Sophie Hesselberg


It's the summer of 1951 in Oslo. Lillian and Amund Wang are blessed with their first and only child. Adrian Wang - a boy or a girl?
Cold Lunch
Bird droppings on a work shirt lead to extreme unintended consequences.
Tommys Inferno
Doing it, or not doing it, that is the question for leading man Tommy. His long time girlfriend Maria is ready to take the leap from fumbling touches to the real thing, but Tommy, who works part time as an altar boy, believes sex belongs within the sanctitude of marriage.
Tradra - I går ble jeg tater
One Saturday night in 1996, Bjørn Granum's doorbell rings. Outside he finds a group of travelers who have been searching for him for 45 years.
A Maioria das Pessoas Vive na China
No meio do caminho tinha um posto. Lasse, um aficionado por aviões, trabalha e mora ali e observa o cotidiano das pessoas que passam pelo local em oito estórias bem-humoradas, contadas por vários diretores, dentre elas as malandragens de uma garotinha cega que monta ali uma rifa ou de um homem que vê suas roupas serem roubadas e sua mulher e filho, tão absortos em seus mundinhos não perceberem que o ladrão assumiu sua identidade. É véspera de eleições na Noruega e cada segmento remete a um partido político, com bastante leveza.
Odd Little Man
Little Oddemann uses every means available to find Jesus, including his slingshot. The film takes us to Norway in the late '30s, where we meet a series of burlesque and humorous characters, whose antics convince Oddemann that growing up may be a bad idea. Yet Oddemann finds there are certain rewards to being grown-up, such as partying and chasing women, that merit closer examination.
Após um pedido de sua mãe doente, Kaisa (Lena Headey)viaja para a Noruega para encontrar o pai alcoólatra, que não vê há muitos anos. Será uma tortuosa viagem em que pai e filha precisarão superar suas mágoas e ressentimentos.
Bloody Angels
A few months after a girl with developmental disabilities is murdered in the remote village Høtten, the two young men who most townsfolk think killed her go missing. A police detective is sent to investigate and finds this very challenging.
Norwegian short film
Dangerous Waters
A dangerous criminal, named Falken, robs a bank together with a redneck small-criminal. They have to take a hostage and escape in a racing boat. When the hostage jumps overboard they have to stay at a lighthouse to wait for a boat. Here the conflicts starts.
Visiting Hours
Last summer Kristian celebrated finishing school with Interrail in Europe. A year later, the situation is completely different and Kristian is hospitalized with cancer. Unvarnished and unsentimental, we are presented with both his own and his friends' reactions to the disease.