Maija Nuutinen

Maija Nuutinen


Maija Nuutinen


Radio tekee murron
Eager young radio reporter Teräsvuori stages a one-man burglary into the Helsinki Art Museum, recorded on tape for a later broadcast by his friend Laakso. Things go awry when a gang of real criminals overhear their plans and book their heist to coincide. Teräsvuori gets caught but escapes from police custody to start his private investigations together with female radio colleague Eila.
Ruusu ja kulkuri
Briitta Ojanperä
People in the Summer Night
Old lady of Teliranta
A story set over one night in a small rural community we watch various relationships and actions among local people; these include birth, death, and conflicts fuelled by alcohol. The fates of various characters become interlaced over a long and light-filled summer night in the Finnish countryside. Lumberjacks, a deer-eyed young man Nokia, a family of poor farmers, a young girl and her lover. New life is born, old life dies, man is slain in his prime, and his widow continues her life.
Maaret – tunturien tyttö
Loviisa – Niskavuoren nuori emäntä
Vilhelmiina Niskavuori
Strong women take care of the property while the men focus on chasing women.
Miehen tie
Jaskari's wife
Young farmer Paavo's wife dies in childbirth, and their baby soon after. The wife's family claim back the dowry she brought to their marriage, but Paavo has already used most of it for improvements at the farm. Paavo's life starts going downhill as he resorts to drinking.