




The Oedipus Project
The Oedipus Project is an innovative new digital initiative by Theater of War Productions that will present acclaimed actors performing scenes from Sophocles’ Oedipus the King as a catalyst for powerful, healing online conversations about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic upon diverse communities throughout the world. Sophocles’ ancient play, written and performed in 429 BC during the time of a plague that killed one-third of the Athenian population, is a timeless story of arrogant leadership, ignored prophecy, and a pestilence that ravages the city of Thebes. At the time the play was first performed, the audience would have been reeling in the wake of a pestilence and its economic, political, and social aftermath. Seen through this lens Oedipus the King appears to have been a powerful public health tool for helping Athenians communalize the trauma of the plague, through a story that is as relevant now as it was in its own time.
Antígona - A Resistência está no Sangue
Assim como a personagem da grande tragédia grega, para honrar um de seus irmãos e ajudar o outro a escapar da prisão, Antígona confronta as autoridades do Estado. Aluna e cidadã modelo, ela se vê cercada por uma lei falha. Rejeitando a lei dos homens por seu próprio senso de justiça, ela enfrentará dificuldades inimagináveis.
National Theatre Live: Antigone
In the unstable aftermath of a civil war, Creon, the new King of Thebes, asserts his authority by forbidding anyone from honouring the death of the traitor Polyneices. But Antigone, Polyneices' sister, will not obey. When Creon's authority is challenged, a gripping conflict emerges between the power of an individual and the state. Polly Findlay's electric 2012 production brings Sophocles' tragedy into the modern world as a gripping political thriller.
Oedipus Mayor
Original Story
Edipo, is appointed mayor of a town plunged in misery and violence. His first mission is to discover and punish the murderers of Layo, a well-known potentate of the region. His investigation is directed towards all the armed factions that exist in Colombia.
Original Story
The Otto Schenk production of Richard Strauss's "Elektra", filmed live at the Metropolitan Opera in January, 1994. Hildegard Behrens stars as Elektra, with Deborah Voigt as Chrysothemis, Brigitte Fassbaender as Klytämnestra, Donald McIntyre as Orest, and James King as Aegisth. James Levine conducts.
Original Story
Uma Antígona destemida, recusando-se a permitir que o corpo de seu irmão assassinado Polinices seja devorado por abutres e cães, desafia o tirano Creonte ao enterrá-lo. Como punição, Creonte ordena que a filha rebelde de Édipo seja sepultada viva, para que não semeie a insurreição entre o povo.
Elettra is adapted from the tragedy of Sophocles and played by non-professional actors of Casalborgone.
Theban Plays: Antigone
In a final battle for the control of Thebes, Oedipus's two sons kill each other. Creon issues an order that no one is to bury Polynices upon pain of death. But Antigone is determined that her brother's body will have the proper rites of burial.
Theban Plays: Oedipus at Colonus
Oedipus's wanderings come to an end when he finds his final resting place, as foretold by the gods. But his brother-in-law and his son each try to take him away.
Theban Plays: Oedipus the King
Plagues are ravaging Thebes, and the blind fortune-teller Tieresias tells Oedipus, the King, that the gods are unhappy. The murder of the former king has gone unavenged, and Oedipus sets out to find the killer.
Mise-en-scène of the classic tragedy of Sofocles, carried out by Antoine Vitez in the National Theatre of Chaillot
Elettra, l'attesa
Shot by Tonino De Bernardi in 1986 before his 'Elettra' made for RAI.
Οιδίπους τύρρανος
Oedipus Rex
Adaptation of the greek tragedy.
The Year of the Cannibals
On the streets of a damp metropolis lie the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. No one can give them a resting place because of a law enacted by a repressive State. But the young Antigone, with the help of a foreigner, Tiresias, violates this rule in the name of pietas, undermining the established order.
The Year of the Cannibals
Theatre Play
On the streets of a damp metropolis lie the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of boys and girls. No one can give them a resting place because of a law enacted by a repressive State. But the young Antigone, with the help of a foreigner, Tiresias, violates this rule in the name of pietas, undermining the established order.
Édipo Rei
Theatre Play
Édipo Rei começa em 1920 na Itália, relatando um nascimento, fruto de um caso entre uma burguesa e um oficial militar. O filme se desenvolve retratando o mito de Édipo sobre parricídio e incesto. O epílogo mostra Édipo tocando sua flauta na agitação urbana da Bolonha dos anos 60.
Hércules e a Rainha da Lídia
Theatre Play
En route to Thebes for an important diplomatic mission, Hercules drinks from a magic spring and loses his memory. He spends most of the movie in the pleasure gardens of Queen Omphale of Lydia. While young Ulysses tries to help him regain his memory, political tensions escalate in Thebes, and Hercules' new wife Iole finds herself in mortal danger.
Theatre Play
Oedipus Rex
Original Story
The story of Oedipus' gradual discovery of his primal crime, killing his father and marrying his mother, filmed by the famed British theatrical director Sir Tyrone Guthrie. This elegant version of Sophocles' play adds a brilliant stroke: the actors wear masks just as the Greeks did in the playwright's day.
Oidipus vladař
Theatre Play