Foued Nassah

Foued Nassah


Foued Nassah


Guardiões da Ordem
Durante uma noite de patrulha dois policiais noturnos ferem um trabalhador jovem que havia ferido sem motivo aparente um dos seus colegas. Injustamente acusados decidem provar sua inocência e investigar a droga responsável pela loucura do agressor.
O Profeta
Mostra a dura trajetória de Malik, de dezenove anos, dentro do sistema carcerário. Ao chegar à prisão, ele é encurralado pelo líder da gangue dominante dos corsos e forçado a executar várias tarefas perigosas, inclusive tráfico de drogas e assassinatos brutais. Com o tempo, Malik ganha a confiança do líder da gangue e conquista posições privilegiadas dentro da prisão. Enquanto isso ele traça, secretamente, os seus próprios planos.
Cash Truck
Vigilante, a small armored truck company, is in full crisis mode. Victim of three violent hold-ups in a year, which left no survivors, the company is on the verge of bankruptcy and its employees are extremely worried. Some even suggest a complicity between the robbers and the firm. It is in this difficult context that a man, Alexandre Demarre, one morning presents himself to start his first day of work at Vigilante.
La squale
Désirée, a black girl, is nicknamed "The Shark" by her friends. This nickname comes from her strong rebellion and her ability to win in the suburban city, dominated by the power of boys.
After many years spent in prison, Pitou returns back to his native town of Marseille. He couldn't even imagine all the disappointments he would face there.
After many years spent in prison, Pitou returns back to his native town of Marseille. He couldn't even imagine all the disappointments he would face there.
Pleasure (And Its Little Inconveniences)
Seemingly unrelated events connect several people: a young wounded soldier, a nurse, a failed comedian, and a murderer.
Va mourire
The arrival of Madeleine, daughter of Maurice, will upset the upcoming off-season of Marcelin, Raoul and Yoyo, three southern half-thug, half-lazy, under-proletarian boys, who live off unemployment. In contact with this young woman the three friends will question their sad life and decide to leave. But one does not escape so easily from Baie des Anges...
Every Sunday, Mary, Alice and Joan, three long-time friends, find themselves at the pool to talk about their love affairs. Mary, who is a stockbroker, leads her love life with meetings. One night she is raped by Franck in a nightclub toilet. The young woman then discovers she is pregnant. Alice, a student dominated by an authoritarian father, she has difficult relationship with men. She meets a painter who wants to make her his model. Jeanne lives a dreary relationship with her husband and decides to work and earn a living through prostitution.
Executive Producer
A reluctant boxer is the focus of this unique French romance. Maurice dreams of becoming a violinist. But his father, a former boxing champion crippled by his bouts, has other dreams for his pudgy but strong 18 year old son. He wants Maurice to become the next Champ. Concerned about his son's lack of machismo, the father arranges a tryst between Maurice and Nora, an aging femme fatale. Unfortunately Nora's jealous husband suddenly interrupts their romantic interlude. Maurice accidently kills the husband in the ensuing scuffle. United by the tragedy, Nora and Maurice eventually fall in love. Maurice is then inspired to become a great fighter.
La valse des pigeons
Writers' Assistant
Foued is a little schemer from Barbes, who doesn't listen enough to his two accomplices of always, Philippe and Pierrot. He prefers to follow the idea of Manu, a young woman who wants to use her three "pigeons" by carrying out a heist intended to avenge her father. Demasked then adopted, it is four pigeons who will go up to Paris to carry out the business.
La valse des pigeons
Foued is a little schemer from Barbes, who doesn't listen enough to his two accomplices of always, Philippe and Pierrot. He prefers to follow the idea of Manu, a young woman who wants to use her three "pigeons" by carrying out a heist intended to avenge her father. Demasked then adopted, it is four pigeons who will go up to Paris to carry out the business.
Hôtel de France
Le compagnon de Manu
A French family is shown as they go through the daily routines of life. Arguing, feasting, crying, and yearning for love are just some of the human emotions encountered. The mood wavers between excessive noise to silence while those not participating in the conversations eavesdrop.