Simona Borioni

Simona Borioni


Simona Borioni


Din Don 5 - Bianco Natale
Din Don - Un paese in due
Aspettando la Bardot
Mare di grano
A boy searches for his parents and is joined by some new friends.
Il camionista
Una notte da paura
Una cella in due
Le ultime 56 ore
Manfredi Isabella - Moglie di Manfredi
La bella società
Il mistero del lago
Eleonora Petri
The film, based on the novel "The Turn of the Screw" by Henry James, tells of mysterious incidents in a villa located on an island in the middle of a lake. Teresa is sent to the villa to educate Milo and Flora, two orphaned children entrusted to Elia, rude man. But upon her arrival, a bereavement upsets throughout her stay: the suicide of the former educator of the children, Eleonora Petri, whose body is found a few days later on the banks of the lake. From then on, Teresa will have strange dreams every night and assist in mysterious apparitions. The various events will bring Teresa to protect the two children and try to discover the mysteries and secrets surrounding the villa and involving all its guests.
No way out - A broken love
After seven difficult years, Matteo Dell Torre withdraws his campaign from the crisis. But because of the work, he rarely sees with his wife, with children. When the case turned out to be imposed, the police accuse Matteo of murder and find 30 million of bad money on account of the company. Under the threat of business and marriage. Mateo will go to jail. In order to prove his innocence, he turns out to be incarcerated ...
Due imbroglioni e... mezzo!
Brigitte, Nino's mother
Gina and Lello are partners both in life and in crime until they find themselves babysitting a kid during a robbery.
Março de 1945. Asolo, Itália. Um carro aguarda do lado de fora. Livia (Anna Galiena), a sensual esposa de um oficial militar do alto escalão, entra sorrateiramente e o carro parte para Veneza, uma cidade devastada moralmente pela guerra. Lá, pretende encontrar seu jovem amante Helmut (Gabriel Garko), um tenente alemão atraentemente pervertido. Enquanto seus olhos percorrem a estrada, sua mente percorre excitantes lembranças de seus encontros secretos e sua violenta paixão. Quando chega a Veneza, porém, outra surpresa a aguarda...
Bits & Pieces
Dive into the Eternal City – see Rome like you’ve never seen it before. Storefront robberies, bizarre murders, career dreamers, and cameos from Italy's foremost directors and actors feature in this star-studded omnibus tale about life and love.
Craving Desire
In this erotic thriller (Vittoria Bellevedere) is cast as the stereotypical evil woman who charms innocent men with her physical attractions and then destroys them like a praying mantis munching on her unfortunate mate, head first, just after their sexual union. Unlike the female mantis, this woman slowly ruins the life of the man she has seduced instead of finishing him off immediately - providing fodder for the film, and scenes reminiscent of Fatal Attraction and Basic Instinct.