Nagore Aranburu

Nagore Aranburu

Nascimento : 1976-05-12, Azpeitia, Basque County, Spain


Nagore Aranburu is a Spanish stage, film and television actress, screenwriter and director, best known for her leading role in the feature film Flowers as well as for her work in theatre (not to be confused with model Nagore Aranburu, wife of former Spanish footballer Xavier Alonso).


Nagore Aranburu
Nagore Aranburu
Nagore Aranburu
Nagore Aranburu


El bus de la vida
The Chapel
Ivana Peralta joven
Emma wants to learn how to communicate with the spirit of a girl who has been trapped in a hermitage for centuries, and to that end, she tries to persuade Carol, a sceptical medium, to help her.
Western Pyrenees, year 778. When his land is threatened by the ruthless armies of the Frankish emperor, a Basque warlord asks for help from his ancestral gods.
Concorrência Oficial
Em busca de importância e prestígio social, um empresário bilionário decide fazer um filme que perpetue seu legado. Para isso, ele contrata um time formado pela famosa cineasta Lola Cuevas e dois atores renomados, donos de enorme talento, mas com um ego ainda maior: o ator hollywoodiano Félix Rivero, e o ator de teatro radical Iván Torres. Ambos são lendas, mas não exatamente melhores amigos. Através de uma série de provas cada vez mais excêntrica estabelecidas por Lola, Félix e Iván devem enfrentar não apenas um ao outro, mas também seus próprios egos.
Ane Is Missing
The Basque Country, 2009. Lide is a security guard for the high-speed train works, a project that generates social protests in the streets. Coming home after work and partying all night, she makes breakfast for two, but her teenage daughter, Ane, is nowhere to be found. The next day, she’s still not back.
Bye Bye Mr. Etxebeste!
Patrizio Etxebeste decides to resign from the office of mayor for health problems, but few know the real reason: the recent corruption scandals uncovered in nearby towns lead him to believe that his may be the next head to roll. Who better to take up the reins and maintain the control than Mª Luisa, his faithful wife? But it won’t all be quite as simple as it once might have been. His decorative wife decides not to be quite so decorative and starts taking action.
Oh! Mammy Blue
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
The story of a family; the story of a conflict. The rural and the urban, the past and the present, parents and their offspring: opposing ways of life struggle against one another whilst, in eloquent silence, the grandmother ('amama') watches her family’s destiny unfold.
Ane (Nagore Aranburu) é uma mulher em crise, descontente com o marido. Um dia, ela recebe flores em sua casa, sem conhecer o autor do gesto. Aos poucos, começa a receber ramalhetes com frequência, nutrindo um afeto cada vez maior pelo correspondente anônimo. No entanto, uma tragédia envolvendo um colega de trabalho força Ane a também comprar flores, para honrar o falecido. Enquanto enfrenta o luto, ela conhece duas outras mulheres, Tere e Lourdes, respectivamente mãe e esposa do colega morto.
Manu Aranguren is a Basque politician who acts as a mediator for the Spanish government in its negotiations with ETA. Far from being a solemn, calculated occasion, unexpected occurrences, slip-ups or misunderstandings soon kick in to influence the dialogue. And the personal relationship between negotiators will be key in solving the conflict.
She Bought It in Zarautz
Often, when Miren goes to order her coffee, so­meone jumps the queue. But the day she reali­ses that a blouse has been stolen from her shop she decides to put her foot down.
Tía de Ana
The first work from Fernando Franco revolves around Ana, a 30 year old ambulance driver. Though good at her job, Ana has problems relating in her personal life. She doesn't know it, but she suffers from a condition known by psychiatrists as Borderline Personality Disorder. The situation pushes her to outbreaks of self-destructive behaviour, alcohol abuse and self-harm. Ana is incapable of getting what she wants most: to be happy.
Urte berri on, amona!
The misfortunes of a couple who have to take care of the wife’s elderly mother.
Amona putz!
Sometimes, couple who have children miss Grandma... but only sometimes.
Ahate pasa
Suddenly, ducks cross the screen.
Zeru horiek
Irene, a former member of the terrorist gang ETA recently released from prison in Catalonia, recalls her past during her return trip to the Basque Country.
Kutsidazu bidea, Ixabel
Juan Martin, a young boy from San Sebastian, decides to spend the summer in a remote hillside farmhouse to improve his Basque. But there he discovers that the language they use has little in common with his classroom learnings.