Mary McGuckian

Nascimento : 1965-05-27, Ireland, United Kingdom


A Girl From Mogadishu
The story of the life and times of Ifrah Ahmed, Somali-Irish campaigner against female genital mutilation and cutting.
A Girl From Mogadishu
The story of the life and times of Ifrah Ahmed, Somali-Irish campaigner against female genital mutilation and cutting.
Gray Matters
Gray Matters explores the long, fascinating life and complicated career of architect and designer Eileen Gray, whose uncompromising vision defined and defied the practice of modernism in decoration, design and architecture. Making a reputation with her traditional lacquer work in the first decade of the 20th century, she became a critically acclaimed and sought after designer and decorator in the next before reinventing herself as an architect, a field in which she laboured largely in obscurity. Apart from the accolades that greeted her first building –persistently and perversely credited to her mentor–her pioneering work was done quietly, privately and to her own specifications. But she lived long enough (98) to be re-discovered and acclaimed. Today, with her work commanding extraordinary prices and attention, her legacy, like its creator, remains elusive, contested and compelling.
Gray Matters
Gray Matters explores the long, fascinating life and complicated career of architect and designer Eileen Gray, whose uncompromising vision defined and defied the practice of modernism in decoration, design and architecture. Making a reputation with her traditional lacquer work in the first decade of the 20th century, she became a critically acclaimed and sought after designer and decorator in the next before reinventing herself as an architect, a field in which she laboured largely in obscurity. Apart from the accolades that greeted her first building –persistently and perversely credited to her mentor–her pioneering work was done quietly, privately and to her own specifications. But she lived long enough (98) to be re-discovered and acclaimed. Today, with her work commanding extraordinary prices and attention, her legacy, like its creator, remains elusive, contested and compelling.
The Price of Desire
Irish architect and furniture designer Eileen Gray (1878–1976) was a leading light in the modern design movement. This graceful portrayal of her later life and work in France focuses on the triangle of tension between Gray (Orla Brady), her lover Badovici (Francesco Scianna) and Le Corbusier (Vincent Perez). Alanis Morrissette also features as chanteuse Marisa Damia, Gray’s other lover, with Dominique Pinon (Delicatessen, Amélie) as artist Fernand Léger.
The Price of Desire
Irish architect and furniture designer Eileen Gray (1878–1976) was a leading light in the modern design movement. This graceful portrayal of her later life and work in France focuses on the triangle of tension between Gray (Orla Brady), her lover Badovici (Francesco Scianna) and Le Corbusier (Vincent Perez). Alanis Morrissette also features as chanteuse Marisa Damia, Gray’s other lover, with Dominique Pinon (Delicatessen, Amélie) as artist Fernand Léger.
Passagem para a Vida
A mysterious criminal rolls into a small town planning to knock off the local bank, assuming it will go off without a hitch. But when he encounters a retired poetry professor, his plans take an unlikely turn. With no place to stay, the professor generously welcomes him into his home. As the two men talk, a bond forms between these two polar opposites, and surprising moments of humor and compassion emerge. As they begin to understand each other more, they each examine the choices they've made in their lives, secretly longing to live the type of lifestyle the other man has lived, based on the desire to escape their own.
Nos Bastidores do Cinema / A Criação do Plus One
Situado durante o Festival de Cannes, The Making of Plus One dá um soco e zomba da obsessão por celebridades que alimentam a indústria cinematográfica moderna, cheia de modismos, tapetes vermelhos para festivais, comercialidade criativa incongruente e dispensabilidade artística ao longe da realidade glamourosa que é cinema independente.
Nos Bastidores do Cinema / A Criação do Plus One
Situado durante o Festival de Cannes, The Making of Plus One dá um soco e zomba da obsessão por celebridades que alimentam a indústria cinematográfica moderna, cheia de modismos, tapetes vermelhos para festivais, comercialidade criativa incongruente e dispensabilidade artística ao longe da realidade glamourosa que é cinema independente.
Nove mulheres incapazes de engravidar de forma natural procuram ajuda médica para resolver o problema. O tratamento de todas parece ter sido bem-sucedido, até que as mães descobrem que seus filhos são quase idênticos.
