Fabiana Formica

Fabiana Formica


Fabiana Formica
Fabiana Formica


Saint Bridget of Sweden
Amanda Knox: Julgamento na Itália
Reporter #2
A americana Amanda Knox (Hayden Panettiere) e o namorado Raffaele Sollecito (Paolo Romio) são condenados pelo assassinato de Meredith Kercher (Amanda Fernando Stevens) na Itália. Exames de DNA levantam dúvidas sobre a participação dela e o caso internacional ganha ampla cobertura da mídia. Culpada ou inocente?
Cemetery Man
Valentina Scanarotti
A cemetery man has the unusual problem of the dead rising from the grave. Himself and his assistant must end these creatures' lives again after they are reborn. Everything is going well until "She" comes along and stirs things up a bit.