Biel Duran

Biel Duran

Nascimento : 1984-01-01, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


Biel Duran


After losing her job at a cutting-edge fashion magazine, Marta finds herself forced to abandon the cool, modern world she had always dreamed of being a part of and return to the old-fashioned neighborhood where she grew up.
Shirts to Heaven
Tiet Toni
Quim is an 'enxaneta', the kid who climbs up a human tower, like his father and grandfather did, but his mother believes that his son is taking too much of a risk. A story set in a small town full of traditions.
Et dec una nit de divendres
Leo Lorton
The Perfect Stranger
The mysterious arrival of a foreigner to a small village in a Mediterranean island, awake the sudden interest from a diverse group of residents, who will appear unexpectedly in the stranger's life, believing that he's going to reopen an old shop. In contrast, the real intentions of the stranger are hidden behind an old Polaroid photo, which has led him to that place in search of answers.
The Great Vazquez
Joven dibujante
Is it possible to live aside of the system, thinking only about the present and oneself? A feature film about Manuel Vázquez, the best comic book author in Barcelona during the sixties, but, mainly, a man with a very particular way of living his life.
El orden de las cosas
Marcos (25)
Julia's life takes place in the bath tub. Drop by drop she will build up the courage to change the order of things.
Castelos de Papel
Nos anos 80 em Madri, uma estudante de arte forma um triângulo amoroso com dois colegas de classe.
O cônsul de Sodoma
El cónsul de Sodoma é uma fascinante viagem através da vida de Jaime Gil de Biedma (1929-1990), um dos poetas mais influentes da segunda metade do século XX. Sua vida é a história de uma contradição: por um lado, pertence à nobreza e é executivo de uma multinacional, por outro lado, vive seu papel como poeta e homossexual que se rebela contra o seu ambiente familiar e sua história. Sexo, amor, literatura e luta política são as constantes de uma vida que atravessa uma época de rebeldia, violência e descobrimento. É também um retrato da Barcelona dos anos 60, onde desfilam personagens emblemáticos da cultura e da sociedade catalã progressista, conhecida como a “Gauche Divine”.
El último truco
Documentary film about visual effects master Emilio Ruiz del Rio. From his early works on films at 1942, to his last contribution at 2007, Emilio Ruiz talks on his film experiences and traditional trickery, using foreground miniatures, glass shots, and painted cut out miniatures. It shows interviews with some of the professionals he has worked with, like, Rafaela de Laurentiis, Ray Harryhausen, Guillermo del Toro, or Enzo Castellari
The Anarchist's Wife
"The Anarchist's Wife" is the story of Manuela who is left behind when her husband Justo fights for his ideals against Franco's Nationalists during the Spanish Civil War. He is deported to a concentration camp, and upon his release, continues the fight against nationalism in the French resistance. Years, pass without a word from him, but his wife never gives up hope of seeing him again.
El coronel Macià
Elisabeth Joyce, a young Irish historian, comes to Barcelona in November 1905, just to assist the assault of 200 soldiers with axes to press the weekly Cu-Cut and the editor of the newspaper La Veu. Elisabeth presence scared these facts and the political firestorm that trigger, facing the army with Catalan parties. Throughout Spain Military officials sympathize with attackers, but one that stands up decisively and confidently to their peers. Is Lieutenant Colonel in Chief of the Engineering Command of Lleida. His name is Francesc Macia Llussà.
About Crying
About Crying is a story about a relationship that is close to end. Vera and Alejandro are facing a long night with decisions, doubts, fears, lies, silence and arguments. This story is a trip from the high Barcelona to the sea.
About Crying
About Crying is a story about a relationship that is close to end. Vera and Alejandro are facing a long night with decisions, doubts, fears, lies, silence and arguments. This story is a trip from the high Barcelona to the sea.
The Good Voice
La Buena Voz (aka The Good Voice) explores the relationship that develops between a father and a gay son he never knew existed -- two men suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into each other's lives. Pepe, a slightly listless, fifty-something taxi driver with a heart condition, suddenly learns that he fathered a child, Jordi, from a quiet affair with his wife's girlfriend. Jordi, now HIV-positive, enters Pepe's world and recolors the elder's perspective and outlook on life, with his take-no-prisoners zeal for living and a restless, inquisitive spirit.
Pons Llobet
A história real do militante, assaltante de bancos e anarquista Salvador Puig Antich (Daniel Brühl), integrante do grupo Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación, cuja execução em 1974, a última realizada na Espanha com o método do garrote, instalou uma polêmica que ajudou a decretar o fim da ditadura franquista e o retorno da democracia ao país.
Les paraules de Vero
Vero has Downs Syndrome. Her mother blames her for her misfortunes, she wants to love her but unconsciously something is stopping her. So, Vero receives more affection from her brother Marcos. Veros integration into normal society comes from her passion for theatre and her participation in a theatre group made up of physically disabled people. To perform, she needs Marcos to recite to her some magic words that give her confidence. Marcos puts all his efforts into overcoming the difficulties that stand in her way while their mother fights to rebuild her life.
Voodoo Child
Two events, equally impressive, take place in July, 1968, in Majorca: Jimmi Hendrix plays at the Sargent Pepper's Disco and Pablo, 16 years old, experiences a forced rite of passage where he loses his innocence to become a little man...
Amb el 10 a l'esquena
A father wants his son to become a basketball star, by all means, in order to alleviate the loss of his eldest son, died ten years earlier.
No Pain, No Gain
David is a teenager who feels he doesn't belong to a life where his family, friends and the girl he loves seem not to understand him.
Mi dulce
Laura is a fifteen-year-old teenager who receives a letter from her mother, of which she had no news a decade ago. Laura decides to try to go to Holland to meet her, in need of answers and alternatives to the hostile environment that surrounds her. For that, he will have to face Angela, his older sister, a young policewoman who, as a child, was forced to take the reins of the family when she was orphaned. Angela will try, by all means, to keep Laura with her and not be alone. Little by little the violence that surrounds him will make him lose control.
The Tit and the Moon
Uma história de amor onde dois homens e um garoto estão apaixonados por Estrellita, uma mulher espectacular: Maurice, o marido; Miguel, um adolescente que sente electricidade cada vez que a toca e Tete, um garoto que está louco pela sua teta, pois a teta da sua mãe foi roubada por seu irmão.