Teresa Tomaszewska


The Hostage of Europe
Makeup Artist
On the island of Saint Helena, a prisoner Napoleon resisted allies who, through the voice of the English governor, Hudson Lowe, tried to humiliate him, break him, poison him in the figurative sense of the word, and perhaps literally.
Missão Sexual
Makeup Artist
Dois cientistas poloneses, Max (Jerzy Stuhr) e Albert (Olgierd Łukaszewicz), se submetem, em 1991, ao primeiro experimento de hibernação humana. Em vez de serem despertados após 3 anos, como planejado, eles acordam no ano de 2044, em um mundo pós-nuclear. Nessa nova realidade, os humanos refugiaram-se em instalações subterrâneas e, como resultado da sujeição a um tipo específico de radiação, todos os homens morreram. As mulheres se reproduzem através da partenogênese, vivendo em uma sociedade feminista totalitária, onde o Women League apparatchiks ensina que as mulheres sofreram na mão dos homens até que esses foram extirpados do mundo. O filme é uma sátira ao devaneio feminista e foi escolhido como melhor filme polonês dos últimos 30 anos em uma pesquisa de 2005 realizada pelas revistas Cinema, Esensja e Stopklatka. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
The Sun Rises Once a Day
Makeup Designer
After the war, the community of mountaineers is eager to start their own sawmill. When the communist authorities come to take over the sawmill, a rebellion starts.
Pogoń za Adamem
Makeup Artist
The Game
Makeup Artist
Professionally active, childless, married woman loses her father during a business trip. With an overwhelming sense of transience and the fear of death, she doubts her attachment to her husband. It turns out that in marriage, too, he only plays his part, with greater or lesser conviction.
Lovers from Marona
Makeup Artist
Ola, a local school teacher, meets Janek, a sanatorium patient, and his friend Ark.
Makeup Artist
It seems that nothing can ruin Henryk’s (Wienczyslaw Glinski) happy life. He’s a respected lawyer, he’s loved by his son and wife. One day, he receives a letter from the prosecutor’s office. He’s accused of collaborating with the Gestapo. It’s an echo of his past under occupation.
A Passageira
Makeup Artist
Uma mulher alemã está em um navio voltando para sua terra natal na Europa. Durante a viagem, vê uma mulher cujo rosto lhe traz lembranças de seu passado cheio de tragédias. Quando ela conta ao marido sobtre a mulher que salvou no passado, o filme mostra ao espectador os acontecimentos.
The Voice from Beyond
Makeup Artist
Krakow in the sixties. A doctor, though not having finished his studies, earns a living providing medical advice. A former nurse enters the stage, saying she hears voices from "the other world". At first, they can exploit gullible victims without problems, but soon the authorities start to show interest in these quacks.
Makeup Artist
Set at the end of the war. A hot-headed colonel tries to force his men on to heroics although the war is almost over. A war-weary lieutenant tries to muffle his efforts but he keeps on with his men and is killed fighting in the front lines, all his men decide to get his body.
Visit of a President
Makeup Artist
A little boy, craving for his father's attention, imagines a made-up "Mr. President" who looks just like his father but is caring and attentive.
Madre Joana dos Anjos
Makeup Artist
Um padre é enviado para um convento remoto para investigar um surto de possessão demoníaca. Madre Joana afirma que tem oito demônios dentro dela. À medida que luta contra as forças das trevas, o padre é confrontado com a escolha de sacrificar sua própria pureza e salvar o convento do mal.
Bad Luck
Makeup Artist
To convince the prison warden against releasing him, a middle-aged Polish man recounts his life, one he considers to have been characterized by exceptionally bad luck.
Night Train
Makeup Artist
Two strangers, Jerzy and Marta, accidentally end up holding tickets for the same sleeping chamber on an overnight train to the Baltic Sea coast. Also on board is Marta's spurned lover, who will not leave her alone. When the police enter the train in search of a murderer on the lam, rumors fly and everything seems to point toward one of the main characters as the culprit.
Makeup Artist
A man has been found dead after having been hurled from a train. As security agents, police and a medical examiner piece together his identity, three accounts emerge: one set during World War II, one in the immediate aftermath of the war, and one in contemporary Poland.
Atlantic Story
Makeup Artist
The fate of a German found by the French peasants - a deserter from the Legion of Foreign Affairs fighting in Vietnam.
Three Stories
Makeup Artist