Nanou Garcia

Nanou Garcia

Nascimento : , France


Nanou Garcia


Ballsy Girl
Nour is a pleasant and funny person who works as an accountant at a fitness center in Paris. Everybody likes her, but she has no luck in her romantic endeavours because she is overweight with atypical looks. Her close friends try to give her advice, but they are not particularly successful in the love department either. Her mother and brother are also close, but they are of no help, rather the contrary. One day she witnesses a pole dancing class at her workplace, something that she would never dream of doing herself, but she sees how much the women in the class and their teacher are enjoying themselves, so she is tempted. Finally the teacher starts giving her private lessons since she is too ashamed of her body to do anything in public. Slowly but surely she gains confidence in herself and many things change in her life.
Territory of Love
Maria, 30, is impatient, restless and speaks 5 languages. In Taipei she meets Olivier. He is shy, slow and can speak 14 languages. They fall in love. Then suddenly the news explodes. It's their story, a true story.
Hédi & Sarah
Agnès, la mère
I Got Life!
Aurore has separated, just lost her job, and learns that she is going to be a grandmother.
De Braços Abertos
Isabelle Cheroy
Um proeminente intelectual francês branco e de esquerda – personagem inspirado em Bernard-Henri Lévy – lança um livro sobre como a sociedade deve ser mais aberta e acolher imigrantes e outras culturas sem preconceitos. A debater o livro na televisão, um oponente de direita desafia-o a fazer isso mesmo: acolher outras culturas na sua própria casa. Ele, a mulher (herdeira de uma fortuna e aspirante a artista) e o filho acolhem assim em casa uma família cigana. O que se segue é uma comédia cheia de confrontos entre as duas culturas, sem muita profundidade quer no tratamento do tema do racismo e da xenofobia, quer nas piadas em si – há até recurso a técnicas antiquadas como "blackface".
Brenda Nelson
Solange, in her sixties, her 3 daughters, and Zouzou, her 14 year-old granddaughter, spend a few days in the country. An opportunity for Solange to announce the news: she has a new man in her life. And the sexual side of the relationship, should they discuss it or ignore it?
La Crèche des hommes
Mohamed e seus amigos têm seus trinta a...
Comme s'il en pleuvait
O Acessório Final
The story of Aleksandra and Cyrille, a prominent, trendy, and very well-off Parisian couple, whose life is not quite the same after seven-year-old Alekseï from Russia suddenly pops up in their 100% cashmere, childless home. Aleksandra soon realises that this little boy they have adopted is not quite what she had been hoping for...
Se Fazendo de Morto
Um ex-ator arranja um emprego para interpretar as vítimas em uma encenação de homicídio, onde brilha com o oficial civil que investiga o crime na vida real.
Eu, Mamãe e os Meninos
Guillaume (Guillaume Gallienne) tem uma história de vida curiosa: quando era criança, sua mãe autoritária sempre pensou que ele fosse diferente dos irmãos, e decidiu criá-lo como uma garota. Anos depois, já adulto, ele relata a relação complicada que tinha com o pai, os maus-tratos dos colegas de escola e seus primeiros amores. Depois de várias confusões e histórias engraçadas, Guillaume decide fazer uma peça de teatro para contar como consegui finalmente fazer as pazes com a sua sexualidade.
Chez nous c'est trois !
Mme Marquez
This is the story of four French friends: the Greek (an osteopath), Fifi (who lives with his mother), Fortuné (a West Indian) and Freddy (a gambler). They meet up regularly at a Parisian bookmakers’, their favourite haunt. Tired of frittering away the little spare cash they have, they agree to give up gambling. But no sooner have they taken this pledge than Fate intervenes, in the guise of the turf king, Monsieur Paul. The latter persuades the four friends to buy a champion racehorse, not knowing that it is in fact an old nag…
On the Shore
Francine Willer
In this study of the lust for youth, Michel, a disillusioned cop nearing retirement, becomes obsessed with the body of a beautiful woman he meets on the beach. His search for an unattainable love drives him deeper into darkness.
My Father Is a Cleaning Lady
Suzanne, la mère
Polo is 16 and has all the worries of a teenager his age. Between a bedridden mother and a sister who dreams of being a Miss, the only one he can look up to is his father. Unfortunately, he works as a maid ...
