Rafal Zielinski

Rafal Zielinski


Rafal Zielinski


Era de Kali
O conceito de certo e errado é anulado pela ética da sensualidade narcísica nesse vislumbre de um ventre da sociedade composto por indivíduos perdidos ... apanhados em sua jornada existencial, em busca de uma resposta intangível, difundida por drogas e trajetória sexual; fora de controle, indo a lugar nenhum.
Downtown: A Street Tale
A group of street kids find that the only way to make it through the day is to hold onto their dreams while their reality is eating out of dumpsters, turning tricks and squatting in abandoned buildings.
A Maldição da Forca
Abel Frye era um rapaz tímido. Até o dia em que foi humilhado por uma garota. Enfurecido, ele brutamente assassinou a menina e em seguida se enforcou em plena escola. Agora seu fantasma atormenta e enlouquece os alunos da Roger's High School. Pelo menos esta é a história contada nos corredores da escola, pelos próprios alunos. Uma lenda difícil de acreditar, mas que ganha proporções assustadoras quando três jogadores do time de futebol americano da Roger's entram em coma após serem assombrados por apavorantes visões. Para investigar o caso é acionada a experiente equipe do Projeto Veritas, uma organização secreta que tem por finalidade buscar a verdade absoluta dos mais estranhos e escabrosos crimes cometidos por todo país.
Reality Check
Four young women and three young men, totally strangers to each other, are sent to an isolated house with the crew members of a reality show to stay living together for three months without any means of communication with the exterior, and in the end, the winner will get a prize of US$ 100,000.00. When the cameraman is found dead in a barn, the group becomes hysterical, since nobody knows who is trustful.
Socorro! Tem Um Louco no Elevador
O magnata do cinema Roy Tilden está prester a receber um prêmio por sua carreira. Esse dia perfeito, porém,se torna uma catástrofe quando, ao entrar no elevador para ir à recepção, outro passageiro, David, aperta o botão de emergência e o elevador pára. Como ninguém ouve os pedidos de socorro, David decide passar o tempo lendo seus roteiros para Roy - que ,por sua vez, só pensa em seu compromisso.
Hillary and Bonnie meet one morning by the side of the road. They become fast friends, share their secrets, and, on a rising wave of frenzy, later that afternoon, murder an old woman. They did it, they say later, for fun.
Escola de Mergulho
Sam e Dave estão vivendo uma vida chata até que eles vão para a Ilha do tio de Sam. Quando eles chegam lá (ainda sem saber ao certo como isso funcionava), eles são coagidos por belas mulheres e um terrível inimigo da Ilha. Depois de acidentalmente convencer o tio de Sam a renunciar aos direitos de sua ilha, eles devem resolver o problema de alguma forma.
17 year old Kyle comes to the big city in search of her half-sister Merci. Merci is on the run after being used to set up a murder. The police and the killers both want her.
A Noite do Guerreiro Imortal
A kickboxer has an accounting problem with the mobster (Anthony Geary) who lent him money for a nightclub.
Under Surveillance
Two insurance investigators try to find out why the ex-partner of one of them was murdered.
Ginger Ale Afternoon
Jesse is nine months pregnant and lives with her underemployed husband Hank in a dilapidated mobile home in a rusty trailer park. During an afternoon of talk, Jesse discovers that Hank has been spending time with Bonnie, their young, bovine neighbour. Jesse is hurt and furious, and Hank is defensive, claiming that the baby has pushed him out. While Hank is elsewhere, the other woman pays a surprise visit to Jesse. Healing begins, and when Jesse's labour starts, it's Bonnie who comes to the rescue.
Screwball Hotel
Three boys drop out of military school. They get jobs working at a hotel, but it's about to go under. They decide to help the owner raise enough money to stay in business. They prove that sex sells by holding "Miss Purity Pageant" starring some of the females staying at the hotel.
State Park
A business man plans to dump toxic waste on a city park, but it doesn't go according to plan.
A group of people are killed one by one while participating at a million dollar treasure hunt in a mysterious Italian castle.
Garotas da Pesada
‎Uma jovem que aspira a uma carreira de cantora consegue um emprego para si mesma e sua melhor amiga como manobrista em uma festa em Malibu, a fim de conhecer pessoas que podem ajudá-las a realizar seus sonhos.
Within two weeks, Sgt. Hardbutt has to clean up the crime in the streets before the Governor arrives. Hardbutt is forced to supplement his overworked staff with civilian "recruits" who he schemes to use to a disastrous advantage.
Loose Screws
Brad, Steve, Hue, and Marvin are four get-nowhere boys who are forced into summer school, ending up at Cockswell Academy under the supervision of Principal Arsenault. The boys play a game where they earn points for every girl with which they score. On misadventures of their own, they decide to go for the ultimate 100-point score, Mona Lott, the new French teacher. But when they're unable to get a shot at her, they end up in the unforgiving clutches of the principal. After all is lost, they take one final chance during the school's anniversary celebration.
Breaking All the Rules
Three robbers hide a stolen jewel inside a stuffed animal at one of the midway games in an amusement park. When Jack—a teen with a part-time summer job in the park—his best friend David and two girls hang out at the park, they get mixed up in the robbers' scheme to take back their jewel.
A Grande Encrenca
Welcome to T & A High, where the entire student body including campus virgin Purity Busch, chronic masturbator Melvin Jerkovski, repressed Principal Stuckoff and blonde bombshell Bootsie Goodhead all must rise to the challenges of freshman breast exams, bikini cheerleader attacks, inappropriate uses of bowling ball holes and much more.
Hey Babe!
Theresa (Yasmine Bleeth) is an imaginative, rebellious orphan from Brooklyn, who has dreams of show business success. She tries outrageous schemes to launch herself into the public eye, until finally meeting a mentor, Sammy Cohen (Buddy Hackett), whose own career fizzled as a result of alcoholism.
Celluloid Wizards in the Video Wasteland: The Saga of Empire Pictures
The official feature-length documentary about the rise and fall of Charles Band's legendary Empire Pictures studio.