Salvador García Ruiz


Castelos de Papel
Nos anos 80 em Madri, uma estudante de arte forma um triângulo amoroso com dois colegas de classe.
The Hanged Man
Two lovers break the law and struggle to stay together when carnal obsession causes tempers to flare.
Pedro (Jose Luis Garcia-Perez) é um dentista homossexual que passa a vida à procura do prazer. Certo dia, ele se oferece para cuidar de Bernardo (David Castillo), filho de 11 anos de sua irmã Violeta (Elvira Lindo), que parte para a Índia com o namorado. No início, Pedro muda o seu comportamento para poupar o sobrinho, que não dá nenhum trabalho para o tio. Mas a tranqüilidade acaba quando Violeta e o companheiro são presos e ficam anos encarcerados na Índia. Pedro terá então de enfrentar a avó paterna de Bernardo, já que ela não aceita que o neto seja criado por um homossexual.
Las voces de la noche
Spain, fifties. In a town grew around a living factory Jorge (Tristan Ulloa), the youngest son of the founder, and Elisa (Laia Marull), daughter of accounting. The two live with their families and are able to endure the monotony of their lives because they spend the afternoon on Wednesdays and Saturdays at a hotel in the city. This secret life together is essential for both. The small room in the city where encounters occur has become the only place where they can be themselves. That little space, a little sinister, find it more cozy, warm and near the home of Elisa gorgeous, spoiled by the mother, or the great house of George, full of family memories. Both are aware of the type of relationship they have created, and not demand more. Until Elisa decides to break the rules.
Las voces de la noche
Spain, fifties. In a town grew around a living factory Jorge (Tristan Ulloa), the youngest son of the founder, and Elisa (Laia Marull), daughter of accounting. The two live with their families and are able to endure the monotony of their lives because they spend the afternoon on Wednesdays and Saturdays at a hotel in the city. This secret life together is essential for both. The small room in the city where encounters occur has become the only place where they can be themselves. That little space, a little sinister, find it more cozy, warm and near the home of Elisa gorgeous, spoiled by the mother, or the great house of George, full of family memories. Both are aware of the type of relationship they have created, and not demand more. Until Elisa decides to break the rules.
The Other Side
Suspected of murder, fifteen year-old Ramón Fortuna is held in a detention centre. He feels as if he has woken from a dream, a dream lived in Vallecas, a working-class neighborhood in Madrid. His childhood is over. His mother and sister have dedicated their lives to him; now, although convinced of his innocence, they are powerless. His lawyer Marcelo - another son of El Barrio - is reluctant to take the case, happier to sever all ties with his secret past and a love long lost.
The Other Side
Suspected of murder, fifteen year-old Ramón Fortuna is held in a detention centre. He feels as if he has woken from a dream, a dream lived in Vallecas, a working-class neighborhood in Madrid. His childhood is over. His mother and sister have dedicated their lives to him; now, although convinced of his innocence, they are powerless. His lawyer Marcelo - another son of El Barrio - is reluctant to take the case, happier to sever all ties with his secret past and a love long lost.
A group of young twentysomethings face a fall in their lives undergo a major transformation when the time came to take on adult responsibilities. David is 27 and has long been working as a messenger, enough to know it's time to quit.
Comanche Territory
Spanish TV reporters covering the War in Bosnia. Based on true experience.
Una historia europea
Assistant Director
Assistant Director
Madrid in the 40s: in an old neighborhood tavern, every first Friday of the month at nightfall Moor Hauma organizes a unique and secret card game. The Caudillo, Francisco Franco, meets with several friends of Africa's campaign for a game.