Merwin Goldsmith

Merwin Goldsmith

Nascimento : 1937-08-07, Detroit, Michigan, USA

Morte : 1937-08-07


Merwin Goldsmith


Active Adults
Malcolm and Lily try to start their lives as they watch Malcolm's grandparents' fall apart.
Martha, a widow living in rural Pennsylvania, comes home to find her daughter about to blow her own head off with a shotgun in the basement of their house. Martha doesn't succeed in stopping her child's horrific demise, but the girl's death gradually leads the grieving mother to investigate a conspiracy that involves a legendary local witch, Nazi dabbling with the occult, and secret government experiments, with the story even referencing the fabled Philadelphia Experiment
Muito Perto do Paraíso
People and life can be cruel, and in their face, Fannette is cool: toward an old acquaintance, to her daughter, to colleagues. Beneath the surface, she roils with passion for a lost love, Philippe. She watches "An Affair to Remember" again and again, and when she receives a letter from Philippe asking her to meet him atop the Empire State Building, she swoons. She's writing a book on an aged painter, so she organizes a trip to New York ostensibly to secure photographs of some of his pieces. The publisher assigns her a photographer, Matt, on the surface spontaneous and flip, but also aggressive about his attraction to her. Will she be with the one she loves? Will she smile? Written by
Um Agente como a Gente
Mr. Brisk
Set in the 1960's, a school teacher pretends to be a CIA spy to get his nagging wife off his back. He helps a Russian ballet dancer defect and is then sent to Cuba to locate "Agent X" for the CIA.
Joe Gould's Secret
Monsieur Gerard
Around 1940, New Yorker staff writer Joe Mitchell meets Joe Gould, a Greenwich Village character who cadges meals, drinks, and contributions to the Joe Gould Fund and who is writing a voluminous Oral History of the World, a record of 20,000 conversations he's overheard. Mitchell is fascinated with this Harvard grad and writes a 1942 piece about him, "Professor Seagull," bringing Gould some celebrity and an invitation to join the Greenwich Village Ravens, a poetry club he's often crashed. Gould's touchy, querulous personality and his frequent dropping in on Mitchell for hours of chat lead to a breakup, but the two Joes stay in touch until Gould's death and Mitchell's unveiling of the secret.
Hurricane: O Furacão
Judge Larner
Em junho de 1966, Rubin "Hurricane" Carter era um forte candidato ao título mundial de boxe. Entretanto, os sonhos de Carter vão por água abaixo quando três pessoas são assassinadas num bar em Nova Jersey. Indo para casa em seu carro e passando perto do local do crime, Carter é erroneamente preso como um dos assassinos e condenado à prisão perpétua. Anos mais tarde, Carter publica um memorial, chamado "The 16th round", em que conta todo o caso. O livro inspira um adolescente do Brooklyn e três ativistas canadenses a juntarem forças com Carter para lutar por sua inocência.
Cartas na Mesa
Mike (Matt Damon) um talentoso jogador de cartas que perdeu o dinheiro que pagaria seus estudos no jogo. Decide afastar-se das mesas de jogo e arranjar um emprego de verdade. Mas um amigo (Edward Norton) sai da prisão, necessitando de dinheiro, e ele volta jogatina, tentando uma cartada final contra o oponente que levou seu dinheiro.
Quiz Show: A Verdade dos Bastidores
Writer at Book Party
Programa de perguntas e respostas na TV, nos anos 1950, é investigado e se descobre que, visando a audiência, produtores passam a dar as respostas a um jovem de família rica, que passa a ganhar de um rapaz judeu muito mais inteligente.
Atraídos Pelo Destino
Bankruptcy Judge
Em Nova York vive Charlie Lang, um policial que divide US$ 4 milhões com Yvonne Biasi, uma garçonete, pois tinha prometido como "gorjeta" caso ganhasse na loteria. Entretanto Muriel Lang, sua mulher, não concorda com a doação e leva o caso aos tribunais.
The Twelve Days of Christmas
Narrated by a partridge, this charming animated tale explains the lengthy and confusing Christmas carol of the same name. The bold and brave Sir Carolboomer loves the melancholy Princess Silverbell. In order to win her heart he steals what he thinks is her Christmas list but what turns out to be the answers to the King's crossword puzzle. He mistakingly enlists his servant Hollyberry to find every item on her bizarre list, including a partridge in a pear tree, eight maids a milking, four calling get the basic idea. After twelve days of this gift giving, the Princess falls in love not with Carolboomer, but with the one who actually did the work, the noble Hollyberry.
Um Conquistador em Apuros
Showroom Buyer
Joey O´Brien (Robin Williams, de Tempo de Despertar) é um Conquistador em Apuros. Ao mesmo tempo uma lenda, um amante e o melhor vendedor da Targeon Auto, ele tenta até mesmo vender um carro a uma viúva durante o funeral de seu marido. Mas Joey tem vários problemas. Sua ex-mulher quer o seu sangue, suas namoradas querem o seu corpo, sua filha desapareceu e ele deve a um cara muito mau, Tony, vinte mil dólares. Mas pelo menos sua mãe o ama. Com seu cargo em perigo e sua vida uma bagunça, tudo o que Joey menos precisa é um maníaco maluco e armado (Tim Robbins) entrando pela loja, transformando os fregueses em reféns. Simplesmente este não será o seu dia.
O Homem Certo (Construindo um Cara Certinho)
Moe Glickstein
A reclusive scientist builds a robot that looks exactly like him to go on a long term space mission. Since the scientist seems to lack all human emotion he is unable to program them into his android and an eccentric woman is hired to "educate" the robot on human behavior. In the end she falls in love... but is the robot or the Dr. Mr Right?
High-priced call girl Lee Churchill, is examining her life via therapy "sessions". Her double life is unknown to her parents, sister and "straight" man with whom she falls in love.
O Amor Tem Seu Preço
Sigmund Freud's ghost advises a married New York psychiatrist in love with a patient.
How to Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days
A kid strives to be perfect, and in the end realizes that individuality is more fun.
Amor na Medida Certa
Comédia sobre uma confecção que lança uma nova linha de jeans com plásticos transparentes no bumbum.
In this drama, David Rosen and his wife Becky have lived in the same Coney Island neighborhood for nearly all their married life. But the area is not what it used to be, and a gang leader named Strut has decided to make Coney Island his new turf. Strut begins shaking down the merchants in the area, demanding payment for "protection" and using violence to deal with anyone who gets in his way. David refuses to give Strut protection money for the restaurant he owns, and as a result his diner is soon firebombed, while many of his neighbors are attacked and his synagogue is desecrated.
The Connection
Summons Server
An out-of-work newspaperman in need of money becomes the go-between for a jewel thief and an insurance company that wants to settle.
Hércules em Nova York
Hércules, o filho de Zeus, é enviado do Monte Olimpo para a Manhattan moderna, onde começa a lutar luta livre profissional antes de se envolver com mafiosos.
The Bellboy and the Playgirls
The bellboy aspires to be a private eye and is reading a book to learn the trade. The 'suspicious' activities of women in the hotel give him a chance to practice his skills. Surprise! They are representatives of a lingerie manufacturer. To investigate further, he poses as a potential buyer, and the women take turns modeling their wares.