Gabriel Rhodes


Nesta íntima e épica história de amor filmada através de duas décadas, a indomável matriarca Fox Rich batalha para criar seus seis filhos e manter junta a família, à medida que ela luta pela liberação do marido da Penitenciária Estadual de Louisiana, conhecida como Angola.
Border South
Consulting Editor
Mexico and the United States crack down on the trails north, forcing immigrants into more dangerous territory. Told against the backdrop of the North American migrant trail, 'Border South' weaves together migrant stories of resilience and survival from different vantage points. The film exposes a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.
And We Go Green
Professional drivers on the international Formula E circuit — like Formula One, but with eco-friendly electric cars — race for victory across 10 cities.
Um olhar sobre como a comunidade de Newtown, em Connecticut, se reuniu após o maior tiroteio em massa de crianças em idade escolar na história americana.
The Witness
Há décadas, Bill Genovese luta para desvendar a verdade sobre a morte de sua irmã, Kitty, esfaqueada na frente de 38 testemunhas que não fizeram nada para intervir. Anos depois, após ter perdido duas pernas na Guerra do Vietnam, Bill decide quebrar o silêncio da sua família e volta a confrontar as testemunhas, o assassino e a si mesmo. Um dos seus objetivos é saber se toda a história por traz da morte da irmã não foi uma criação midiática.
Forty years before WikiLeaks and the NSA scandal, there was Media, Pennsylvania. In 1971, eight activists plotted an intricate break-in to the local FBI offices to leak stolen documents and expose the illegal surveillance of ordinary Americans in an era of anti-war activism. In this riveting heist story, the perpetrators reveal themselves for the first time, reflecting on their actions and raising broader questions surrounding security leaks in activism today.
The Tillman Story
Pat Tillman never thought of himself as a hero. His choice to leave a multimillion-dollar football contract and join the military wasn't done for any reason other than he felt it was the right thing to do. The fact that the military manipulated his tragic death in the line of duty into a propaganda tool is unfathomable and thoroughly explored in Amir Bar-Lev's riveting and enraging documentary.
Such A Crime
In Such A Crime, Skip is an undercover eco-agent whose raging libido threatens to blow her cover, until her boss assigns her to a case where her appetite for women actually proves an advantage.
August in the Empire State
During the 2004 Republican National Convention, three political players are followed: Cheri Honkala, liberal activist; Paul Rodriguez, Republican candidate for Congress; and Michelle Goldberg, an independent journalist.
August in the Empire State
During the 2004 Republican National Convention, three political players are followed: Cheri Honkala, liberal activist; Paul Rodriguez, Republican candidate for Congress; and Michelle Goldberg, an independent journalist.