José Eduardo Ochoa


Cartas a Elena
Um jovem rapaz é adotado pelo carteiro. Em suas tarefas diárias, eles não só devem entregar o correio, mas ler as cartas para os moradores, já que a maioria são analfabetos.
Once Upon a Time in Durango
In the plains of Durango, the old west town still exists where Mexican and foreign westerns used to be filmed. Old Antonio takes care of the place. One day, Gabriel Navárez, a 13-year-old boy from a small nearby community, secretly gets into the old west town and discovers a fascinating world.
The Death of Rafael Rivera
Mockumentary in which we follow Nepomuceno, a mexican migrant who is about to cross into the United States. He’s following the same steps as Rafael Rivera did, a central-american migrant whose body was found floating on the Rio Grande. As Nepomuceno travels on, he will tell us Rafael´s story and the perils of the journey they both endured: hunger, cold, contempt, violence and death.