Nove mulheres incapazes de engravidar de forma natural procuram ajuda médica para resolver o problema. O tratamento de todas parece ter sido bem-sucedido, até que as mães descobrem que seus filhos são quase idênticos.
Fora de Controle
O que pode acontecer quando pessoas diferentes ficam sob o mesmo teto por vinte e oito dias tendo apenas uma coisa em comum: o vício? Mark, um ator e produtor pornô, é viciado em álcool, drogas, jogos e sexo: Joe é um comediante que tem problemas com bebidas: Sara é uma modelo que recorre à heroína para acalmar sua fome por comida: e Harry é um viciado em medicamentos. Sob tratamento do conselheiro Bill e sua esposa Kelly, seus amigos e familiares se juntam a eles para o programa de final de semana, um processo de terapia de grupo que resulta numa série de desastres físicos e emocionais.
Escândalos no Tabloide
Tendo como pano de fundo os escândalos da sociedade divulgados nos famigerados tabloides britânicos, o filme retrata esse universo sensacionalista através de uma representação satírica do dia a dia de uma redação.
A Ponte de San Luis Rey
Em 20 de julho de 1714, no Peru, a corda de sustentação de uma ponte se parte, causando a morte de 5 pessoas na queda. O frei Juniper (Gabriel Byrne) escreve um livro sobre o caso, narrando a vida de cada uma das pessoas que morreram de forma a provar que Deus as uniu por uma razão, e não por acaso. O livro gera polêmica, fazendo com que o frei seja acusado pela Igreja Católica de cometer heresia.
A Ponte de San Luis Rey
Em 20 de julho de 1714, no Peru, a corda de sustentação de uma ponte se parte, causando a morte de 5 pessoas na queda. O frei Juniper (Gabriel Byrne) escreve um livro sobre o caso, narrando a vida de cada uma das pessoas que morreram de forma a provar que Deus as uniu por uma razão, e não por acaso. O livro gera polêmica, fazendo com que o frei seja acusado pela Igreja Católica de cometer heresia.
A Ponte de San Luis Rey
Em 20 de julho de 1714, no Peru, a corda de sustentação de uma ponte se parte, causando a morte de 5 pessoas na queda. O frei Juniper (Gabriel Byrne) escreve um livro sobre o caso, narrando a vida de cada uma das pessoas que morreram de forma a provar que Deus as uniu por uma razão, e não por acaso. O livro gera polêmica, fazendo com que o frei seja acusado pela Igreja Católica de cometer heresia.
Inocentes Pecadores
The film is set in Northern Ireland shortly after 1994 cease-fire. Hazel is a Protestant and Malachy a Catholic. Romance between them is threatened by Rohan (leader in militant underground and pal of Malachy's brother Padhar), who wants Malachy to be recruited and fight for the cause and by Hazel's brother Jef, who spies on her meetings.
Inocentes Pecadores
The film is set in Northern Ireland shortly after 1994 cease-fire. Hazel is a Protestant and Malachy a Catholic. Romance between them is threatened by Rohan (leader in militant underground and pal of Malachy's brother Padhar), who wants Malachy to be recruited and fight for the cause and by Hazel's brother Jef, who spies on her meetings.
Inocentes Pecadores
The film is set in Northern Ireland shortly after 1994 cease-fire. Hazel is a Protestant and Malachy a Catholic. Romance between them is threatened by Rohan (leader in militant underground and pal of Malachy's brother Padhar), who wants Malachy to be recruited and fight for the cause and by Hazel's brother Jef, who spies on her meetings.
Inocentes Pecadores
The film is set in Northern Ireland shortly after 1994 cease-fire. Hazel is a Protestant and Malachy a Catholic. Romance between them is threatened by Rohan (leader in militant underground and pal of Malachy's brother Padhar), who wants Malachy to be recruited and fight for the cause and by Hazel's brother Jef, who spies on her meetings.
Words Upon the Window Pane
In 1928 Dublin, during séances concerning Jonathan Swift, the spirits of his former lovers, Stella and Vanessa, emerge to resume their ancient quarrel.