura da partida em férias. Foi isso que provocou tudo o resto: o azar... ou será que foi o destino?