Guardiões da Ordem
Durante uma noite de patrulha dois policiais noturnos ferem um trabalhador jovem que havia ferido sem motivo aparente um dos seus colegas. Injustamente acusados decidem provar sua inocência e investigar a droga responsável pela loucura do agressor.
Désobéir (Aristides de Sousa Mendes)
Angelina de Souza Mendes
Ma culotte
A modest and run-of-the mill early-middle aged couple, Sandra and Benoit, travel to a vacation house in southern France, to spend some holidays with friends. When they arrive, they find that all their companions live completely according to nature; that is all are nudists.
A modest and run-of-the mill early-middle aged couple, Sandra and Benoit, travel to a vacation house in southern France, to spend some holidays with friends. When they arrive, they find that all their companions live completely according to nature; that is all are nudists.
Witches decked out in vinyl outfits trafficking illegal organic substances, a rich gay heir bored to death, a possessive mother who just happens to also be a devilish smuggler, a marriage contract cluttered with surrealistic clauses... "Frogz" reexamines fairy tales and the myth of Prince Charming. Guillaume Tunzini's debut feature is a crazy comedy consisting of trashy and oddball humor set against a backdrop of psychedelic images and techno rhythms.
Night clinic hostess
Following the death of their best friend, four guys and the dead men's sister steal his body and burn it on a beach in Italy to fulfill his last wish.
Une journée de merde!
La nièce
This is an important day for Marc Chanois, an insurance advisor heading toward middle age: it's his fiancée Sabine's birthday, her parents arrive in Paris and Marc will meet them for dinner to announce the engagement (her father can't stand him), he's bought Sabine a Spitfire, and his most important client is to sign a policy. But, as the day wears on, he's vexed by an incompetent secretary, the unexpected return of a girlfriend he hasn't seen in five years, squatters who use his office at night, the jealous former lover of a flight attendant who lives in the building, and his boss's unexpected return from a Swiss clinic. Will he reach Sabine in one piece?
Tom est tout seul
After his fiancee leaves him, Tom finds himself alone and helpless. He has to wash his clothes himself and so goes to the laundromat. There, he meets a quaint tribe and opens up to a new world and incredible horizons.
Les braqueuses
In Montelimar, four young women whom life has not spared want to emerge from mediocrity. They decide to rob a bank, but everything is not so simple and the perfectly developed heist could turn into disaster.
La Crise
Victor is a legal advisor who finds himself abandoned by his wife and fired the same day. He tries to seek comfort from different friends and family members, but everyone he meets is concerned with their own problems. His morale begins to falter when he realizes that no one cares about him.
Um Coração no Inverno
Maxime e Stéphane são amigos e trabalham juntos na atmosfera acolhedora de uma oficina de violino. Maxime, marchand de violinos, é um homem ativo e realizado, sem escrúpulos. Stéphane, luthier, vive aposentado, no inverno do coração, cujas razões são difíceis de discernir. Maxime se apaixona por uma jovem violinista, Camille. Entre os três personagens, um relacionamento complexo é formado. A atitude contida de Stéphane exaspera e intriga Camille. Passivamente, quase apesar de si mesmo, Stéphane entra em um jogo conturbado de sedução, em um empreendimento de manipulação do qual ele se imagina ser o mestre construtor - mas do qual perde o controle quando Camille o coloca diante das evidências de sentimentos. vida, que ele pensou que poderia manter à distância. A morte do amado mestre de violino traz dolorosamente Stéphane de volta à vida. (e 12 - Estimado 12 Anos)
Make It Mine
Loïc, a chestnut seller, has a mistress who wants a baby. Not daring to admit to her that he had the mumps late in life, he finds other excuses. Until the day he meets Claire, an old girlfriend, who has a little boy. Loïc finds the resemblance between the little boy and himself enormous and is convinced that he is his father...
Noisy Neighbours
A grotesque, frenetic and musical short film from Jérome Lefdup, Dominik Barbier, and Larry Flash.
Pour de vrai
Pour de vrai