Takeshi Shimizu

Nascimento : 1960-09-24,


Primeiro Amor, o Último Yakuza
Production Design
Um jovem boxeador e uma garota de programa são apanhados em um esquema de tráfico de drogas ao longo de uma noite em Tóquio.
Fullmetal Alchemist
Production Design
Adaptado do famoso mangá e anime, a trama conta a historia de dois irmãos que, depois de perderem sua mãe, Alphonse e Edward Elric tentam trazê-la de volta usando uma técnica proibida de alquimia, mas, para isso, eles precisam dar algo em troca. Como consequência, Ed perde sua perna e Al perde seu corpo. Para impedir que a alma de Al vague incorpórea, Ed sacrifica um braço para prendê-la dentro de uma grande armadura. Visando recuperar seus corpos, os dois irmãos iniciam a busca da lendária Pedra Filosofal.
Ataque dos Titãs 2 : O Fim do Mundo
Art Direction
Sequencia do filme Ataque dos Titãs. Eren (Haruma Miura) parte para restaurar o muro destruído pelo Titã e acaba sendo encurralados pelos monstros. Shikishima (Hiroki Hasegawa) vai ajudá-lo. Mas os Titãs não param de atacar. Eren fica machucado e tenta proteger Armin (Kanata Hongo) da ameaça.
Ataque dos Titãs
Production Design
Japão, dias atuais. A chegada repentina dos Titãs - misteriosas criaturas humanoides gigantes que devoram seres humanos um após o outro - leva a humanidade à beira da extinção. Cem anos depois, o que resta da população humana vive agora em relativa paz por trás de enormes muralhas erguidas para defendê-los dos Titãs. Contudo, novamente, esta paz é destruída quando um Titã Colossal, medindo mais de 50 metros de altura, atravessa uma das muralhas, permitindo que uma horda de outros Titãs entre. Eren Yeager resignou-se a uma vida confinado dentro dessas muralhas. “Nada que eu fizer vai fazer diferença”, ele pensava. Mas quando ele se junta à Equipe de Restauração da Muralha Externa, convocada para lutar contra os Titãs, ele se reúne com Mikasa, uma amiga de infância e alguém que há muito tempo ele se arrepende de não ter podido salvar.
Production Design
Koichi and Atsumi are lovers who have known each other all their lives. A year ago, however, a suicide attempt by Atsumi left her in a coma. Through 'sensing', a type of neurosurgical procedure allowing contact with the intentional aspect of a comatose patient's mind, Koishi tries to find out why Atsumi tried to kill herself, and to bring her back to consciousness. He enters her subconscious, and is told to find a picture of a plesiosaur she drew when she was a child. It turns out that a childhood incident buried in their past will bring their minds together.
Tug of War!
Production Design
The mayor of Oita wants to improve the image of his city, so he instructs Chiaki - a young woman working for the city's PR department - to form a female tug of war team. Nobuo MIZUTA mixes comedy, drama and a pinch of social criticism to tell a tale of eight women, their everyday struggles and their support for each other.
As Aventuras do Super Macaco
Art Direction
Journey to the West comes to the big screen like never before in the 2007 film Saiyuuki! Also known as Monkey Magic and Adventures of the Super Monkey, this is the latest in a long line of adaptations of the Wu Cheng'en tome.
My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?
Production Design
A.D. 2015: A virus has been spreading in many cities worldwide. It is a suicidal disease and the virus is infected by pictures. People, once infected, come down with the disease, which leads to death. They have no way of fighting against this infection filled with fear and despair. The media calls the disease the "Lemming Syndrome".
Art Direction
Guitarist Ko-chanis a mess of sexual repression after a childhood at the mercy of two elder sisters eager to use him as a guinea pig for their make-up skills. Bassist Gaku-chan keeps a bucket in the wings for whenever his nerves get the better of him, and drummer Momo-chan is doomed to forever carrying the botched childhood attempts at self-tattooing. It's not until this foursome is forced to look for an additional guitar player after Jin's dad burns his Stratocaster, that attitude and musical ability enter into the equation. Leather-clad, shade-wearing Tani (Tamaki), inseparable from his black Les Paul, is introduced as the king of R'n'R cool and Jinnai keeps him firmly seated on his throne throughout the film, retroactively proclaiming the guitarist, rather than himself, as the band's true hero.
A Forest with No Name
Production Design
Private detective Mike takes on an assignment to return a girl, who is set to marry into a prestigious family, from a mysterious commune in the forest.
There's Always Tomorrow - The Movie
Production Design
Office drama wherein a mediocre salaryman struggling hard to face a dream.
Production Design
In a Japanese school, 5 adolescent geeks join the new sport teacher and take up the challenge to take part in the synchronised swimming competition, in-spite of the mockeries of the real sportsmen.
Production Design
Numa manhã quente de verão, um ônibus é sequestrado. Apenas três pessoas sobrevivem à carnificina: o motorista Makoto, a estudante Kozue e seu irmão Naoki. Dois anos depois, enquanto lutam para retomar a vida, Makoto compra um ônibus velho e convida Kozue, Naoki e o primo deles para uma viagem.
Video Girl Ai
Production Design
Yota is a total loser with girls, one day after the love of his life, Moremi, confesses her love to his best friend, he comes across a video store. He finds a video and plays it on his broken VCR, bringing Ai Amano to life. She tries to help him win Moemi's heart, but falls in love with him instead.